The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0530 Rat Extermination Operation

Gazlowe's brain was working at high speed.

Everything that happened in the past quarter of an hour was looped in his mind like a replay video.

From the witch being put down by the fire witch, to her carelessly wandering in the energy rays, until she bypassed him and passed through the heavily guarded iron gate behind him to enter the dungeon where the space furnace was located... The whole process was clear and intuitive, and even looked ordinary at first glance, with nothing to pay attention to.

But... this is a battlefield of life and death!

With Gazlowe's extremely enhanced brain and spiritual perception throughout the entire Iron City, how could such a big mistake occur, allowing a terrible witch to walk around him?

This is simply something that should never happen... but it just happened!

Even though he recalled the situation at that time through memory recall afterwards, Gazlowe still couldn't figure out why he turned a blind eye to an enemy witch and allowed her to enter the core area.

It's not invisibility, it's not visual avoidance, it's not a virtual body... After all, any witchcraft inevitably has slight fluctuations in magic. And with Gazlowe's current mental power, what kind of witchcraft can hide from his mental perception?

After thinking about it, Gazlowe can only attribute this to the witch's innate instinct.

This witch seems to have a strange ability that can make herself a "transparent person", so that all enemies and friends subconsciously ignore her existence. And this, like the natural charm of the succubus and the natural affinity of the elves, belongs to the innate instinct and will not cause witchcraft fluctuations. So it's easy for ignorant guys to fall into the trap when they suddenly encounter it.

The giant brain that understood it immediately surged with white light all over its body, ready to instantly transfer to the space furnace and kill this weird witch with the fastest means. But at the moment when the giant brain was about to start the transmission, a burst of fire that shot up into the sky broke out under it, interrupting its actions.

Grimm used the flame jump to break free from the metal tunnel, came to the side of the giant brain, and bound it with a huge flame cage. Although the flame cage only existed for three seconds before it was broken by the sudden burst of mental power, the giant brain's intention to move away was also shattered.

In a hurry, the giant brain angrily waved the ganglion below, emitting spiritual lights of different colors.

These spiritual lights are not only triggered by thoughts and difficult to avoid, but also have completely different spell effects from ordinary witchcraft. If these spiritual lights are not allowed to hit the body, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to judge its effect based on the appearance of the spell.

Like these spiritual lights, some of them will turn into a curse effect similar to "weakness" when they fall on the body, some will turn into a direct attack effect like "mind whipping" when they fall on the body, and some will open a portal when they fall on the open ground, directly pulling the men in the distance to the scene...

Since transforming himself into a giant brain, the former Gazlowe has become a magical monster with rank 3 strength. If it weren't for the fact that it didn't have a strong body, and it didn't seem to be familiar with this new form of survival, I'm afraid that Grimm would have been unable to resist the endless spiritual powers and the continuous reinforcements even if he tried his best.

Under the almost crazy call of the giant brain Gazlowe, portals opened one after another, and in a blink of an eye, a goblin war group of nearly 200 people was pulled up in the field.

200 goblins, it sounds insignificant. But if each of them is equipped with a combat magic machine or a goblin chariot, then this group of goblins, whose individual strength is only equivalent to that of a junior apprentice, is enough to make a level 2 wizard like Grimm retreat temporarily and avoid their edge.

Even among this group of goblins, Grimm saw two familiar figures.

Mechanical wizard Sabrina and goblin war god Tigule.

They seemed to have lost control of their bodies, mixed in a group of goblins, and launched waves of fierce attacks on Grimm. Especially Sabrina, not only did she use all her heavy firepower, she also took out the wizard-level magic puppet roarer that Grimm traded to her.

Faced with such two powerful opponents, coupled with the violent attacks of magic weapons, even with Grimm's strength, he could only frequently launch flame jumps to avoid being concentrated by the opponent. And every time the flame jumps, Grimm will take the time to launch a large-scale flame witchcraft, trying to reduce the number of goblin war groups.

While his men were entangled with Grimm, the giant brain Gazlowe finally successfully launched a space teleportation and transferred himself to the crypt where the space furnace was located.

In the huge crypt full of thick metal pipelines, countless goblin researchers in white coats were busy around a towering metal tank. They kept checking and maintaining various goblin instruments, and constantly adjusted the valve size of each metal pipeline and the switch of the diversion pipeline, closely observing the energy balance and pressure balance in the metal tank.

Although this is not a battlefield, their busyness is no less than a thrilling battle!

On the front line, a small mistake by a goblin warrior can lead to the loss of a life. But here, any mistake by a goblin researcher can cause the pressure of the space furnace to be unbalanced, thus triggering a terrifying explosion like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

Once upon a time, the explosion of a space furnace on a floating giant ship that was more than 10 times smaller than this one could cause a natural disaster within a radius of dozens of kilometers. If the space furnace here exploded, the catastrophic consequences would probably be beyond anyone's imagination.

However, among this group of busy goblin researchers, there was a tall and beautiful figure. She kept looking around, and from time to time she came to a goblin researcher and silently observed his work, looking very interested.

As for the huge tank standing in the center of the cave, it looked inconspicuous, and it was connected to various large and small pipelines. The pipelines crossed the mid-air of the cave and drilled into the stone wall. It was unknown which area of ​​the steel city they led to.

And at the bottom of the tank, there were many ugly patches. At first glance, it would make people think that this was a low-quality and simple goblin creation, and it was difficult to associate it with the lofty space furnace.

However, this broken toy that looks like a little goblin's random splicing represents the highest level of alchemical engineering in the goblin plane. And it also supports the hope of the goblin plane to get rid of low-level civilization and leap to a higher level!

The metal can in front of you looks ordinary, but it is made of an extremely rare Quelras alloy. This alloy not only has amazing ductility and toughness, but also has anti-magic properties that other alloys in the goblin plane do not have.

If its anti-magic properties are compared with the witchcraft materials in the wizard world, it can also be ranked in the top ten. This is already precious for a small plane!

And what is even more precious is its output.

Even if Gazlowe has the power of the Goblin Empire and searched the entire goblin plane, he only obtained 200 tons of Quelras ore. And Quelras ore is the most important raw material for preparing Quelras alloy. As for the space furnace in front of you, if you want to build it, you need at least 30 tons of Quelras alloy to use it.

Therefore, even if the entire Goblin Empire tried its best, it could only build 6-7 space furnaces of this scale. Once the Quetla alloy was exhausted and they could not obtain new sources of ore, the Goblin plane's expansion would end here.

Such a highly confidential information was only known by a few Goblins even in Gazlowe's camp. Alice knew it clearly after a visit to these Goblin researchers.

However, just as Alice was thinking about how to deal with this space furnace to maximize her own benefits, a white light flashed above the crypt hall, and a huge brain like a mountain emerged out of thin air.

As soon as the giant brain Gazlowe teleported over, the dozen ganglia under his body waved towards Alice in the group of Goblins like octopus tentacles. Seeing the thick tentacles with a diameter of one meter waving with a whistling wind, there was no scruple at all about the performance of the Goblins beside Alice.

Since Gazlowe's complete consciousness was resurrected in the giant brain, it no longer regarded itself as a Goblin. These goblin researchers, engineers, alchemists, and technicians who usually live with it day and night are just some slaves that are quite handy in its eyes. If it weren't for the temporary inability to find new servants to replace them, Gazlowe wouldn't mind wiping these low-level and inferior creatures from his body.

Alice looked at the whistling fleshy tentacles, her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned, and her figure flashed and appeared on the other side of the metal tank. The fleshy tentacles seemed soft and harmless, but they smashed a goblin console with an all-metal structure with a bang, and also smashed the six goblin researchers around the console into meat paste.

Seeing that the physical attack was ineffective, more than a dozen ganglia under the giant brain stretched and twisted quickly, and colorful mental powers shot Alice in the distance like lasers.

Although it was eager to kill the little mouse that had drilled into its heart, it still measured its movements. More than a dozen laser beams passed by the edge of the metal tank without damaging the tank.

And since the mechanical wizard named Sabrina became its slave, the personal information and basic strength of each member of the opposing camp are no longer a secret to it.

In Sabrina's memory, this witch Alice is good at controlling the power of fate, but she has no combat ability. And this is undoubtedly a great good news for the giant brain Gazlowe!

Otherwise... if the extremely powerful 2nd level fire wizard is allowed to enter the crypt hall, even if the giant brain Gazlowe defeats or kills him afterwards, I am afraid that his own damage will not be small. That's why it is eager to use the two new slaves it just controlled to cooperate with other subordinates to entangle the fire wizard, and it took this opportunity to catch the "little mouse" that sneaked into its heart.

A 1st level witch without combat power is indeed just a "little mouse" for the giant brain Gazlowe who claims to have 3rd level strength!

And it is a super harmless one! chapter;

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