The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0518 Two Powerful Men Meet

When the surging space fluctuations slowly disappeared, the third batch of reinforcements arrived at the goblin plane.

This time, there were still two people, Alice and the violent witch Sophia.

And their arrival obviously also significantly enhanced the strength of the Grimm camp, and the number of powerful wizards increased from 3 to 5. And with Alice's unique "fate divination", as long as the information is not deliberately concealed by the enemy, she can get more or less clues through routine divination once a day.

As long as she is there, no matter what big moves the enemy makes, it is difficult to hide from the eyes and ears sent by the Grimm camp.

It is precisely because of Alice's importance that she undoubtedly occupies an extremely important core position in the Grimm camp. Under normal circumstances, Grimm will not let her take risks easily, let alone let her go to the battlefield in person. So Grimm quickly recalled Mary and Bilis, and asked Mary to protect Alice closely.

In this way, the five wizards who came to the Goblin Plane gathered together again and began to discuss the subsequent combat strategy against the Goblin Empire.

Among the five wizards, Mary and Bilis tended to contact Gazlowe. As long as he was greedy enough, the Grimm camp could make an equal deal with him in the form of interest exchange. As long as it hit its appetite, it could sell out the Goblin Plane once, and naturally it could sell it out twice.

The new Sofia tended to contact the Goblin Princess Vanessa. After all, she represented the orthodoxy of the Goblin Plane. Although she was now in chaos inside and outside by Grimm and others, if she raised her arms, her appeal to the goblins would still be far stronger than that of the rebel.

And from the information learned from the side, it can be learned that Princess Vanessa has always been known for her "generosity and kindness, and love for her people." If you can bargain with her with the goblins infected with the plague as a bargaining chip, it is much better than contacting the ill-intentioned Gazlowe.

Although the two sides disagreed, the strategies they adopted were similar, that is, to win over one side and attack the other. The most important bargaining chip in their hands was the terrible plague that had spread to 1/3 of the territory of the Goblin Empire and roughly infected nearly 2.6 million goblins.

As long as the voodoo doll was in Grimm's hands, he could control the life and death of these infected goblins. According to Grimm's understanding, the total population of the entire Goblin Empire was only about 11 million, and 2.6 million goblins were equivalent to 1/4 of the total population of goblins.

If such a large number of goblins died from the plague, then for the Goblin Empire, even its ruling foundation would become shaky.

After all, the development of the entire Goblin Empire was somewhat deformed, focusing on alchemical machinery and magic machinery, and applying them to every corner of daily life. However, the highly developed mechanical civilization could not drive the improvement of the medical system, so the doctors trained by the Goblin Empire were slightly better than the witch doctors of the barbaric tribes, but could not reach the level of goblin engineers and alchemists.

However, just as Grimm and others were hiding in the dark and silently planning their next move, shocking news suddenly came from the Goblin Empire.

Something happened to Princess Vanessa!


This is a goblin town located 130 miles northeast of the Royal Castle.

As a satellite town of the Royal Castle, the town has a permanent population of only more than 300 people, but there are more than 2,000 foreign technicians and craftsmen. And there are as many as 25 blacksmith shops and forges as metallurgical facilities.

Every day, a large number of special metal ingots are delivered here by goblin caravans or goblin airships, and then smelted into metal components at high temperatures according to the requirements of the Royal Castle to support the forging needs of royal engineers and alchemists.

So this town is full of black smoke all day long, and the red iron in the steelmaking furnace flows out like a stream, and then distributed to different forges through continuous pipelines. The loud noise of metal rolling dies, the hissing noise of molds cooling rapidly in water, and the harsh cutting sound of goblin lathes grinding and repairing metal components...

The whole town is like a huge processing plant. Any outsider who comes here for the first time will be upset by the noisy and sharp metal noises inside, and wish they could turn a deaf ear to it.

However, at this moment, in a large reserve warehouse on the edge of the town, two groups of goblins are fiercely confronting each other, and the atmosphere in the field is extremely tense.

In the warehouse, there are more than a dozen combat magic machines arranged on the right side. The front of the metal body is branded with the emblem of the goblin royal family Andermai family, obviously belonging to the Royal Magic Guard. And beside them, there are nearly a hundred goblin warriors wearing royal combat uniforms holding Arcanite rifles in their hands. They have occupied most of the commanding heights and advantageous positions in the warehouse, and the black muzzles of the guns are firmly aimed at the opposite "enemy".

The confrontation with the royal guard is also a group of goblins.

Although their clothes were a bit messy, they were still as elite and fierce as ever. On their chests, a goblin head with a monocle was uniformly branded.

As outsiders, there were not many goblins in this group, only more than twenty. However, the metal shells of the four combat magic machines in the front row were flowing with gorgeous magic light, and they were obviously 2nd-level magic machines made of high-grade alloy.

In contrast, among the 13 magic machines of the Royal Magic Guard, there were only two 2nd-level magic machines.

Such a huge power contrast undoubtedly made the combat mechanics of the Royal Magic Guard look solemn, and the haze in their hearts was even more difficult to dispel.

After this period of testing, it is an indisputable fact that the 2nd-level magic machine is stronger than the 1st-level magic machine.

Under normal circumstances, a 2nd-level magic machine can only compete with 3-4 1st-level magic machines. However, once the 2nd-level magic machines form a team, two 2nd-level magic machines can easily kill a double-digit 1st-level magic machine.

So the situation in the field is that the Royal Magic Machine Guard has a numerical advantage. But if a fight really breaks out, the four 2nd-level magic machines on the opposite side can easily flatten the two magic machines on the opposite side and the remaining eleven 1st-level magic machines.

As for the Royal Goblin Guards, in such a battlefield, they can only play a supporting and restraining role. Facing a rampaging combat magic machine, the combat power they can exert is not optimistic.

At the back end of the storage warehouse, an ordinary alchemical carriage stopped, and a petite and graceful goblin girl with a hazy veil walked out of it.

Waiting in front of the carriage was Tigule, who was driving a spider-type 2nd-level magic machine.

"Princess, are you sure you want to go in?" Tigule's voice sounded muffled when it came out of the magic machine's vent: "You must know that once the negotiation fails, that bastard will definitely turn hostile and attack..."

"Teacher Tigule, I insist on this!" The goblin girl under the veil was Vanessa in disguise. At this moment, her face was full of anxiety, worry, resentment and irritability. But when she walked into the back door of the warehouse with her chest and head held high, all the sorrow and anxiety were swept away, and she turned back into the confident and energetic goblin princess... Vanessa!

Tigule sighed secretly, and slowly followed behind her by controlling the spider magic machine.

As if noticing Vanessa's arrival, a tall and mighty terrifying magic machine appeared behind the goblin on the other side. Its appearance resembled a magic mecha, but the thickness of its metal shell was amazing. At first glance, it was a protective magic machine that advocated defense.

As for the special alloy and rare resources used to build this magic machine, it has reached an astonishing level. Looking at the extravagant use of materials, it is probably more than enough to build three tier 2 magic machines!

"Vanessa... beautiful Princess Vanessa, since you have the honor to meet me, why don't you take off your veil and let me see your beautiful and charming face..." An old and hoarse goblin voice suddenly came from the giant magic machine.

"Bold!" Tigule roared angrily, and the spider-shaped magic machine moved its eight metal legs, blocking the giant magic machine with a clanging sound: "Gazlowe, although you are a prince, you can't be so rude in front of Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Hehehe..." The old goblin in the giant magic machine couldn't help but started laughing wildly: "Tigule, you are just a toothless old dog in front of the royal family. The master hasn't spoken yet, and you jumped out and barked, don't you worry about ruining your master's good deeds?"

Tigule was furious and was about to attack the enemy regardless of everything. At this time, Princess Vanessa, who was wearing a veil, had walked behind him, gently raised her hand to take off the veil, and whispered: "Teacher Tigule, please bear with it for a while, let me talk to Gazlowe!"

Vanessa's soft, sweet and moving voice was like a refreshing spring flowing in the dry desert, which immediately cooled down the fierce confrontation scene.

Although somewhat reluctant, Tigule still suppressed his anger, and the spider machine moved aside, revealing Vanessa behind him.

"I'm here! What about you?" Vanessa stared at the giant machine with a firm gaze.

It seemed to hesitate for a moment, and the rows of exhaust pipes behind the giant machine emitted steaming hot air. The metal guard plates at the front of the machine unfolded layer by layer, and it took seven layers to reveal the figure of the old goblin Gazlowe.

Compared with before, the old goblin Gazlowe at this moment was obviously a little older.

Its green skin was full of terrible age spots, and the dark purple spots almost covered its original skin color. The wrinkled skin was like a layer of dry bark, and at first glance, the skin surface had almost no luster.

With the lifespan of ordinary goblins of 60-80 years, Gazlowe, who lived to the age of 96, could be called the oldest among the goblins. Unlike Tigule, whose life was extended after his promotion, Gazlowe is still an ordinary goblin, so his life should have ended 10 or 20 years ago.

However, with the power and resources in his hands, this greatest engineer and inventor in the goblin plane obviously used some methods to extend his life.

This can be seen from some transparent thin tubes connecting it to the giant magic machine! chapter;

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