The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0578: Wind Dragon is captured

"You don't need to send a signal to the dragons for help!"

A young man's voice suddenly came from outside the cave.

"During the time you were out just now, we have dealt with your remaining dragon guards. So... no one will come to save you even if you shout your throat out..."

The voice was clear and powerful. Just by listening to the voice, you can tell that this is a guy who has strong confidence in himself.

The huge body of the wind dragon Chax kept adjusting slowly, trying to take care of the two groups of enemies in front and behind at the same time.

The enemy hidden in the pile of gold coins and gems has appeared, flapping his bat wings and slowly floating in the air of the dragon's nest. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be a beautiful human girl. But based on the strange breath that was intentionally or unintentionally emitted from the other party's body, Chax dared to conclude that this was a vampire, and a 2nd-level vampire!

Heavy footsteps sounded at the entrance of the dragon's nest behind him.

One fat and one thin, one tall and one short, two mysterious enemies with huge body differences walked in.

The one in front looked like a half-man, half-dragon. His upper body was wearing a blue metal armor, and his lower body was covered with blue scales. In his sturdy humanoid arms, he was holding a lightning spear that flashed blue lightning from time to time.

Damn, it was a level 2 dragon man!

And walking behind the dragon man was a mysterious human in a thick black robe.

Although most of his body was completely covered by the black robe, the human hand holding the strange wizard's staff betrayed his identity.

In him, the wind dragon Chax smelled the powerful, evil, chaotic "stench" of the wizard!

And the one who spoke was this human male wizard.

Without too much association, the wind dragon Chax instantly connected everything that had happened in the past few days.

"Wizard, you have crossed the line!" Chax slowly turned his body towards the black-robed man and the dragon man, because these two people posed the greatest threat to him: "This is our dragon country. According to the peace agreement signed between Lord Dragon God and your great wizard, neither side can invade the other's origin plane. You... you are crossing the line!"

Grimm, who was covered in a black robe, chuckled.

He also knew the "peace agreement" mentioned by the wind dragon opposite. The other party mentioned this, which further showed his nature of being fierce on the outside but shrewd on the inside.

"Crossing the border? Lord Chax, I suggest you read the peace agreement carefully! Both parties agreed not to invade each other's origin plane at will. But is this Lance plane the origin plane of your dragon clan? As far as I know, this is originally a plane ruled by the trolls. You dragons can only be regarded as a group of outsiders at best, and we are another group. Two groups of outsiders fighting over a disputed territory have not touched the peace agreement. So..."

"You'd better surrender!"

As Grimm's voice suddenly rose, the battle started instantly.

The dragon man Zacha, who acted as a meat shield, never liked nonsense. When it received Grimm's order, it picked up the lightning spear and rushed towards the wind dragon without saying a word.

As a servant of the dragon clan, even if Zacha's rank is the same as the wind dragon, its identity and status are greatly different from the other party. However, it was originally just a servant of Thunder Dragon Arms, and had nothing to do with the Wind Dragon Lord, so when it came to the real attack, Zacha had no intention of holding back.

When Zacha rushed towards the Wind Dragon with rumbling heavy steps, Mary in the Dragon's Nest also gave a light shout, folded her wings, and her whole body turned into a red light, rushing up from the back.

As for Grimm, not only did he not move forward, but he took a few steps back, firmly guarding the exit of the Dragon's Nest, and began to chant the mysterious witchcraft spell loudly.

After all, this battle was only the first cooperation of the three Level 2 wizards of the Crimson Family. Whether they could successfully subdue this Level 2 Wind Dragon depended on whether the three of them cooperated tacitly.

In the past, Grimm liked to throw lava fireballs randomly. On the one hand, the attack was powerful, and on the other hand, it could spread the sea of ​​fire over a large area. But now, since they are cooperating with each other, such a range attack cannot be launched casually.

After all, the fire magic that can affect the wind dragon can easily affect Zacha and Mary's performance, so... for the first time, Grimm also began to regard himself as an orthodox witchcraft caster, and honestly hid in the distance to act as a firepower turret.

Facing the situation of being attacked from both sides, the wind dragon let out a short hiss, half raised its dragon body, and its vigorous and powerful dragon claws with several cold rays slapped towards the dragon man Zacha. At the same time, its body swayed, and the hard dragon tail behind it, which was seven or eight meters long, rushed towards Mary with a whistling wind.

And in its wide-open throat, a sky-blue wind blade was brewing quickly, just waiting for the dragon man Zacha's attack to be frustrated and then shot out to disrupt his subsequent attack.

It must be said that the huge size of the dragon clan often brings it unparalleled powerful deterrence and combat advantages.

Chax and Zacha are both level 2, and their strength is originally not much different. However, with the added strength brought by his size, the dragon man Zacha was defeated in the confrontation with the wind dragon.

The sharp dragon claws and the lightning spear collided with each other, and Zacha, who was in the midst of a violent attack, was like a chariot out of control, and was hit by the wind dragon's claws onto the rock wall beside him.

There was a thunderous sound that shook the earth.

The dragon man Zacha was completely embedded in the rock wall, and the violent impact force seemed to make the dragon's nest tremble slightly.

Taking this opportunity, the wind dragon opened its mouth and was about to use the wind blade that had been brewing for a long time to break Zacha's body armor, but it suddenly felt a sharp pain in its back, so the wind blade turned into a white light, brushing Zacha's body with a millimeter difference and hitting the rock wall.

With a strange sound, a deep scratch about one meter long appeared next to the human-shaped pit.

The wind dragon looked back angrily, and the olive-colored vertical pupils instantly caught a red figure that was quietly slipping away.

The sky-blue wind vortex instantly lingered beside the wind dragon, making its figure as fast as the wind.

With a lightning strike, Chax's huge fangs bit Mary who succeeded in the sneak attack viciously.

After Mary's promotion, her agility has greatly improved. She flapped her bat wings to entice the wind dragon to dodge left and right in the dragon's nest, and each time she avoided the opponent's fierce bite by a millimeter.

Two swift figures, one big and one small, chased each other in a narrow space, dodging each other's attacks, but constantly attacking each other. Once the two agile figures, one red and one white, increased their speed to the extreme, they almost exceeded the limit of Grimm's visual capture.

The dragon man Zacha struggled to break free from the rock wall, spit out a mouthful of purple-black blood, and then moved as usual. It roared, raised the lightning spear and rushed up again.

At this time, Grimm's fire magic, which took 37 fingers to complete, has also been guided to the end. While his eyes were flashing and trying his best to capture the figure of the wind dragon, he carefully maintained the powerful fire magic in his hand.

Meteor explosion!

This is a powerful fire magic derived from the two fire magics, Fire Core Melt Explosion and Meteor Shower, after he was promoted to the second level.

In terms of power alone, it can be ranked first among the magics that Grimm currently masters.

Seriously speaking, it is actually a single magic, and the attack strength can reach an astonishing 340 degrees after sufficient magic guidance. This... is already the strongest attack that Grimm can take out!

After a death chase, the wind dragon finally caught up with Mary with a better speed.

With a strong and powerful wind breath of the wind dragon, Mary did not escape the coverage of the dragon breath in time before the wind breath and body, and was immediately swept out by thousands of fine wind vortex blades.

When Mary screamed and was pushed against the rock wall by the wind breath, and endured the strangulation of countless wind vortex blades, Grimm's face sank, and he took a step forward, and the dazzling red "Meteor Explosion" in his hand finally shot out.

At this moment, what rose in Grimm's hand was no longer a lava fireball, but a small fire meteor.

The powerful heat wave kept baking the surrounding land and air, making all the scenery become illusory and floating. As Grimm finished the last spell, the fire meteor in his hand crossed the wide space of the mountain belly, and hit the body of the wind dragon with lightning speed.

The next second, a sun exploded directly on the side of the wind dragon's body!

The violent and ferocious explosion shock wave swept the entire dragon's nest. The gold coins and gems that were originally piled up in the center of the hall were thrown into the air like a Category 9 hurricane, and then quickly melted and disintegrated in the terrible high-temperature flame flow.

The solid rock walls around the dragon's nest were also eroded layer by layer in the impact of the flame flow, and the metal armor and long swords that were originally buried in the gem pile quickly melted into a pool of mud like hot wax.

The wind dragon was hit by the meteor explosion on the side of the chest and abdomen. The wind barrier outside the body did not last even for a second and burst like a soap bubble. The scorching heat even penetrated its scales and magic resistance, causing the blood and muscles under its chest and abdomen to evaporate instantly.

A terrible huge scar appeared there. After a moment, with a burst, the flesh and blood under the scar burst, large pieces of dragon scales flew everywhere, and a thick blood fountain gushed out directly.

The wind dragon raised its neck and let out a shrill and painful howl, and finally fell down powerlessly.

Even a fallen dragon cannot be underestimated.

The dragon man Zacha rushed up and cooperated with Mary who had just escaped from the wind dragon's breath. The two rushed up and fought hard with the struggling wind dragon for thirty or forty rounds before they completely knocked it down and subdued it.

When Grimm walked leisurely to the battlefield with his hands behind his back, Zacha and Mary were already covered in blood and scars.

The battle just now also verified the widely circulated rumor in the multiverse.

Except for a few powerful races such as Titans and Star Beasts, the dragon clan can be invincible at the same level!

In today's battle, if Zacha hadn't vomited blood to withstand the attack of the wind dragon, it would be difficult for Grimm and Mary to trap Chax. If Mary hadn't attracted some firepower, Zacha would have found it difficult to survive the direct confrontation with the wind dragon.

And the most critical heavy blow was delivered by Grimm.

Without this hand, Zacha and Mary could only entangle the wind dragon, but it was difficult to knock it down.

So, the role of the three of them is indispensable.

Without one, it would be difficult to knock down this wind dragon lord today.

But even so, Grimm was still a little confused.

"Strange... Strange... Why does this wind dragon look so weak?" chapter;

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