The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0541 The Disaster of the Space Furnace

Crypt Hall.

A terrible war broke out between two level 3 warriors!

On one side was the level 3 monster, the giant brain Gazlowe, which was perched high above the space furnace, and the countless magic puppets under its command and control. On the other side was the terrible level 3 thunder dragon Arms, flapping its wide dragon wings and wrapped in dazzling lightning.

This was a terrible battle of one against a thousand, and also a textbook-like brutal massacre.

These goblin magic machines that had just come off the assembly line all had powerful strength that was not inferior to level 1 creatures. And when they united to form a complete combat system, the combat power they exerted was also astonishing.

There was no messy assault and pounce, nor was there any self-squeezing and trampling... All the goblin magic machines were arranged into neat armies, and according to their own attack characteristics, they formed square formations and launched a tide-like offensive against the thunder dragon Arms floating in the air.

The one rushing to the front was of course the specially modified meat shield soldier - the chain hand.

They are actually some magic weapons that have removed all medium and long-range attack weapons and have thickened the surface metal layer. Their only weapon is the chain claw installed in the thick metal cylindrical arm.

They headed straight for the opponent under the lightning storm of the thunder dragon.

Although 1/3 of the chain hand magic weapons fell silently during the charge, the rest still successfully approached the thunder dragon.

They formed a loose circle, raised their arms high, and suddenly a loud noise came from the cylindrical arms. Then the metal big hand dragging the thin metal chain was launched, fiercely grabbing the body of the thunder dragon in mid-air.

Although most of the metal big hands would hit the thunder dragon's scales and bounce back, a few still successfully grabbed the thorns or other parts of the thunder dragon's back.

Once the grasp was successful, these chain hand magic weapons began to frantically recycle the chains, and then tried to pull the thunder dragon to the ground.

The other failed chain hand magic weapons also began to quickly recycle the chains and prepare for the next launch.

With this simple and crude method, the giant brain Gazlowe only used 80 chain hand magic machines to trap the thunder dragon Arms in place, making it difficult to advance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mechanical soldiers specially modified into fire-breathing magic machines strode forward, and red fire pillars were sprayed directly onto the body of the thunder dragon Arms as far as 10 to 20 meters.

In some places farther away, the magic machine equipped with multiple "Goblin Rippers" was slowly moving forward, while shooting out a continuous barrage of metal bullets from the eight black hole muzzles on the front of the body. The dense projectiles that gathered into a metal torrent hit the dragon scales on the surface of the blue dragon, and then fell like raindrops.

There were also some spider-type magic machines clinging to the surrounding metal walls, and one by one, the goblin rockets dragged long black smoke tail wings and screamed at the thunder dragon.

Unfortunately, the suppression of the thunder dragon by the goblin magic machine was always an illusion!

After all the attack methods of the goblin magic machines were exposed, after the long and high-pitched dragon roar of the third-level thunder dragon Arms, a violent lightning storm swept the whole field.

The high-intensity thunder and lightning force was stirring in the field, and even liquid plasma appeared in the places where the lightning was most dense. And between the magic machines, as long as they were a little closer, they would stimulate fine blue forked lightning like spider webs.

The magic machines closest to the thunder dragon, no matter how thick the metal layer was made, no matter how evenly the anti-magic coating was applied, could not withstand this all-pervasive terrifying lightning. What's more, most metal materials are good conductors of lightning, which makes it even more difficult for the goblin magic machines to resist the invasion of the lightning storm.

Silently, all the magic machines within the inner circle of thirty or forty meters suddenly collapsed. And near the middle ring of fifty to one hundred meters, nearly half of the magic machines survived. As for the hundred meters away, except for a few magic machines that were destroyed, most of the goblin magic machines were still alive and well, with full combat power.

So, when a new group of goblin magic machines trampled on the wreckage of their companions and surrounded Thunder Dragon Arms, the violent lightning storm once again swept the whole place!

With the energy reserve of a level 3 thunder dragon, such a large-scale energy burst can come up to 5 times. However, in the goblin plane where it is difficult to recover magic, Thunder Dragon Arms became subdued after 3 bursts.

It still needs to protect itself with the remaining lightning power, so it can no longer use the lightning power so extravagantly. Fortunately, in addition to the violent lightning power, the thunder dragon also has an extremely strong body and inexhaustible great power.

So, Thunder Dragon Arms folded his wings, dived into the air, and began to fight with this group of crazy goblin magic machines.

Whether it was the sharp claws or the terrifying fangs, or the swift dragon collision, or even the common wing sweeps, tail strikes, and dragon breath sprays of the dragon clan... Any means used by the Thunder Dragon were unbearable for the goblin magic machines in front of them.

Under the conscious attack of the Thunder Dragon, the intelligent auxiliary modules and control modules in the chests of most magic machines were destroyed by lightning, turning each magic machine into a soulless iron lump.

However, although the Thunder Dragon was able to kill all around in the group of magic machines, it used all means to slaughter and destroy these "fragile" guys. But all the magic machines were not little white rabbits without any counterattack power. With their hard bodies and terrible war weapons, they could tear off a small scale from the huge and majestic body of the Thunder Dragon every time.

When these minor injuries accumulated, even Thunder Dragon Arms could not help but become a little breathless.

However, at this time, the 2nd level dragon Zacha also led eleven dragon warriors into the underground hall.

With them as a backing, Thunder Dragon Arms had a chance to recover from his injuries.

With its strength, it only needed time and space to flatten and grind down the endless stream of goblin magic machines.

However, at the moment when the two sides fought the most intense and anxious moment, the two 3rd level creatures could not help but stop their actions at the same time, turned their heads and looked at the tall space furnace that stood tall.

The rolling and shaking inside were all chaotic and disordered magic energy, and even with their spiritual consciousness, they did not dare to easily explore it. But at that moment just now, they... seemed... vaguely... sensed a strange energy explosion in the space furnace that was different from the past.

Not good, the space furnace is going out of control...


In the terrifying magic torrent, Grimm was holding Alice and moving quickly.

At every moment, the chaotic and disordered magic energy was eroding the steaming elemental flames outside the two people's bodies. If it weren't for Grimm's efforts to support a thin and tough energy barrier, I'm afraid that the bodies of the two people would have been corroded and assimilated into chaotic particles without any consciousness.

That is to say, as a Level 2 wizard, Grimm, coupled with the continuous energy support of the Heart of Fire, was able to protect a person from such a long distance and approach the space furnace.

When he sensed the rolling and oscillating void black hole in the center of the space furnace, he immediately gritted his teeth and urged the last flame energy in his body to project it far away.

Just when Grimm's energy was exhausted, Alice's hands and feet suddenly wrapped around his body, and a hidden and obscure space energy wrapped the two of them up.

With a bright silver transmission light flashing, Grimm and Alice disappeared into the space furnace.

At the same time, the void black hole inside the space furnace suddenly burped, as if it had swallowed something indigestible, and the entire energy void became chaotic and violent.

Although the energy in the space furnace in the past was chaotic, it was chaotic and orderly.

Only the ten-meter area close to the void black hole was absolutely chaotic, and once the violent and chaotic void energy rushed out of this area, it would suddenly become much "gentle and docile". When the energy was far away from the core area and came to the edge of the space furnace, the originally violent and unmatched void energy had already turned into magic energy with the same energy intensity.

If these magic energies were to be absorbed by monsters or wizards, they would still appear too violent and chaotic, but for attributeless magic machines, they were the most suitable energy source.

However, at this moment, when a burst of external elemental energy broke out in the void black hole, the energy circulation system constructed inside the space furnace suffered serious damage.

The out-of-control void energy rushed out of the core area and hit the metal protective layer of the space furnace without any cover. Silently, the metal protective layer became thinner.

When the chaotic and violent void energy rushed left and right in the space furnace, repeatedly washing the metal tank, a terrible crisis also descended on the Iron City.

The giant brain Gazlowe, who had already fused more than 90% of the space furnace, became the first victim!

The out-of-control void energy was obviously washing the space furnace, but in fact, it was like someone holding a knife and repeatedly stabbing its brain, and stirring it viciously for a few rounds.

The 3rd-level Thunder Dragon Arms sensed something was wrong, and immediately flapped his wings and sang long, not caring about the dragon servants under him, and turned into a blue lightning and rushed into the underground tunnel. Although it didn't know what was stored in the space furnace, it didn't prevent it from sensing the danger it was facing.

In its heart, the terrible intuition of death was so clear that it couldn't distinguish between illusion and reality.

The fight was going well, but the master of its side suddenly ran away.

Although the dragon Zacha's sense of danger was not as sharp as that of a level 3 thunder dragon, he still sensed the coming of danger. Therefore, he turned around and ran without hesitation, moving his four nimble hooves, chasing after his master in the direction away from the crypt hall.

Just as they ran away not far, a loud sound of the earth-shattering sky came from behind.

Then, a surge of heart-pounding void energy dissipated from the crypt hall, rushing into the intricate pipeline system of the underground tunnel like an energy torrent.

At this moment, the city of steel! chapter;

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