The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0500 Shooting oneself in the foot

Bilis's hiding place is located underground. m. The most mobile site with the lowest traffic and no ads.

This is a series of caves hidden ten meters underground. There are prisons for prisoners and warehouses for storing spoils, but more of them are temporary insect breeding rooms.

Because the ventilation holes are too hidden, the air circulation in the cave is not very good. In addition, a large amount of fresh blood is needed to cultivate war insects, so as soon as he came in, Grimm felt the filth and stench of the air in the cave.

Bilis is a worm wizard, and he has also transformed himself into an undead worm body, so things like air, water, and food are not as indispensable as when he was a human. Therefore, Bilis is almost insensitive to the bad living environment.

However, he doesn't care, but the goblin prisoners imprisoned in the prison cannot be insensitive.

In such an environment with insufficient food and clothing and humid and stuffy air, all goblins with weaker constitutions will die in the shortest time, and the remaining ones are extremely strong individuals. Unfortunately, the large-scale death of goblin prisoners of war still did not cause Bilis any worry.

The dead goblins would be thrown into the insect nest to become food for the larvae to evolve, without wasting any. If the blood food reserves were too low, then go to the goblin settlements to plunder some more, anyway, there was plenty of it. So he never had to worry about the reduction of blood food, and he would not consider improving the living environment of the captives to make them live longer.

Of course, prisoners of different levels also enjoyed different levels of treatment. Those guys who were also famous among the goblins were picked out by him and imprisoned alone in the "Yahao". In order to avoid their premature death, Bilis even selected a few female goblins to serve them.

These included a senior goblin engineer, two repairmen and two junior officers of the Seventh Marines that he had captured in the town of Beta.

Under Bilis's torture, these goblins also revealed some information one after another. But they knew very little, and the information they provided was even more fragmented, making it difficult for people to see through the real secrets of the goblin empire.

So Bilis had not dealt with them, waiting for the master to arrive before deciding their fate.

Grimm expressed great appreciation for Bilis's rigor, and interrogated these goblins one by one the first moment he arrived at the secret cave.

It can be seen that during the days of being imprisoned in the secret cave, these goblins suffered the biggest and most terrifying shock in their lives. Every day, they can see and hear slaves of various races being taken away from the prison and then thrown into the terrifying insect nests filled with death hills.

The shrill wails of slaves before death and the sounds of larvae gnawing on flesh and bones almost never stopped, lingering in their ears every moment. Although they can't see the scene of the larvae eating, what they hear and smell can arouse their minds even more.

Every day, he watched his companions being dragged away and never returned, listened to the terrifying noises, and sniffed the foul air with a strong smell of blood and sour corpse fluid... No goblin could endure such an environment.

Many goblins did not die of starvation or suffocation, but were frightened to death by this terrifying atmosphere!

So when Grimm interrogated these goblin nobles, he found that they spoke incoherently and looked crazy. Even though Grimm mastered the common language of the goblins in this plane through witchcraft, he almost couldn't understand what they were saying.

However, Grimm was different from Bilis. He didn't care about the so-called high-level secrets at all. He didn't ask about the origin of the magic battery, nor did he ask about the internal secrets of the magic mecha. Instead, he repeatedly questioned some goblins about their daily lives and the ruling structure of the Goblin Empire, as well as the basic way the country and the army operated.

Although these things are trivial and too fragmented, they are of great benefit to Grimm in piecing together the operating system of the entire goblin plane. Don't worry about the information being too trivial and messy, because under the guidance of the chip, every question Grimm asked is the core node of the construction of the goblin plane operating system.

And these are usually well-known universal common sense and humanistic ideology, and almost no goblin has ever regarded them as a high-level secret related to the survival of the goblin plane.

So when the information is transformed into data information and flows into his brain, the strange goblin empire that was originally shrouded in clouds and mist slowly shows its basic outline.

But unfortunately, there are still fewer goblins here, so most of the outlines of this goblin empire are still shrouded in fog, and only through the vague information of a few claws can we slowly deduce the possible situation of its core information.

The so-called magic energy battery Grimm also identified that it is indeed a completely different energy utilization system from the wizard world. However, in it, Grimm still found a trace of familiar things, elementary rune literature!

In the Knight plane, the natives there were able to invent a rune that combined the energy of magic crystals with their own life energy to create a unique demon hunter knight advancement system. Of course, the dragon clan also contributed to this.

In this goblin plane, the weak goblins actually relied on the accumulation of knowledge and technology to invent a relatively primitive goblin musket. This enabled them to initially get rid of their identity as a weak race and become one of the top ten intelligent races in this plane.

And what made the goblins stand out completely and surpass other races to become the dominant race in the plane was the birth of magic machinery!

Early magic machines were simple and crude semi-metal puppets, driven by magic stones, which were rare in the plane. The energy inside was released by burning magic stones, driving steam devices, which drove mechanical gears, so that these big guys could move.

This method certainly had many problems, so the early magic machines were slow and stupid, and the technology was so simple and crude that it was hard to look at. However, with such primitive magic machines, supplemented by an astonishing number of muskets, the goblins established their status as the sons of the plane.

Although the goblin plane is low in magic, there may still be some natural magic stones in some local environments. So the goblins used their powerful magic machine army to defeat one powerful tribe after another, and then forced them to enslave them to mine for themselves, dig metal ores, and dig those rare magic stones.

As for the emergence of magic batteries, it has been nearly a hundred years. Some engineers of the Goblin Empire seem to have received guidance from some mysterious people outside the world, and actually applied some of the mystical knowledge they obtained to magic machines.

Therefore, the Goblin Empire built a huge space furnace near the capital, which can continuously draw magic energy from the plane void and encapsulate it into some special crystal prisms. And this is the origin of these magic batteries in Grimm's hands.

Although the energy of these magic batteries is too rough and wild, and much more dangerous than magic stones, there is no limit on the number. Therefore, with the help of magic batteries, the Goblin Empire got rid of its dependence on magic stones, so that the goblins have an inexhaustible source of energy.

And with the emergence of magic batteries, the Goblin Empire has begun to appear more and more new weapons and equipment related to it, and the overall strength is rising wildly at an unprecedented speed. However, the Seventh Marine Corps that Grimm has contacted is still a local garrison, so it has not received the latest magic weapons.

To be honest, the more he heard from these goblins, the more ominous his premonition was.

Especially when the senior goblin engineer named Beirut drew the engineering sketch of the magic mecha on paper, Grimm's ominous premonition reached its peak. In the process of storing, absorbing and using magic energy in the Goblin Empire, Grimm saw too many contents that were the same or similar to the witchcraft runes.

This undoubtedly made him start to imagine.

You know, if there is no interconnection channel between two completely different worlds, it is impossible for the same magic runes to appear.

Take the Knight plane rune that Grimm once obtained as an example. Although the rune representing the flame has the same or similar function as the flame rune in the wizard world, the rune writing is completely different. The runes of each world exist in a form that conforms to the laws of the plane.

So the laws of the plane are different, and the runes embodied by the laws are also different!

But in the engineering sketch drawn by Beirut, Grimm saw too many runes from the wizard world. Although they have been slightly distorted and changed by humans, many iconic original symbols still exist, and they are so clear.

Especially when Grimm heard Beirut talk about Prince Gazlowe, the ‘Father of Magic Power’ of the Goblin Empire, with a tone of super admiration, his face couldn’t help but twitch a little.

Gazlowe… Gazlowe… Gazlowe…

Who can know this name better and more familiar than Grimm?

The reason why he was able to bring Bilis and Mary here was because of the credit of Gazlowe, the ‘Grand Duke’. No, he is no longer the Grand Duke, but the most noble and greatest goblin engineer, alchemist and inventor in the Goblin Empire, and also the only prince in the Goblin Empire without royal blood.

And in the legend, this goblin prince relied entirely on his clever mind, and suddenly invented these magical runes that were enough to change the fate of the Goblin Empire in a flash of inspiration. If it weren’t for the goblin tradition that only royal blood could ascend the throne of the king, it would be unknown if this Gazlowe could become the great Lord of the Goblins.

Damn it... Damn it... Damn it...

Grimm asked Bilis to take the goblins back down, while he paced back and forth anxiously in this small cave.

At this moment, he vaguely understood why the wizard code issued by the Wizard Association listed the exchange of knowledge with other planes as the top taboo after being promoted to wizard. In the past, he was "young and ignorant" and only knew that elementary runes were basic knowledge that was common in the wizard world and was not a top secret.

So he made a "fair" exchange with Gazlowe through Kirby.

This exchange seemed to be a "big bargain" for his side at the time, but now it seems to be really stupid!

And more importantly, he actually created a big trouble for himself 70 years later 70 years ago!

Super big trouble! chapter;

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