The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0549: Mary Runs Away

On the Yate Plateau shrouded in darkness, a black shadow flew close to the ground.

Under the reflection of the huge moon disk in the sky, the black figure is slender and tall, full of charm and provocation from a distance. But what is horrifying is that such a beautiful and alluring figure actually belongs to a non-human being. A pair of flat and wide gray bat wings spread out from her back. When she was gliding close to the ground, she was silent and as fast as a ghost.

There was clearly no pursuer or anything unusual behind her, but this black figure flew across grasslands, villages, and rivers like a panicked bird... never daring to stop anywhere. Stay.

Flying rapidly for several hours without stopping, even with her strength, she would be exhausted.

Whenever this happens, she will swoop down and rush somewhere into the jungle. Soon, the wild restlessness of some large creatures will be heard there.

But these sounds disappear just as quickly as they spread!

A moment later, when the black figure fluttered into the sky, there were already one or two withered bodies of large jungle beasts somewhere in the jungle. In just half a cup of tea, all the blood in the bodies of these large beasts has been sucked out.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the black figure flew up, revealing a charming but worried face.

Mary...she is actually the vampire wizard Mary who was sent by Grim to spy on Lester!

Maybe the weird atmosphere tonight scared away the nearby jungle beasts, maybe Mary sucked the blood so cleanly that not even a trace of blood leaked out... When the fluttering sound of wings disappeared into the darkness in the distance, this mountain Lin became silent again.

Until...a strange black shadow came here!

There are no signs of biological activity in the jungle. Only those with the most acute senses can vaguely detect that the light and shadow on the scene seem to be dimmed.

Against the backdrop of the bright moonlight, a thin black mist filled the jungle, covering the two mummies of beasts hidden in the bushes.

As if something had been detected, two scarlet blood pupils suddenly lit up in the black mist, staring at the direction in which Mary was escaping.

Immediately, a cold and harsh male voice sounded in the fog.

"She actually has the aura of my bloodline on her body... It's strange. Could it be that the living body in a certain experiment was not cleaned up? No, I have to launch a bloodline summoning to try..."

As the red light flashed in the black mist, a vague and strange wave rippled toward somewhere in the distance following the strange blood connection.

However, at this moment, Mary had already fled fifty miles away.

But when she was flapping her broad bat wings and flying rapidly against a treetop, an indescribable spiritual call came into her mind.

Just like a speeding train suddenly hit the brakes, Mary's originally light and graceful flying posture suddenly stopped suddenly, and her whole body became a ball, breaking countless branches and vines along the way, and she fell into the mess. In the jungle.

This happened so suddenly that she was almost knocked upside down, making it difficult to tell the difference between east, west and north.

But before she could regain consciousness, a strong physical instinct controlled her to jump up, turn around and run away in the direction she came from.

Before she could fly five meters away, Mary's consciousness suddenly woke up and she immediately regained control of her body. Then, she suddenly stopped again.

Although the steps have stopped, the two consciousnesses are still fiercely controlling the body.

Mary's consciousness was of course to escape from that terrible demon as quickly as possible, but her instinct kept driving her back to the 'source of blood'. The two consciousnesses clashed fiercely at all levels of the body, neither willing to let go of any tiny control over the body.

As a result, Mary, who was originally charming and gorgeous, seemed to have ADHD and could not stand firmly. One foot forward, one foot backward, one hand turning left, one hand turning right, even the muscles on the face began to spasm violently.

The whole body was messed up by two strands of consciousness!

Although the vampire blood flowing in her body has the blood mark of the vampire Lester, she cannot resist the other party's orders. But after all, she is not a blood descendant created by the other party using the first embrace method, so her soul is not controlled by it.

When the soul and blood instincts conflict, the two sides are at loggerheads, and neither can overpower the other to completely control the body.

However, the bloodline summoning could not wait for the bloodline for a long time. The second-level vampire Lester, who was invisible in the black mist, finally showed a look of surprise.

What a strange bloodline descendant! He was actually able to refuse the call from the source of his bloodline. This... is incredible!

Leicester is undoubtedly more interested in such a peculiar blood descendant.

He stopped the bloodline summoning ceremony, and the black mist shrank, condensing into a pair of huge bat wings that could almost cover the entire jungle. With a slight flutter of the bat's wings, he disappeared from the spot and flew away in the direction of the strange bloodline fluctuations.

The enemy is approaching...

The strange instinctive consciousness in her body had just fallen silent, and Mary, who was almost exhausted, sensed the approach of the blood source in the distance before she could even take a breath.

Mary, who had been fighting against her body's instinctive consciousness for so long without feeling scared, immediately turned pale with fright, soared into the sky without hesitation, flapped her broad bat wings, and fled as fast as she could into the distance.

In order to get rid of this terrible enemy, she even used both the ‘energy burst’ and ‘speed flight’ witchcraft this time.

The opponent can make her body walk back and surrender obediently with just a thought from dozens of miles away. If she really met him face to face, Mary might not even have the idea of ​​resisting him.

So she was ruthless, using witchcraft items, scrolls, magic wands, and witchcraft potions. Mary used everything that could increase the flying speed, just to stay away from the devil.

With her tenacious mental consciousness, as long as the distance from the opponent exceeded 100 miles, Lester probably wouldn’t be able to sense her specific location!

With a simple and stubborn idea, Mary flew all the way and played a chase game with the terrible 2nd-level vampire Lester on the At Plateau...


Sandi Tallin area, Fednan City.

In a secret room in the upper floors of the witch tower, wizards Sanaza, Fugen and Kogan gathered together for a secret discussion.

As the core wizards of the Salupo family, such routine meetings are held almost every other year. This year, due to the numerous family affairs, the regular meetings have become more frequent.

At the regular meetings, as usual, Wizard Korgan quickly reported on the events that had occurred within the family this year, the allocation of family resources, the transfer and adjustment of internal personnel, and the statistics of apprentice promotions... After all this was introduced, Korgan took out a small note from his sleeve and introduced what had happened in the Flame Throne Wizard Tower recently.

Grimm has been living in seclusion in the Wu Tower, not leaving for half a year...

The Wu Tower has recruited two more sojourner wizards...

A month ago, several core wizards in the Wu Tower disappeared for a while at the same time...

Goblin Kirby has also disappeared, but the butler Gargamel is still there...

Half a month later, the two wizards Meryl and Mary returned and appeared, but the worm wizard Bilis, the poisonous woman Endor, and the mechanical wizard Sabrina are still missing...

Seven days ago, Mary set off for the southwest of Sandy Tallinn, with an unknown destination...

Recently, there have been a lot of records of inflows and outflows of Wu Tower resources, and it seems that Grimm's camp has made some big moves...



One by one, almost all of them are the dynamics of several major figures in the Fire Throne in recent times and the details of major events. Looking at these, the dynamics of the Fire Throne can be seen at a glance!

After waiting patiently until Wizard Korgan finished reading all the information, Wizard Fugen couldn't help but bow and ask: "Lord Sanaza, you see..."

"What's the question?" The shrill voice of Level 3 Wizard Sanaza came out from the purple mist: "That kid is really capable. He just advanced a few days ago and dared to try to launch a plane invasion. Hehehe... He is so brave!"

Although he had guessed it in his heart, Fugen was obviously not as sure as Sanaza, so he asked doubtfully: "Lord, can he do it with his strength? That... That's invading a plane!"

"Humph, Fugen, you are too conservative!" Sanaza couldn't help but sneer: "If I were you, I wouldn't doubt whether the other party dared, I would only wonder where the other party got the plane coordinates from. With Grimm's financial resources, it is obviously not enough to buy a small plane world beacon from the Silver Alliance..."

"Could it be provided by the girl in the north?" Wizard Korgan couldn't help but say.

Hearing this, Sanaza thought about it and agreed with this idea.

Grimm, a fire wizard who has only been promoted to level 2 for less than 100 days, has the financial resources to buy world beacons from the three major forces? This idea is too ridiculous! So the biggest possibility is that he received assistance from the outside world.

And with Grimm's social circle, it seems that the only one who can provide him with such help is Alice in the Dragon Bone Wilderness in the north.

So, did the wizards who disappeared from the Flame Throne die in the other world, or are they stationed in the other world?

According to the unanimous opinion of Sanaza and Fugen, the truth of the matter is most likely the former.

After all, with the strength of Grimm's camp, it can only mobilize six to seven wizards in its heyday, and they are mainly new wizards. With such strength, unless the other party is a micro-plane with extremely scarce resources, they can't eat it at all.

Even if they eat it, five or six wizards sprinkled in a small plane are like sprinkling a pinch of pepper into a stream. They will be washed away without a trace before they can even taste the taste. It is even more wishful thinking to want to rule a plane!

There are too few wizards to form an effective governance structure, and it is impossible to smoothly develop the resources and wealth of the other planes. In addition, the magic power of the lower planes is thin, which is not suitable for wizards to practice. For the wizards stationed there, this is undoubtedly a great torment!

Presumably, that Grimm would not want to stay in a lower plane with scarce resources and thin magic power all year round, taking care of those complicated secular affairs all day long, while his own strength has hardly improved for many years!

It seems that Grimm has suffered a loss!

The three core wizards of the Salubo family couldn't help but sneer with satisfaction when they thought of this...


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