The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0535 Life is worthless

The battle of level 2 creatures is obviously very different from that of level 1!

Whether it is a level 1 wizard or a level 1 dragon man, they are just rookies who have just stepped into the group of extraordinary creatures. They may have transcended the mundane world in some aspects and are fundamentally different from ordinary creatures, but in essence, they still cannot get rid of the shackles of their past racial identities in many aspects.

Take the level 1 human wizards as an example. Although they have the ability to master extraordinary powers, they are still not as good as monsters of the same level in terms of energy output. One of the main reasons is that if the magic energy flowing between blood vessels and meridians in a unit time exceeds a certain limit, then these magic energies will cause huge damage to the owner of the body that is difficult to repair before hurting the enemy.

However, after becoming a level 2 creature, most human wizards have completed the fusion with some elemental witchcraft. At that time, the human flesh and blood body will no longer be a shackle to the power of witchcraft, so the power of wizards can be maximized.

When the second-level Grimm transformed into a terrifying fire demon, covering the enemy with raging flames and terrifying high temperatures, whether it was the thick-skinned dragon people or the goblins hiding in thick metal magic machines, they all truly felt the horror of a second-level fire wizard!

The underground hall, which was only slightly warm just now, immediately turned into a lava hell with hot and molten rocks, magma flowing all over the ground, and the terrible flames that burned everything were rampant.

All the rocks and metal floors were burned red by the terrifying high temperature, and the dragon people's thick and thick dragon claw-like hooves stepped on them, making strange sizzling sounds from time to time. And the few clothes on their bodies could not withstand the rapid increase in the ambient temperature and began to spontaneously combust.

In such an environment, even if you take a deep breath, the terrible hot wind that can directly roast people will rush into your delicate lungs. If there is no extraordinary power to protect you, ordinary creatures will become a terrifying mummy after staying in Grimm's fire barrier for 3 seconds. After 5 seconds, it will be ignited by the rich fire element and then turned into a ball of charcoal.

So as soon as Grimm unfolded the flame barrier and high temperature field, those 1st-level dragon people began to retreat quickly, scrambling to escape from the red barrier. And the wizards who blocked Grimm also retreated to both sides, leaving the central battlefield to the two 2nd-level leaders.

Even those 1st-level wizards who were confident in their own strength did not dare to take the 2nd-level dragon leader lightly. The dragon people are different from the 2nd-level magic machines of the goblin plane. The 2nd-level magic machines of the goblin plane may have this or that kind of water and defects, but the dragon people are from a higher plane after all, and their strength is obviously not the same as that of the goblins.

When Grimm's two-layer barrier field was superimposed on the dragon Zacha, Zacha's body overflowed with pure blue dazzling lightning. The power of lightning and the power of fire interacted with each other, making a layer of colorful light floating around Zacha.

Zacha, wrapped in this colorful battle robe, flew with four hooves, and launched a swift attack on Grimm. The strong and sturdy body gave Zacha unparalleled violent physical strength. When it vigorously waved the lightning spear to stab Grimm, the lightning spear made of special materials rubbed against the air to stimulate thousands of silver snake-like lightning storms, which hit the opponent head-on.

Facing the violent attack of a 2nd-level strongman, Grimm did not dare to take it head-on even if he was confident.

His body was slightly dented, and his figure immediately disappeared in the rising flames and appeared 20 meters away from Zacha's side. And with Grimm, there appeared a violent lava fireball like a storm.

Swish, swish, swish...

A series of five lava fireballs hit Zacha almost in order, but they were all blown up in the air by the forked lightning thrown by him when he suddenly turned around. After the dark red lava fireball exploded, the red and hot magma inside splashed in all directions, forming a magma rain covering a wide area again.

Zacha's broad four hooves stepped on the red ground, and his agile body turned around, dodging the oncoming magma rain with a flexible body that was difficult for a human body to achieve. He changed direction at the same speed and continued to rush towards Grimm.

Twenty meters away is too close for level 2 creatures!

With just a sprint, plus his long arms and a 4-meter-long lightning spear, he can rush to Grimm's side in almost a breath.

It must be said that although this underground hall occupies a wide area, it is only relative to the goblins. For the two level 2 creatures who let go of their hands and feet, this place is obviously too small and not suitable for the elemental wizards who are good at long-range witchcraft to perform normally.

However, Grimm is obviously not an ordinary level 2 wizard!

After a failed sneak attack, Grimm completely ignored the lightning spear that was about to pierce his eyes, and instead pointed his hands down, and a powerful "Doomsday Volcano" erupted where Zacha was about to step.

Doomsday Volcano is a range fire witchcraft.

It will trigger a miniaturized volcanic eruption in the area designated by the caster.

When the Doomsday Volcano is triggered, terrifying hot magma will spray out from the ground, rushing the enemies on it into the sky, and then give them a magma bath. The entire volcanic eruption lasted only about thirteen seconds, but the temperature of the magma it erupted was as high as more than 3,000 degrees.

Ordinary creatures, let alone taking a bath in it, will be instantly vaporized if they are slightly touched by the hot wind wrapped in magma.

Zhacha was not careful for a moment and did not dodge in time, and just stepped into the core area of ​​the Doomsday Volcano eruption.

When the terrifying hot air broke out of the ground, it just happened to blow over Zacha's lower body covered with indigo scales.

Seeing that his body was unstable and was about to be swept up by the airflow, Zacha retracted his lightning spear and stabbed it fiercely into the rock layer under him. Then, with the outbreak of a violent lightning force, the Doomsday Volcano, which had just begun its prelude, was disrupted by this unexpected force and its witchcraft structure was destroyed.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party to break the witchcraft, Grimm took a step back, his body exploded into a ball of fire, and then instantly pieced together in another area 50 meters away.

There were hundreds of goblin warriors near Grimm's landing point, but with Grimm's appearance, the part of the fire power that lost control spread wantonly, and soon wrapped them up in a raging sea of ​​fire.

This was not Grimm's intention, but just the normal energy dissipation when the flame jumped!

But for the 2nd level fire wizard, it was only a tiny leak of power, but for the hundreds of goblin warriors, it was no less than a natural disaster.

Wherever the flame aura swept, the goblin warriors had no chance to escape, and they were wiped out in the waves of flames. Their flesh and blood bodies turned to ashes in an instant, and only some metal armor and magic weapon fragments remained, which were scattered all over the ground.

At this time, Zacha raised his sturdy arm and pointed the thick spear tip to the sky, immediately triggering a dazzling lightning to strike Grimm.

The "thunder spell" in the dragon bloodline talent!

Although the dragon people are not good at magic, they have inherited the blood of the thunder dragon and can also stimulate some simple and crude thunder magic at will. And Zacha also has a purpose for stimulating this thunder at this time, because the thunder it stimulates actually has a special paralysis and imprisonment effect.

The dazzling lightning struck the defensive magic that protected Grimm, and shattered two flame shields and one energy shield in succession before it ran out of energy and disappeared. Thousands of tiny snake-like lightning aftershocks stirred around Grimm, and unexpectedly stopped him from continuing to jump with flames.

And Zacha took this opportunity to quickly approach Grimm.

In less than two seconds, Zacha crossed nearly 40 meters of space and came to Grimm's side.

Grimm frowned slightly, and the Destruction Flame Witch Staff in his hand slammed hard, and a suddenly blooming "Resistance Fire Ring" burst out from his body.

The attack damage of the Resistance Fire Ring is very weak, only 20 degrees. But its most powerful place is that it has a very strong physical shock wave.

Zacha just rushed to Grimm's side, and only had time to knock off a lava shield, and was pushed farther away by the fire waves wrapped around his body. And its next attack inevitably failed!

As for Grimm, he took this opportunity to "reward" it with another red flame storm, and then jumped out before the other party got close.

The two 2nd-level alien plane strongmen used the underground hall as a battlefield and launched a fierce fight to the death.

Wherever they went, all the goblins, wizards and dragons fled and retreated. But even so, there were still too many short-legged guys who couldn't avoid it in time and fell under the overwhelming flame waves or the terrifying iron hooves that suddenly grew larger.

Half an hour ago, the angry Princess Vanessa was still leading the goblin army to find trouble with the wizards. But now, they are like a group of headless flies rushing around in the underground hall, avoiding the aftermath of the battle between the two alien plane invaders with fear.

There has never been a moment when Vanessa can so clearly perceive her own insignificance and humility!

In the eyes of these alien invaders, their existence and value may not be as good as a golden steel ingot. At least the steel ingot can attract the other party to stop and appreciate it, but they... their lives are as humble and insignificant as the dust on the ground, and they will disappear with a gust of hot wind.

At this time, at this precarious moment, even though Vanessa is a goblin princess, she is still wrapped up by a group of chaotic soldiers and can't help running around in the underground hall.

While running, a wave of fire swept in front of her, and more than a dozen goblins turned into ashes!

So the chaotic army turned around and ran away crying and shouting.

But before they ran out of dozens of meters, with the terrible thunder rolling over, the doomsday-like thunder and lightning frenzy fell in front of them, and in an instant, more than a dozen goblins turned into ashes.

Vanessa was heartbroken, one foot high and one foot low, running around without knowing east, west, south, and north.

For the first time, an irrepressible thought rose in her heart.

Sometimes, being alive may be more important than dignity and more worth cherishing!

And she obviously realized it too late...chapter;

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