The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0587 The War is Coming

Dragonite camp.

All the obstructive kobolds have been cleared away.

After sprinkling kobold blood all over the camp, the pungent smell of blood covered the strong stench.

For the dragon people who have been wandering on the edge of war, the bloody smell is not only not unpleasant, but also makes them feel extremely comfortable and can completely relax.

The dragon people traveled a long distance to get here, and they actually brought some food and supplies with them. However, considering the unpredictability of future battles, it would not be wrong to prepare more food reserves. That's why the army commander Will sent a food collection team to find trouble with the local indigenous people.

The dragon warriors gathered together in small teams, raised piles of bonfires, and set up large pots. Immediately, the wonderful aroma of cooking steaks filled the camp.

Even during the short rest before eating, several dragon warriors threw off their armors and weapons, and started fighting with their bare hands.

Dragon people are good at martial arts, and this fair showdown is the best stage to demonstrate their personal bravery.

Therefore, the dragon captains did not rush forward to stop them. Instead, they gathered around with ordinary dragon warriors, cheering for their familiar partners while laughing and cursing at the other side.

The atmosphere in the camp is warm and noisy, but there is a sense of harmony that is difficult for outsiders to experience!

"These over-energetic little guys..." Standing on a high slope of a camp, Deputy Army Commander Aiden, who was looking silently in several directions, turned around and looked back, then laughed and cursed.

Although he was scolding, his words were filled with a hint of pampering.

Legion Commander Will also glanced back at the camp, but then shook his head and frowned and set his sights in the distance again. If it had been in the past, he would have been like Aiden at this moment, either smiling, or rushing into the camp and roaring a few times, and then smashing the troublemakers with one hand.

But at this moment, a repressed emotion that was difficult to confide to outsiders lingered in his heart, making him unable to let go for a long time.

"What are you still worried about?" Seeing his old partner frowning, Aiden asked with concern: "Which side is the food collection team or Shuangfeng Mountain?"

As for the followers of the Dragon Worship Cult, Aiden didn't even mention it at all.

Those despicable trolls rely on lowly flattery and useless prayers and praises to win the favor of Lady Philippa. The dragon people looked down upon this kind of behavior, so they also hated these Dragon Worshipers.

Two hundred followers of the Dragon Worship Cult sound like a huge team. But if Aiden is given a small group of dragon warriors, he is confident that he can kill the opponent within half an hour.

It is precisely because of this huge difference in combat power that the dragon people look down upon the followers of the Dragon Worship Cult who can only kneel down and pray. They even wish that the other party would encounter a powerful monster and suffer heavy losses.

Commander Will did not directly answer the old partner's inquiry, and his eyes were still wandering in the thick fog in the distance.

"How long have the food collection team been gone?" Will narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "According to my calculations, they should have returned half a quarter of an hour ago!"

Aiden is also an old man who has been fighting for many years. After being reminded by Will, he lowered his head and thought about it for a while and realized what was wrong.

"The fishman camp they went to is less than 5 miles away from us. Unless they encounter something particularly difficult, otherwise... they should have returned. How about... I take someone to take a look?"

"No need to go! They may never come back..." Angry flames suddenly burst out from Commander Will's four amber-shaped eyes: "Ever since I entered the Swamp of Sorrows, I have always felt something was wrong. Now it seems that we have underestimated the enemy this time! Unknowingly, we have stepped into the enemy's trap. The enemy did not stand in the Stone Claw Mountains at all, but... came here to intercept us. ”

Deputy Commander Aiden shivered when he heard this. When he glanced at the surrounding thick fog again, there was already a touch of anger in his eyes.

Fear almost never appears in the dictionary of dragon warriors.

For these despicable guys who lurk in the dark and can only sneak up and do some unsavory tricks, the dragon people will only be filled with hatred and anger, but they will never be afraid!

"I'm going to gather the team now and keep the little guys on guard!" Deputy Commander Aiden made a decision immediately.

After kowtowing to Will, Aiden crushed a black scorpion that crawled to his feet, flew with all four hooves, and quickly rushed down the high slope with his two men.

Will still glanced around the camp without looking back, not noticing that the remains of the black scorpion that Aiden had trampled to pieces actually had traces of gray smoke coming out of it, and silently blended into the damp and cold water. In the fog.

And at this moment, the entire dragon camp was actually shrouded in this weird gray smoke, and it was only because of the cover of the water mist that no one noticed it.

Just as Will was silently guessing what the enemy hiding in the dark wanted to do, a modified magic airship slowly flew over the camp and hovered there.

If it were a passing goblin airship, the roar of the big steam engine could be heard clearly from seven or eight miles away. Not to mention the mechanical parts and engineering gears that creak and make all kinds of strange noises when they turn. With that huge sound, unless the other party is deaf, it is impossible for the enemy to sneak above the Dragon Man's head without any notice.

After the power source of the magic energy airship is converted into magic energy, the noise it emits is extremely small. Coupled with the cover of the fog, the probability of being discovered by the dragon people is even lower.

On the mana airship, goblin technicians wrapped in leather clothes, wearing high-level technician goggles with green lenses were lying on the edge of the airship, using the perspective perception ability of the goggles to silently observe the dragon camp below.

A distinguished goblin senior engineer was quietly commanding a construction robot, and carefully placed a three-meter-long cigar-shaped bomb in the grenade hole.

After all preparations were in place, the goblin senior engineer pressed the communicator in his earmuffs and reported softly to the distance: "Hummingbird No. 1 calls the Eagle's Nest... Hummingbird No. 1 calls the Eagle's Nest... The Destroyer is in place... Hummingbird 1 is waiting for next instructions..."

In the void, invisible energy waves spread rapidly to the distance, directly delivering the message to the tightly guarded temporary camp.

Mary took off her earmuffs, gently threw them onto the metal platform, and rested her slender legs on it comfortably. Three blood knights stood in a row behind her, while the old fox Wenlir whispered something in Mary's ear with a smile on his face.

In a corner of the camp, the second-level dragon man Zacha was lying on the ground, half sitting and half lying, using a dry cloth to carefully wipe the lightning spear that had been with him for many years.

Desera, Medusa Dana, the poisonous woman Endor, and the manticore leader Caron who were out on missions have all returned one after another. Except for Endor, almost all the others were injured, especially Medusa Dana's injury was the most serious.

However, with a large amount of healing potions and life potions, Dana's injuries are improving at a speed visible to the naked eye. With another quarter of an hour's rest, he can basically regain his combat effectiveness.

The insect witch Bilisi who went out to intercept and kill the followers of the Dragon Worship Cult has not returned yet. According to the news sent back, Bilisi has mobilized the insect army and cooperated with the combat magic weapons to have the advantage in that battle. However, there are also some hard-nosed disciples among the Dragon Worship Cult, who can activate some powerful fire-based abilities, so the losses of magical equipment are also relatively huge.

It seems that Bliss can't catch up with this general attack on the dragon camp!

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, when Medusa's head appeared intact from the huge herbal barrel, Mary put down her legs, stood up with high spirits and loudly said: "Get ready to attack!" Then she strode out of the camp at the lead. .

With an order, this temporary camp seemed to be suddenly equipped with a high-speed motor and began to operate efficiently.

One hundred and sixty-three combat magic machines were divided into different combat teams according to attack types. They lined up neatly and walked towards the mist with heavy steps that shook the earth.

The wizard group led by Mary was invisible in the center of the magical equipment team, moving forward quietly.

Mary kept giving orders as she moved forward. The informants and spies who had been scattered around the dragon camp in advance also began to shrink their front line, slowly spreading towards the dragon people like an airtight net.

Even with the cover of thick fog, the large-scale operation of the magic weapon army still cannot hide from the dragon people's perception.

In the dragon camp, the shouts and curses of the dragon captains were heard everywhere. Teams of dragon people were called together and assigned to different areas according to their fighting habits.

This so-called dragon camp was actually stolen from an indigenous race, the kobolds.

There are no solid walls or barriers on all sides of the camp, but there are some large mire or ponds on three sides. Only a mud path about ten meters wide can lead straight to the camp.

Therefore, the dragon people made full use of the terrain according to local conditions, and deployed heavy troops at the end of the mud road leading to the camp, forming a solid line of defense.

To be honest, the Dragon Legion was known for its wild and ferocious battles in the past, and they almost never engaged in defensive counterattacks. It's just that this time the enemy came too suddenly and looked menacing, which forced Commander Will to change his original intention and wanted to find out the enemy's true identity before deciding on subsequent actions.

And the other party's little thoughts are also falling into Mary's calculations.

Although Mary was not good at wits, with the help of the old fox Wenlier, it was still easy to tease a Dragon Legion commander.

Under the watchful eyes of nearly two hundred dragonmen, the neatly arranged metal magic machines pushed away the fog and approached the dragon camp step by step with earth-shaking steps. The bloody and chilling momentum made even the battle-hardened dragon people a little startled.

The two sides are slowly getting closer.

A terrifying battle is about to break out! chapter;

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