The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0555: Two Powers Fighting


Lester sat down with him while searching the name quickly in his mind.

With the powerful mental power of wizards, almost all of them have a photographic memory. Especially for individuals with unique shapes like Grimm, if they have dealt with him in the past, it is impossible to forget them casually.

However, no matter how hard he frowned, he could not remember anything.

In this case, this guy should be the first time he met him!

The smile on Lester's face was just slightly stagnant, and then it returned to normal again.

"Mr. Grimm, I don't know what's the matter with you suddenly coming to our family's Rose Manor?"

Facing a wizard of the same level as himself, even with Lester's arrogance, he didn't dare to be too rude.

A level 2 wizard is an important figure in any family. Even with the foundation and strength of the Vic family, they dare not easily anger any level 2 wizard!

"I think you already know my purpose." Grimm smiled and loosened Rose's waist: "Haven't you been waiting for me to come?"

As soon as Grimm's big hand left Rose's body, the energy confinement in her body disappeared. However, intimidated by the other party's majesty, although she was free, Rose still didn't dare to move.

She could feel that this mysterious second-level wizard was obviously not a good guest, and seemed to have some special contradictions with Lester. If she didn't know how to "move around", it would probably cause a fight between the two second-level wizards.

And she, although she thought highly of herself, was sandwiched between two terrible second-level wizards. Once the two sides really fought, she would definitely not be able to escape the disaster!

Lester's face froze, and an ominous premonition in his heart could not help but surge up.

"You mean... that female vampire?"

Although he had expected it, when he saw Grimm nodded slightly, he still couldn't help but look serious.

The female vampire appeared inexplicably, and after being captured, she didn't say a word, and even refused to tell her name. Therefore, Lester was also checking her identity through the family.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party's identity information had not been found out, and the mastermind behind the other party had already taken the initiative to show up.

"Rose, I have something to discuss with this wizard Grimm, you should step aside first!" Lester narrowed his eyes and whispered.

The female vampire trembled, and her scarlet blood pupils shifted to Grimm, and she didn't dare to move lightly.

"Sir Lester is right! We do have something to discuss... Beauty, you should step aside first!" Grimm suddenly smiled and patted the female vampire's buttocks.

Rose immediately breathed a sigh of relief, smiled coquettishly and rolled her eyes at Grimm, while swaying her waist and leaving the reception room.

Seeing Rose leave, Lester's solemn eyes finally relaxed a little.

At least the other party was not so despicable as to kidnap Rose, which also won Lester a little favor. Although the other party could not threaten him in the slightest even if he kidnapped Rose, since the other party was willing to give up this advantage, the stagnant atmosphere at the scene was relaxed a little.

"Sir Grimm, you should know... it is a big taboo to snoop into the blood of other families at will!" Although his face was slightly relieved, Lester's tone was still not loose at all: "I don't care what method you used to steal my blood, now I must take it back!"

The female vampire actually had his blood. Once it was allowed to grow freely, the blood backlash was almost certain. So Lester suppressed his anger and coldly rejected Grimm's unreasonable request.

"Sir Lester, don't forget the good things you did in the Salupo family ninety years ago!" Grimm immediately responded unkindly.

Ninety years ago? Salupo family?

After receiving these tips, Lester's eyes lit up and he immediately understood the cause of the whole thing.

Ninety years ago, he was a level 1 vampire who had just been promoted. In order to purify his blood, he had no choice but to choose a secret place outside the family to study vampire blood silently.

In the territory of the Salupo family, he also bought an ancient castle with his identity concealed, and secretly did some secret research in it that he didn't want the family to know.

Unfortunately, just when the research had just made some progress, he was blocked by the other party because he kidnapped the wizard apprentice of the Salupo family for experiments. The two sides fought a bloody battle, and Lester escaped successfully, but the laboratory he left under the castle was destroyed.

Originally, he thought that the blood specimens he left there were destroyed, but now it seems that they have obviously fallen into the hands of the Salupo family. In this way, the source of the blood of the female vampire is clear at a glance.

The other family had a good trick. They only used part of their own blood to successfully create a female vampire, and they cultivated her to such an excellent level. This... simply amazed Lester!

However, this made both parties feel awkward.

Lester casually ran into the other family's territory to set up a laboratory, and also kidnapped the other family's wizard apprentice as a test subject. If such news were to reach the Sanditalin Wizard Association, he would probably be criticized. However, with his current identity as a level 2 vampire wizard, even if those old men in Sanditalin really wanted to intervene, they would only ask him to pay compensation.

He can still afford such a "mistake".

Of course, if he is not level 2 now, but level 1. Then this is not a "mistake", but a "sin"!

On the contrary, the other family actually used his origin blood to create a female vampire, which also cannot get rid of the crime of prying into the secrets of the Vick family's bloodline. So if the two sides quarrel, it is also half a catty and eight taels, and no one can suppress the other.

However, now that the female vampire is held in Lester's hands, overall, he still has a more obvious advantage.

The cause of the matter was explained in a few words, and both sides couldn't help but frown.

Grimm was thinking about the probability of the other party giving up Mary, while Lester was thinking about the reason why the other party forced the female vampire.

The potential of the female vampire was indeed outstanding, and she also had the possibility of advancing to the second level. But it was just a possibility. Would the other party risk angering this second-level vampire for this possibility?

Grimm seemed to have noticed Lester's doubts and finally broke the news.

"Sir Lester, to be honest with you, the Mary you detained is my lover. I can't give her up for any benefit!"

After listening to Grimm's righteous confession, Lester finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Just as the other party could not give up Mary, he also had a reason not to let Mary leave. In this way, there seemed to be no room for maneuver between the two of them...

Seemingly aware of each other's determination from each other's eyes, the expressions of Lester and Grimm became more and more serious. Unconsciously, a heavy and cold murderous intent began to quietly emerge.

The atmosphere in the hall was only frozen for half a second.

It was unknown which of the two had the murderous intent first, but almost at the same time, the two level 2 wizards broke out at the same time!

The area of ​​the reception room was not very large.

The two people were only five or six meters away from each other, and there was a solid and thick oak square table in the middle. But in the blink of an eye, the oak square table had broken into pieces and hit Grimm head-on, and Lester's ghostly figure instantly approached the other side.

Lester waved his hands quickly, and his sharp nails were like sharp blades, piercing into Grimm's body with a strong blood.

The attack had just taken shape, and before he could see the effect of the attack, Lester sensed a billowing stream of flames approaching him, and a dangerous intuition that made his color change suddenly.

The nails penetrated half an inch into the body. If he had one tenth of a second to bend his fingers, he would have the confidence to pierce several blood holes directly on the opponent's body. However, the imminent and terrible danger instinct made him give up this opportunity and move away from the opponent's side.

The next second, a surging fire storm swept out from the opponent's body, and instantly engulfed the entire reception room in a sea of ​​fire.


At the moment when the terrifying flames gushed and churned, Grimm's black dress broke, and seven or eight blood grooves deep to the bone burst out bright red blood fountains at the same time. Before these blood fountains splashed on the ground, they were directly vaporized by the high temperature that instantly evaporated.

At the same time, the Destruction Flame Witch Staff in Grimm's left hand emerged. With a slight pause, a larger and more terrifying flame barrier shot out, instantly engulfing the three-story building.

The terrible flames and the terrifying high temperature almost enveloped the entire banquet hall at the same time. Ordinary people who were not protected by any witchcraft turned to ashes in an instant without even a chance to groan. And those members of the Vick family burst out thick blood mist from their bodies, protecting themselves and trying to escape outside the flame barrier.

Those vampires or blood slaves whose strength was below Viscount (level 1) were also burned to ashes because their blood energy was exhausted before they could escape the flame barrier.

In the entire banquet hall, there were originally three or four hundred people laughing and talking, but in an instant, only three or four people struggled to escape from the Rose Manor. As for the others, they all turned into a pile of dust in the terrifying sea of ​​fire.

The three-story building, which was mainly made of brick and wood, also collapsed in the burning of the violent flames, leaving two tall figures facing each other from a distance above the raging fire. chapter;

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