The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0573 Stoneclaw Mountains

"This should be the legendary Swamp of Sorrows!"

"Go north from here, about 5 days' journey, and you will reach the Dragon Mountains where the dragon nest of the 3rd dragon lord Yugen is located..."

"Go east from here, about 11 days' journey, you will enter the territory of the 4th dragon lord Ivalaquax..."

"Go south from here, about 8 days' journey, you will enter the territory of the 3rd dragon lord Kosata..."

"The reason why we have been heading southwest is that the west and south of the Swamp of Sorrows are either 2nd or 3rd dragon lords, and their overall strength is much weaker than that of other directions..."

At this time, the metal monster has transformed into a spider puppet beast under the drive of Gazlowe. Stepping on the heavy footsteps that shook the earth, it rushed towards the southwest direction of the Swamp of Sorrows, one step at a time.

Along the way, the huge metal spider obviously also attracted countless swamp races and indigenous monsters.

They either chased after the metal spiders or pounced on them and bit the 3-meter-thick metal legs fiercely.

Under Grimm's strict order, Gazlowe did not fight back against such brainless low-level creatures. He just ran on his own, passing through the nests and habitats of countless swamp creatures.

Under the leadership of Zacha, a local native, most of the lands passed by the metal spiders were wild and ownerless territories, so that the wizard advance army would not provoke difficult enemies in advance.

The metal spiders did not kill indiscriminately, and did not cause panic among many intelligent races along the way.

Although they were extremely puzzled by such a huge metal monster passing by their tribe, as long as the other party did not show obvious hostility, they would not panic and run to report to their dragon lords.

And this can obviously buy the wizard advance army a little free time that is hard to wait for!

With the help of metal spiders, the wizards and the dragon man Zacha can naturally hide on the high metal back of the spider puppet beast, resting and waiting for the recovery of strength, while enthusiastically discussing the itinerary for the next period of time.

For the goblin plane, the Lance plane is simply a higher plane that is countless times stronger than it. Although Grimm and others come from a wizard world that is more powerful and terrifying than the Lance plane, but... the Crimson Family is a small wizard family that has just been established for only 13 days. It is simply wishful thinking to want to swallow up the Lance plane in one bite.

Not to mention anything else, a random 3rd-level dragon lord from the Lance plane can easily kill Grimm's small Crimson Family wizard group. So Grimm relied on his courage to break into the Lance plane this time, not the wizard, but the brain monster Gazlowe.

No, to be more precise, it was the metal fortress and magic machine war group controlled by the brain monster Gazlowe!

Running into the dragon lord's territory and shouting for war and killing is simply a brainless act of courting death. So Grimm will never do this, but will hide in a low profile.

As the vanguard of the Crimson Family, their mission this time is not to conquer how many territories or capture how many dragons, but... to survive!

If the Lance plane is a unified plane with a strict and effective ruling structure, then Grimm will never set foot here. It is precisely because of a thorough discussion with the dragon man Zacha that he fully understands the social structure and power hierarchy of the Lance plane, so Grimm made up his mind to break into the dragon's den.

The Lance plane is a feudal lord system with a loose power structure, and it is dotted with dragon lords of all sizes. Each dragon lord only cares about the resources and wealth in his own territory, and never pays attention to things that have nothing to do with his territory.

Therefore, when Grimm and his party broke into the Lance plane, such a big anomaly would only attract the messengers of several dragon lords in the surrounding area to investigate. Once they found that the alien intruders had left their territory and ran to someone else's territory, they would immediately go back home and sleep.

As for whether the alien intruders would turn the territories of other dragon lords upside down, sorry, that has nothing to do with me!

Seeing a weak companion in trouble and running to them to cry, the dragons would only laugh at most, and would never abandon their dragon nests or palaces to help them get revenge. Unless the two have a closer blood connection or belong to the same clan, the dragons would rather hide in the dragon nest and sleep soundly, and would not travel thousands of miles to do something that would not be worth the loss.

It was precisely because he understood the strange nature of the dragons that Grimm gritted his teeth and formulated such a hard-breaking plan. Of course, what made him make up his mind completely was the existence of the dragon man Zacha, a native of this plane.

Without the guidance of the natives of this plane, Grimm and his men would run around here aimlessly. If they ran into the territory of a 4th-level dragon lord, no matter how lazy the dragons were, they would not turn a blind eye to such a huge threat.

Being surrounded and beaten by a 4th-level dragon and a group of powerful dragonmen, Grimm was horrified just thinking about that scene!

The metal fortress controlled by Gazlowe could easily resist a 4th-level dragon, and the magic cannon hidden in its body was also a big threat to the dragon. So as long as the problem of logistics support can be solved, the 3rd-level brain monster Gazlowe is almost invincible in any plane!

So what kind of logistics support does the brain monster Gazlowe need?

The first thing is a lot of metal, a steady supply of magic metal.

Therefore, the first thing Grimm and his party did after crossing over was not to go out to plunder or find a place to hide, but to head straight to a mountain range with the richest metal deposits near the teleportation point under the leadership of the 2nd-level dragon Zacha.

Stoneclaw Mountains.

This is a broad mountain range located 36,000 kilometers southwest of the Swamp of Sorrow, and the rich metal deposits here are well-known even in the western region of the Dragon Continent.

And the one living in the Stoneclaw Mountains is just a 2nd-level dragon lord.

For such a small character, even without metal monsters, the wizard group brought by Grimm is not afraid at all.

Planning before acting, coupled with the extreme desire for strength growth, this led to Grimm's trip to another world!


Stoneclaw Mountains.

This is a huge mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles.

Because the terrain here is steep and the mountains are dangerous, it has never been visited by people.

Standing on the Twin Peaks and looking far away, you can see the majestic Stoneclaw Mountains winding and stretching into the distance. Steep and majestic cliffs can be seen everywhere, most of which are covered with large areas of dense coniferous forests. Various exotic birds fly in the mountains, showing an amazing vitality.

The wind dragon Chax squatted on the huge platform in front of the dragon's nest, looking down at the magnificent and beautiful wonders below, while waiting for news from afar.

Two days ago, the subordinates on the edge of the territory sent back news that a huge and disturbing metal monster was rushing towards the Stone Claw Mountains with an unstoppable momentum.

They tried to block or force the other party to change its route, but unfortunately, they suffered heavy casualties and gained nothing.

As a last resort, the dragon servants serving the wind dragon could only rely on their courage to wake up the sleeping Chax.

Chax, who was disturbed from his sweet dream, was furious and swallowed the first-level dragon man who woke him up. Only then did he have the mood to listen to what they said. Of course, what awaited him was undoubtedly the bad news that couldn't be worse!

In the past two days, the indigenous tribes in the territory of Chax have been mobilized, and they have rushed to block the metal monster's advance. Unfortunately, apart from one defeat after another, no good news has been reported.

The severe situation even forced Chax to no longer be able to sleep in the dragon's nest, and he could only stand here pretending to be calm and wait for news from afar.

According to the report from the outside, this terrible metal monster ran out of the Sad Swamp, and the Sad Swamp is the hereditary territory of another dragon lord. So Chax could only send his trusted men to the palace of the dragon lord to ask him about the origin of this metal monster.

However, considering the dragon clan's traditional procrastination, if the envoys sent encounter the dragon lord sleeping, it would not be surprising to wait for a year or two.

So Chax did not dare to pin all his hopes on the dragon neighbors, and sent a large number of men to follow the metal monster's way into the Sad Swamp, hoping to find out something from the swamp natives along the way.

Just as the 2nd-level wind dragon lord Chax lowered his dragon head and thought hard, the edge of the distant mountain range suddenly became dusty, and large flocks of birds soared into the sky, making sharp and shrill screams at the end of the sky.

Hmm... what happened?

While he was wondering, a group of harpies flew in from the distant forest close to the treetops.

They landed at the foot of Shuangfeng Mountain and flew into the camp of the Dragon Legion stationed there.

A moment later, the most powerful warrior of the Dragon Legion, the 2nd-level dragon Bino, rushed up Shuangfeng Mountain with several of his men.

"Lord, it's not good... it's not good... that metal monster... has... arrived..."

Rushing up the nearly 1,000-meter-high isolated peak in one breath, even with Bino's physique, he was a little overwhelmed. While panting heavily, he quickly reported the information from afar to the wind dragon Chax.

The wind dragon Chax blinked his strange olive-colored dragon eyes quickly, staring into the distance without looking back, and asked: "Are the enemies heading here?"

"No... not..." The dragon man Bino scratched his head in distress: "According to the bird monsters' report, the metal monster changed direction as soon as it entered the mountains, and went straight... straight..."

"Where did it go?"

"Straight to the Jade Mine Cave..."

The wind dragon Chax was surprised!


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