The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0545 Development Plan for the Goblin Plane

He performed a double act with the goblin Kirby, just to stabilize the atmosphere of the goblin plane.

With Tigule's private cooperation and the goblin royal family's compromise, this plane drama will not lack audiences. More importantly, after experiencing so many twists and turns and suffering great suffering, the lower-level goblins began to yearn for peace.

In the name of the "non-violent non-cooperation" plan, Kirby called on the lower-level goblins to take the initiative to cooperate with the invaders to avoid bringing new suffering to more goblin companions.

Therefore, the fire of armed resistance against the plane invaders was thoroughly extinguished by this plane drama before it was ignited, and there was no soil for the anger of war.

The goblins are very forgetful.

They quickly forgot the huge troubles and harm caused by the evil wizards to the goblin plane, but instead bowed their heads and waited in front of the invaders, becoming their stewards and accomplices in ruling and managing this goblin plane.

Grimm has successfully obtained such a large number of free laborers with considerable mechanical civilization. He has undoubtedly obtained a well-developed low-magic world with biased resources.

Compared with the wizard world, the resources of the goblin plane are definitely not rich, and because the magic energy of the plane is thin, the corresponding monster resources and magic gems and materials are also quite scarce. However, corresponding to these are the rich metal deposits in the goblin plane.

Most of these metal mines are buried deep underground, and there are few corresponding magic gems. For most wizards, they can only be regarded as a barren land with poor resources. But Grimm has a different view on this.

In many aspects, Grimm actually still recognizes Gazlowe's development strategy.

Mechanical civilization has its development limit. Once it touches the ceiling, the mechanical civilization has reached the end of its development, and it will be extremely difficult to move forward.

And the biggest shackle that restricts mechanical civilization is the energy crisis.

If mechanical civilization wants to grow and develop, it must have an energy source that can support the entire engineering system. In the past, the goblins used the rare magic stones in the plane and the high-combustion-rate anthracite to support the era of steam civilization.

The reason why the logging robots and magic mechas at that time were so large was not to promote the goblins' superb skills, but to store more coal and magic stones. If the magic machine was small, the energy it carried would not be enough to support its long-term work.

But coal and magic stones are low-level energy that is difficult to regenerate, and the energy conversion rate is even more outrageous.

With these low-end energy sources, the goblins are unable to stick to their own planes, let alone step out of the plane and go to the new world to find new energy.

Seriously speaking, Gazlowe is the most visionary and adventurous guy among the goblin engineers!

It saw that the limit of the development of the goblin mechanical civilization had arrived. In order to find a way out for all the goblins, it "hooked up" with many high-level planes, hoping to get the future development direction of the goblins from them.

It has to be said that the space furnace invented by Gazlowe, which combines the specialties of various planes, is simply the most epoch-making invention since the creation of the goblin plane.

Its appearance has pushed the goblin civilization into the era of magic.

From now on, even the goblins who are isolated from magic can control and use magic at will!

It’s a pity that if Gazlowe’s heart is not so big, and he has a little more dedication, then the subsequent things will not develop to today’s situation.

He personally created the era of magic, but at the critical moment when the Goblin Empire was undergoing a transformation, Gazlowe’s life has come to an end.

It is unwilling, it does not give up... It hopes that it can personally promote and watch the vigorous development of goblin civilization, thus becoming an awe-inspiring and powerful force in the entire multiverse.

In order to prolong its life, it secretly implemented the "eternal life plan".

And the reason why it introduced foreign forces is just to use these outsiders as sacrifices for its own "eternal life plan". Unfortunately, the strength of the outsiders far exceeded its imagination, and the power in its hands was not enough to manipulate and command these outsiders as if kneading mud.

Therefore, the final outcome was that the evil wizard retaliated, and it was buried in the destroyed steel city along with the level 3 thunder dragon and many dragon warriors.

The method chosen by Gazlowe was too aggressive and the means used were too rough, but the direction it chose was not wrong. It is even blunt to say that it is actually the wisest and most forward-looking goblin master and sage in the entire goblin plane!

But a loser is a loser. When it disappeared with the earth-shaking explosion, the world it left behind became a stage for Grimm to fully display his talents.

Grimm is not a prodigal son who has good things but doesn't use them.

Since the goblins have become his possessions, it is the top priority to push them into the magic energy era as soon as possible.

If you have a huge army of magic machines under your command, will it be difficult to conquer new planes?

In the wizard world, in addition to spending a lot of resources, a long apprenticeship period is also an indispensable development process to create a qualified combat wizard. However, in the Goblin Empire that has entered the era of magic energy, if you want to create a magic machine with the strength of a wizard, you only need the right metal resources and a quarter of an hour.

As long as metal resources are not scarce and the space furnace is still running, combat magic machines will continue to come off the assembly line and become a terrifying army of magic machines that fight for Grimm everywhere!

Grimm will realize Gazlowe's dreams that remain on the engineering drawings one by one. However, their appearance must serve Grimm's dreams, and this is the only prerequisite!

Sky cruisers, goblin puppet dragons, goblin mortars, goblin pacemakers, goblin dragon guns, space rippers, Thor Titans... These things will soon no longer be dreams, but will become realities.

By then, the goblin magic machine army will become a terrifying force sweeping across the multiverse under the leadership of Grimm!

So after stabilizing the goblin plane, Grimm is working hard to do only two things.

One is to build a stable transmission system to tie the goblin plane more firmly to his chariot.

The second is to carry out rescue development of the bombed steel city in a timely manner.

This point is also the top priority emphasized by Grimm.

There is no way. Almost 80% of the Quelras metal excavated from the Goblin Plane has been transported to the Iron City by Gazlowe. If Grimm wants to build a space furnace on a large scale, he must dig out the buried Quelras metal from deep underground.

Moreover, Gazlowe once built a plane gate for the dragons, which was also buried underground.

Although these things have experienced such a terrible explosion, it is impossible for them to be intact. But if they are excavated in time, even if only a small part of the fragments are left, Grimm can obtain some unexpected knowledge from other worlds.

Especially this plane gate that can only be used by the low-level goblin civilization is the "high-level stuff" that Grimm has always dreamed of. With it, the connection between Grimm's camp and the goblin plane will be closer, and it will also be more convenient for Grimm to control the goblins.

Besides, whether the horrible explosion killed the 3rd level giant brain Gazlowe and the 3rd level thunder dragon Arms is still unknown. So early exploration, early development, and early grasp of the situation there can make Grimm feel at ease!

After the explosion, a radiation cloud with a width of thousands of miles and a height of hundreds of meters was formed in the entire mountain range. Ordinary goblins would wither their flesh and bones and die within half a minute after entering it. So if you want to explore the underground situation, you must clear these radiation clouds.

These things linked to void energy are of course unfamiliar to the goblins, but they are not difficult for wizards with rich experience in survival outside the domain.

Grimm returned to the wizard world and purchased a kind of giant deer grass from the Silver Alliance, squeezed out the juice inside, and then used witchcraft to make it rain over the original steel city.

With the washing of the strange rain, the radiation cloud that had been gathering for a long time finally began to fade and disappear, and finally dug out a clear area with a width of hundreds of miles in the thick gray sea of ​​clouds.

Therefore, the goblins used the only remaining floating ship to transport a large amount of materials and engineering machinery such as drilling machines to the clear area, and built a temporary excavation camp there.

Then, the goblins continued to dig downwards day and night, hoping to drill a hole leading to the interior of the ruined steel city. The wizard representative stationed here by Grimm was the insect wizard Bilis. As for the other wizards, except for the poisonous woman Endor and Meryl who stayed to protect the teleporter, the rest returned to the wizard world one after another.

Without experiencing the ultra-long-distance teleportation across the plane, Grimm had no idea how huge the cost of this teleportation was. For each wizard teleported, the Flame Throne Wizard Tower would consume 12,000 magic crystals. For a level 2 wizard like Grimm, it would cost 30,000 magic crystals to teleport once.

If the goblin plane does not try to find a free and powerful energy source for the teleporter, I am afraid that the wizard's teleportation expenses alone will bankrupt Grimm, who has just accumulated some wealth!

Of course, Alice's Tower of Destiny could have shared part of this expense for Grimm, but Grimm, who was a male chauvinist, refused.

Grimm actually knew Alice's difficulties very well.

She seemed to have a large family and a large business, and was supported by the thousands of years of accumulation of the Tower of Destiny, but it was not easy for her. After all, she had a large number of witch apprentices waiting for her to support them, and her Tower of Destiny also had more than a dozen magic elves that consumed the most resources.

Squeezed from the left and right... As the leader of the witches of destiny, Alice's life was not much more comfortable than Grimm's.

So after thinking it over, Grimm still took on all of this alone! chapter;

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