The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0582 Dragon Scout

Sewing Ghost Doll.

The appearance of the Sewing Ghost Doll is a palm-sized cloth doll, with the left half in male form and the right half in female form, and the body is covered with sewing marks and silk threads. The whole body is black, with blood marks everywhere, and there is only one eye on the head painted with blood.

Once the Sewing Ghost Doll is successfully refined, three prisoner soul guards will always follow its body, which is also its only means of attack.

The three prisoner soul guards are virtual beings and cannot be touched by physical attacks. Every time they shuttle through the body of the target creature, they can take away part of the opponent's soul fragments and seal them in the body of the Sewing Ghost Doll.

When the soul fragments reach a certain number, the Sewing Ghost Doll can launch a soul attachment technique and occupy the target's body for a short time. The probability of the soul attachment technique succeeding is related to the difference in mental power between the Sewing Ghost Doll and the target creature. The stronger the mental power of the target creature, the lower the success rate. If the mental power of the target creature is twice that of the Sewing Ghost Doll, the soul attachment is invalid!

Putting down the crystal of knowledge, Grimm analyzed it for a while, and couldn't help but secretly sigh at the vastness and strangeness of the magic world. Such sewing ghost puppets are not strong in combat power, but they are extremely strange and unpredictable. Once there is no corresponding means to deal with them, they can easily be knocked down silently.

And this crystal of knowledge should have been lost from a professional called soul master.

Soul master is not a race, but a special professional.

They may be of any race, any life form, and the characteristic of their profession is to split the soul to concoct all kinds of strange soul slaves. These soul fragments cut from their own souls are of course closely connected to them that any magic cannot separate, and they never worry about betrayal.

The slaves made of soul fragments are themselves virtual, so they can ignore all physical defenses and directly attack the enemy's soul and spiritual consciousness. Moreover, the soul slaves are originally one with them, and they can be commanded as easily as using their arms and fingers, and there will be no feeling of dullness and stagnation even if they are separated by a long space.

However, the disadvantage of this kind of slave is also obvious. Once destroyed, it will cause the soul of the soul master to be defective, and it must be restored through long-term conditioning. If too many soul slaves are destroyed by the enemy at one time, the soul master may also face the danger of soul collapse and spiritual consciousness extinction.

So like the two sides of a sharp blade, safety and danger coexist!

At the end of the knowledge crystal, of course, there is also the method of refining this sewing ghost doll and the soul-attaching ceremony, which can be done with Grimm's current ability and strength. So after hesitating for a while, Grimm took the knowledge crystal into his arms and began to silently calculate the cost-effectiveness of this sewing ghost doll.


Sad Swamp.

Dirty quagmires and puddles are next to each other.

Looking far away, the muddy land full of dark silt and smelly black water is everywhere in the sight range. And the far end of the sight is covered by layers of thick water mist, and it is difficult to reach far.

The thick fog is pervasive, and the earth is silent.

And in this silence, unimaginable dangers and deaths are bred.

Every pool in the Swamp of Sorrows may be inhabited by some insidious and cunning lurkers, who quietly lurk in the turbid and filthy water, silently waiting for prey to come to them.

And the bottom of these pools is connected by narrow and dirty waterways, which allows them to change their lurking positions or retreat silently. The prey can only sense the approach of danger when they open their bloody mouths and pounce on them.

A loud splash broke the silence of the world.

A thick and scaly dragon leg stepped into a puddle, splashing huge water and dots of mud.

"Damn it..."

The dragon man Asa struggled to pull out his front legs while cursing loudly.

Its loud voice could be heard far away in the silent swamp, but Asa didn't care.

Because it is a dragon man!

In the entire Lance plane, if the dragon lords are the high and mighty monarchs, then the slaves who serve the dragons are the nobles of all sizes. In any region of the Lance plane, in front of any indigenous race of the Lance plane, the dragon people are the undisputed strongest warriors, the most stringent tax collectors and the most fair and selfless law enforcers.

No native dares to offend a noble dragon, even if it is just an ordinary dragon warrior or dragon scout. As for ambushing dragons, it is a heinous crime that will lead to the extinction of the entire tribe!

So even in the relatively unfamiliar Sad Swamp, Asa, as a dragon scout, is still not worried, but violates the scout code and makes a noise that should not be made.

It's strange to say that the dragon scout Asa made such a loud noise, but not only did he not suffer the attack of the surrounding lurking swamp creatures, but instead made them panic and dive into the water, slipping away along the complex and winding waterway.

Looking at the series of bubbles bubbling out of the muddy pool within sight, a hideous smile appeared on the thin and narrow face of the dragon scout Asa.

Dragging his huge and heavy body, Asa quickly swam on the relatively solid mud road.

If you want to hang out in the Swamp of Sorrows, you must have the ability to identify which muddy grass is passable at a glance, even if there is a quagmire under the muddy grass. Otherwise, you will be stuck in the muddy ground at any time, which is also a kind of irony for Asa, who was born as a scout.

70 miles behind it, a large army of dragonmen was marching forward.

As a dragon scout sent out, Asa had to clear the ambushes that the team might encounter on the way, and on the other hand, he had to drive away those blind wild swamp creatures to prevent them from disturbing the march of the dragonmen.

In fact, in the Lance plane, the guys who dared to ambush the dragonmen had not yet been born. In Asa's memory, the last ambush was more than 30 years ago.

A lizardman guy who was crazy because he couldn't afford the heavy taxes rashly attacked a dragon tax collector and threw a piece of mud at him. So in that area, whether it was the lizardman tribe or the dog-headed tribe, as long as they could walk upright, they were slaughtered by the dragons.

Since then, wherever the dragons go, all the native tribes will panic and hide, for fear of accidentally offending these noble dragons.

Therefore, when traveling long distances, the dragon scouts need to pay attention not to the frightened indigenous tribes, but to the numerous wild monsters.

They are all ignorant and powerful, and do not have enough wisdom to distinguish which creatures they can provoke and which creatures they cannot provoke. So Asa is mainly responsible for driving them away!

After walking another 3 miles in the dark, hot and humid swamp, Asa suddenly stopped.

No... something is wrong here!

It was quiet, much quieter than before, even the slight sound of vipers crawling on rotten branches and leaves, and leeches spitting bubbles in turbid sewage could not be heard.

The entire huge swamp area was unprecedentedly dead silent, as if all the creatures here suddenly died.


As soon as this word came to mind, Asa felt something wrong under him.

It quickly moved two steps horizontally, bent down, lowered its head, and then found in horror that it had been hit.

A faint gray mist rose from the puddle below him, and had already turned the fine scales of Asa's lower body gray. And as the gray mist became more and more, and thicker, the speed of gray erosion continued to accelerate, and quickly spread to Asa's upper body.

What is this?

Toxin? Living creature? Or some strange ability of a monster?

Thinking quickly in his mind, Asa, as a dragon scout, had the instinct of years of training to drive him to quickly escape from the gray mist. When he fled to a nearby mud road, Asa roared, and dazzling flames burst out from his scales.

The dragon's strong physique gave him extraordinary magic resistance, and ordinary biological toxins could not cause him fatal damage. Therefore, after escaping the trap set by the enemy, Asa had begun to increase his strength and planned to counterattack.

However, when he violently urged the blood in his body, a huge dizziness enveloped his mind.

Asa staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

The dragon legs that were as thick and solid as stone pillars just now were trembling, and could no longer support the huge and heavy body.

Damn, what kind of poison is this, it is so powerful...

Asa roared wildly again, and raised the heavy metal axe in his hand, intending to trigger a violent fireball in the sky to alert the dragon army behind him.

Unfortunately, just as it stood up shakily and raised the axe, a thin and dry black figure appeared in the hazy mist in front of it.

"Lie down! Lie down obediently! When you meet me, the poisonous woman Endor, you should lie down honestly..."

The next second, it seemed that the black figure in front of him cursed successfully, and a sharp pain gathered from the limbs of the body, instantly defeating Asa's consciousness.

There was a loud bang.

The metal axe fell to the ground, and the huge body of the dragon scout slowly collapsed to the ground, splashing a larger and smellier sewage.

After knocking down the 1st level dragon scout, the poisonous woman Endo came to the dragon with her hunched and shriveled body, and took most of the poison out of his body with a casual grab. However, she still left some poison in the dragon's head, so that the other party would not wake up easily.

"Come... carry it back!"

The voice of the poisonous woman Endo was not loud, but it instantly caused a riot in the surrounding environment.

In several large mud pits within the sight range, sewage flew and broken mud splashed. More than a dozen huge engineering machinery bodies crawled out of them and gathered here with heavy steps.

Under the command of a goblin technician who was perched on the top of an open mechanical body, the engineering machinery bodies rushed up, lifted the unconscious dragon and ran into the depths of the fog.

And the poisonous woman Endo raised her old and gloomy face and looked far away in the direction where the dragon scout came from.

"That female fire dragon's hands came down so quickly! It seems that we will have to fight them in this Swamp of Sorrows..."

After talking to herself, the poisonous woman Endor pulled her hood up again and disappeared silently in the field. chapter;

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