The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0498: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

The once lively and prosperous town of Beta has now become a bloody Shura slaughterhouse. m. The most traffic-saving and ad-free site for mobile phones.

The rapidly turning goblin airship flew at a height of 50 meters and slowly flew over the small town of Beta. The tragic scene below was shocking to the goblins who could not bear to look directly at it.

The town is not big, with only seven or eight criss-crossing streets, but there are many shops and small shops along the road, most of which are weapon shops, blacksmith shops and alchemy shops. Normally, this is the prime time when pedestrians are crowded and major shops are shouting.

But now...

The streets were strewn with mutilated goblins and slaves. The doors of the shops along the street were open, and they were in a mess inside. You could see large areas of dark red blood stains and gnawed corpses that were beyond recognition everywhere...

The ones that were set on fire were the blacksmith shop and the alchemy shop.

The ferocious flames spurted out from the shop, licking all the combustible materials crazily. Although most goblin buildings are equipped with metal paneling to enhance their defense, many of them also use all-metal components in their core parts.

It's a pity that all this was reduced to ashes in the face of the sea of ​​​​fire that devours everything!

"Master Beirut is still in the alchemy shop..." Obem's painful wailing came from the goblin airship.

Beirut is the only senior goblin engineer in Beta Town. If the logging robot has any mechanical failure, only he can repair it. So when he saw that the alchemy shop was also caught in the fierce sea of ​​​​fire, Obeim felt extremely painful at this moment.

Seeing the ferocious fires raging everywhere below him, the goblin airship could only adjust its direction from time to time, flexibly moving through the towering pillars of fire and the choking black smoke.

The attack on the small town of Beta lasted only half an hour, but the trauma it caused was fatal.

That damn enemy seemed to be extremely familiar with this town. After storming in from the entrance of the town, he fought straight along the street to the alchemy shop. Then, after frantically slaughtering the alchemy shop and the blacksmith shop, he followed the other nearest road to escape from the town and fled to the northwest.

To the northwest of the town is another lush tropical rain forest.

The reason why the goblins are so clear about the enemy's actions is because they can see a clear blood path on the panoramic view of the town from high above the goblin airship. Although the surrounding streets and shops have also been invaded by the enemy to varying degrees, the degree of damage and cleaning intensity can still be clearly seen where the main battlefield is and where only 'innocent' people have been affected.

When they saw the goblin airship hovering over the town, the goblins who were frightened by the massacre and were hiding in all directions came out again, crying and waving their arms toward the sky.

Just when everyone thought the danger had passed, the burning blacksmith shop suddenly experienced an earth-shattering explosion. The mushroom-shaped building above the ground instantly collapsed into pieces. Countless wood fragments and broken and twisted metal plates rained down. Hit in all directions.

In the sky, there suddenly started another terrifying rain of fire.

This...this is a large amount stored in the blacksmith's cellar that was set alight!

After the horrific explosion, a huge pit collapsed in the center of Beta Town. The bottom of the pit was scorched black and turned into a huge sea of ​​​​fire. On the edge of the pit, as scattered debris continued to roll down, some goblins and slaves could be vaguely seen clinging to the pit wall, screaming for help.

Legion Commander Bazik's face turned livid, he gritted his teeth and looked at the tragic situation beneath him, clenching his two fists tightly.

"Obeim, you go down immediately to assist the mayor here in carrying out rescue operations. I want to lead people to track down that damn intruder... Hurry, execute the order!"


Obeim performed a military salute, took the parachute bag from the guard officer beside him, came to the edge of the goblin airship, gritted his teeth and took a heartbeat.

In order to track the enemy as quickly as possible, the goblin airship had no time to lower it to a safe height and drop him off. Therefore, even though he knew that the safety of the goblin parachute bag was not high, Obeim could only obey the orders of the Legion Commander.

When a cluster of small mushrooms bloomed in the sky, the goblin airship turned around nimbly and flew rapidly toward the northwest of the town.

"Cheer up..." Legion Commander Bazik pulled open the suffocating discipline buckle, waved the bronze gun in his hand and roared loudly: "All observers, please get in place, be sure to Find that damn guy... All artillerymen, prepare everything. After discovering the enemy, I want you to use 100% of your fury to drown the enemy..."

Amidst its roar, goblins with monoculars hanging around their necks ran to both sides of the ship, filling every observation position, and then raised their lookouts to scan every suspicious place under them. Place.

Within the cabin, countless goblins were running and shouting. One by one, the magic cannon made of solid bronze was pushed to the firing position, pushing open the metal paneling on the hull, revealing the black muzzle.

However, unlike Earth, there are no mountains of metal projectiles and huge barrels in the cabin. Instead, they are replaced by boxes of magic batteries. These magic cannons have been perfectly technologically modified by the Goblin Empire Engineering and Technology Institute, and can convert the strange energy in the magic battery into an unstable energy fireball.

Once such an energy fireball is launched, a slight collision will trigger a terrifying energy explosion.

An expensive magic battery can only be used to fire 5 energy fireballs before it must be replaced, so the artillerymen trained by the Goblin Empire are actually about how to quickly replace energy batteries in battle.

It is obviously a huge waste to replace a magic battery if it is not exhausted. And if the magic battery is replaced before the magic artillery is completely cooled, it is also easy to cause self-explosion. Therefore, the goblin artilleryman is also a profession that tests skills and luck!

The goblin airship flew rapidly at a low altitude of 30 meters near the ground, and pairs of eyes widened countless times scanned the ground nervously, not letting go of any movement.

Finally, at the edge of a forest 2 miles away from the town of Beta, the goblins found traces of alien insects crawling on the soil.

Judging from the number of traces, the number of alien insects is obviously no less than ten!

Seeing the traces disappear in the vast jungle, the commander of the Bazk Legion immediately became furious.

"Hurry up and notify Naru, and ask him to bring the Marine Corps to me immediately... I want him to raze this place to the ground immediately..."

Naru is the deputy commander of the 7th Marine Corps.

When Bazk rushed back with the goblin airship, he deliberately left the deputy commander in the Corps to take charge of the command. So, under Bazk's strict order, the 7th Marine Corps, which was rushing to Beta Town, immediately turned around and advanced at high speed towards the position of the Corps Commander.

With goblin tanks and chocobos as a means of transportation, the goblins can also move forward at a speed of 50 miles per hour. However, the slightly clumsy magic mechas and logging robots obviously cannot keep up with the speed of the large army, so the entire team dragged and spread for three or four miles, like a long snake that was out of joint.

Bilith, the insect wizard who had been hiding nearby and watching, couldn't help but lick his lips regretfully.

His current insect army has not yet taken shape, and it is still effective in small-scale local battles, but it seems to be a drop in the bucket when it comes to dealing with large-scale wars at the legion level.

The raid on the goblin town just now, which was a feint to the east and attack to the west, allowed him to capture two or three high-ranking figures from the goblins, and also harvested a huge number of magic batteries and other unknown materials. He transferred all the goblin captives to a secret cave, and stored the captured spoils in a storage ring.

So he could still maintain extremely high mobility and flexibility.

As for the "traces" left on the edge of the woods, they were just a disguise. Bilis separated three stinging scorpions and led the enemy's leaders to another place, while he turned around with the remaining twelve stinging scorpions and headed back to the logging camp.

He would not do anything to confront the enemy head-on. Before the follow-up support arrived, the task given to him by the master was to survive and then try his best to expand the insect army.

In the wizard world, insect wizards like him were bound by the wizard code everywhere, and they could never wantonly capture intelligent creatures to expand their legions. Here, the entire plane is a delicious cheese that has not been deeply developed. No matter how much he messes around here, no hateful wizard law enforcers will come to interfere.

So, he likes it here!

Although there are unknown risks and crises here, Bilis feels an indescribable comfort and ease from the bottom of his heart. He likes it here, or he belongs here...

A whole plane of delicious blood food is waiting for him to pick and eat. Is there anything better and more comfortable in this world?

So an hour later, the commander of the Bazk Corps, who was frantically doing demolition and sweeping work, received another warning from afar that the logging camp was attacked!

When it hurriedly took the 7th Marines back to the logging camp, it only saw devastation and large pools of blood. What's more terrifying is that all the remaining goblin guards and troll slaves have disappeared, and the entire huge camp can't even find a mutilated corpse.

The magic batteries stored in the camp warehouse disappeared, which was the worst news for the 7th Marine Corps!

All the magic machines equipped by the Marine Corps must rely on magic batteries to operate normally, but now the stored magic batteries have been swept away by the enemy, so what will the Marine Corps rely on to maintain the next battle?

When the commander of the army, Bazk, realized this problem for the first time, he immediately calmed down. After careful consideration, he did not send people to defend this camp without any defense. Instead, he led all the goblin warriors to the town of Beta, and then built a new defense system with it as the center.

After doing all this, the commander of the army, Bazk, finally put down the so-called face, and began to send people to the Imperial Military Department to explain the situation here, and sent an urgent letter of help to several surrounding army commanders.

So, outside the perception of the insect witch Bilis, a larger-scale war storm was quietly forming...chapter;

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