The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0528: Gazlowe's Resurrection

Ceremony Hall.

Even though the battle outside was bloody, it was still a busy scene here.

Goblin researchers in white coats were busy running in and out, directing goblin technicians to hurriedly check the metal pipes and control hubs that stretched for several kilometers in the belly of the mountain.

If the Iron City is successfully revitalized in the future, these 3-meter-diameter metal pipes will become the blood vessels of the Great Emperor's magic machine, and the huge space furnace will become its heart. As for the old goblin Gazlowe, he will also be resurrected in the body of the Great Emperor Titan and become the real master of this behemoth.

Yes, this is the real plan of the old goblin Gazlowe!

Whether it is the immortality ceremony or the invasion of wizards and dragon people, they are just part of Gazlowe's implementation of his "Titan Plan".

Using so many means, Gazlowe finally concentrated all the personnel and resources he needed inside the Iron City. Although wizards and dragon people are still moving freely and are not under its control, as long as they are here, everything is enough.

The hugeness of the Iron City is obvious to all. To revitalize such a huge Iron City into a magical life form, the amount of vitality and soul required is beyond everyone's imagination.

So Gazlowe designed to introduce the elite combat forces of all the goblin planes. By then, not only will the 120,000 goblins living in the Iron City become sacrifices, but also its private army, royal legion, wizards, and dragon people will become nutrients for the resurrection of the Demon Titan.

And it, the smartest goblin in the world, will use this surging life force to merge with the past Iron City and become an immortal 4th-level Demon Titan.

At that time, the Goblin Plane will also become a stepping stone for its rise, making it a new generation of demons that span the plane world. And it will also add a new species to the multiverse, the magical life form!

But before that, it first needs a huge vitality to merge itself with the Iron City.

Inside the ceremony hall, Gazlowe's aging body lay flat on a metal operating table, his skull already blooming like a petal. As for the brain inside, it was carefully taken out by the loyal goblin subordinates and placed in a huge glass jar with a diameter of ten meters and a height of fifty meters.

The glass jar was now filled with light green nutrient solution, and Gazlowe's brain, which was only the size of a human fist, swam like a tadpole as soon as it was placed in it. There were more than a dozen tentacles floating under the trembling brain, and it was their swaying that gave the gray brain basic mobility.

As the battle progressed, the killed dragon scouts were sent into the ceremony hall one by one, and then their bodies were thrown into several small corpse dissolving pools nearby. Their bodies, their souls, everything about them, will melt into a pure life solution and pour into the glass jar, becoming the nutrients for Gazlowe's brain to continue to grow and develop.

Therefore, after an hour of fighting, Gazlowe's originally tiny brain had grown into a brain worm with a diameter of 3 meters, and began to swim happily in the nutrient solution.

The growth and development of the brain also gave the goblins, who have always been known as magic insulators, some strange mental abilities. Even without relying on those technological instruments, Gazlowe also had the ability to communicate with the goblin subordinates outside.

And as the brain continued to expand and grow, this mental ability was constantly strengthened, and gradually derived some mental witchcraft in similar fields.

Telepathy, mental stabbing, mental whipping, mental explosion, mental control, hypnosis, mental hallucination...

God pity, one by one, mental witchcraft that had never been heard of and never touched emerged continuously, which also made Gazlowe, who had never experienced extraordinary power, excited beyond words. The huge brain worm kept swimming in the glass jar, and then repeatedly stimulated these strange witchcraft abilities over and over again.

In general, it can skillfully use those simple mental abilities as soon as it gets started. However, it can't get the hang of some slightly more complex mental abilities, such as mind control and mind blasting, after repeated use.

After all, these things are not obtained through hard study and research, but the continuous growth of the brain's mental power. When it grows and strengthens to a certain extent, it seems to be able to hear and see some mysterious knowledge fragments from the outside world.

In many cases, these mental abilities are the innate abilities that come with mental power to a certain extent, and they can be mastered almost without learning. And Gazlowe's goblin body is undoubtedly too inferior in spiritual origin, so that many innate instincts are difficult to master smoothly.

However, just when Gazlowe was having fun, the battle outside had already developed to a point of dire straits.

The old goblin, no, the brain worm Gazlowe's goblin defense line arranged on the periphery could no longer resist the attacks of wizards and dragon people. Many key passes were lost, and a large number of goblin private armies and mercenaries were slaughtered.

However, the brainworm Gazlowe didn't care about this, and instead used telepathy to issue the most cruel massacre order to his subordinates.

Therefore, when Grimm and Alice set foot on the road leading to the space furnace, a bloody massacre occurred in the Iron City thousands of feet above.

As a goblin city, the Iron City also has many gardens and squares.

At this moment, these public areas have been occupied by a large number of goblin slaves.

They were tied up with ropes and knelt on the ground, and the surrounding streets were blocked by goblin chariots. Goblin mercenaries with live ammunition were perched on the surrounding goblin buildings, with their black muzzles pointed at the goblin slaves in the field.

As the order was issued, the black muzzles sprayed out a foot-long flame, and the violent metal bullets fell into the crowd like raindrops. The goblin slaves cried and sobbed heartbreakingly, but it was still useless.

Under the joint killing of the goblin chariots and goblin mercenaries, the goblins in the square were killed on the spot. Their bright red blood happily flowed out of their bodies that were beaten into sieves, gathered into streams on the metal floor, and then merged into a huge blood wave through the sewer system, rushing straight into the core area of ​​the underground system.

In the ceremony hall, as a huge amount of blood gathered, the blood tanks were gradually filled. The glass tank where the brain worm Gazlowe was placed turned scarlet, and the thick blood gradually engulfed its "body".

Although it was difficult to peek into the changes in the tank from the outside, through the churning and shaking of the blood waves, it was still possible to detect that there seemed to be a huge monster struggling in pain inside. From time to time, one or two terrifying tentacles as thick as one meter would hit the transparent tank of the glass tank with a thud, and they would wriggle there, with the bowl-sized suction cups on them clearly visible.

As if sensing the approach of danger, Gazlowe's evolution process was obviously accelerated, and the number of goblins sacrificed in blood above the city soon reached its peak. There were as many as 120,000 permanent residents in the Iron City, and with the civilians captured by Gazlowe's private army from nearby, the number of goblins sacrificed in blood reached a record high of 150,000.

Such a huge life force was introduced into the ground along with the blood, becoming a catalyst for the fusion of Gazlowe and the Iron City, and also making the entire underground space evil and weird.

Gazlowe's mental power continued to grow stronger and stronger, and had penetrated the glass tank and began to penetrate in all directions. The metal components, alchemical machinery, control platforms, combat magic machinery, magic weapons... as long as they were within the range of Gazlowe's mental power, they began to slowly have a trace of mental consciousness feedback.

Wherever Gazlowe's mental power extended, there was a layer of white light, and began to be distorted and deformed on a large scale with Gazlowe's mental consciousness.

It only took a quarter of an hour for Gazlowe to activate the ceremony hall into a part of his body. And with the crazy influx of vitality, its consciousness began to extend to other areas of the underground space along the ubiquitous energy pipelines and control systems.

Soon, the entire underground space became a part of its body!

However, compared with the assimilation of unconscious metal machinery and alchemical machinery, Gazlowe's assimilation of the space furnace seems extremely difficult. The violent magic energy surging and vibrating in the space furnace is like hot magma, and every touch can make it hurt to death.

In the past, Gazlowe would definitely leave the space furnace for the last, and try his best to expand his consciousness in the Iron City. Unfortunately, time is too tight for it!

In its spiritual perception, the plane gate in the plane hall began a new round of vibration, and it seemed that there was a new movement in the dragon plane. If the opponent's reinforcements arrived, it would have an unpredictable impact on Gazlowe's resurrection plan.

So Gazlowe has used his own power to cut off all the energy channels leading to the plane hall. But those dragons seem to have another source of energy, and they actually support the operation of the plane gate by their own strength.

As a last resort, Gazlowe could only transfer a reinforced goblin magic war group from the periphery and let them take a shortcut to the plane hall to prevent the transmission of the dragon's subsequent reinforcements.

In addition to the dragons, Gazlowe also found more than a dozen foreign invaders in his "body". Among them, the most fearful fire witch actually brought a female wizard to a position very close to the space furnace without its knowledge.

This... aroused Gazlowe's vigilance even more! chapter;

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