The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0753 Refining the armband

Inside the magic chamber.

Bright but not dazzling pure white magic lights illuminate every corner here.

In front of a sophisticated and high-end alchemy table, Greem was carefully and carefully pouring the molten liquid fire iron from the magic crucible into the metal mold. When they were in a semi-condensed state, he picked up the carving knife and carefully carved magic patterns and rune lines on them.

This kind of fire-hating iron is the best metal material Greem could find to make a magic armband, and its melting point is as high as 9327 degrees. Due to their high hardness and extraordinary magic resistance, Greem could only smoothly carve the grooves of the flame witch formation on them while they were in a semi-molten state.

And in order to avoid being quickly analyzed by skilled wizards, in addition to the normal attack wizard array, energy gathering array and auxiliary runes, Greem also needs to add some decorative patterns and lines to the entire wizard array system. to disguise the original function.

And all of this must be completed when the liquid fire-hating fine iron is in a semi-condensed state.

Grim estimated that it would take approximately 210 seconds from pouring to complete solidification of the armband mold. During this time, Greem must complete 13 attack witch formations, 25 energy-gathering magic formations, 421 auxiliary runes, and the engraving of 74 magic patterns.

One can imagine the difficulty of engraving so much content in miniature on a metal armband that is 70 centimeters in diameter and 30 centimeters wide. And more importantly, the entire process must be completed in one go, without any pauses in between. Otherwise, once the fire-weary fine iron cools down, even a magic carving knife enchanted with 'sharpness' and 'armor-breaking' may not be able to cut even a single inch on it.

"The temperature of the magic flame dropped by 7 degrees..."

Greem used a little bit of his spirit to connect to the central control crystal of the alchemy platform, lowering the magic flame that was as high as 9800 degrees by an insignificant 7 degrees.

"Auxiliary Witch Array No. 3 activated..."

Greem gathered some energy and adjusted the alchemy table settings according to the instructions of the chip.

"The magic carving knife is infused with magic..."

After using his mental power to activate the sharpness and armor-piercing effects attached to the magic carving knife, Greem, under the instructions of the chip, gently pressed the tip of the knife against the surface of the semi-molten armband that had an astonishing residual temperature. With the slight movement of the wrist and the flexible control of the fingers, the hard magic carving knife emitting a hazy yellow light began to move and turn imperceptibly on the surface of the armband.

The lines and grooves carved out by it are thin and weak, but dense and continuous. An ordinary person would not be able to see clearly without the help of a high-power magnifying glass, but Greem often needs to carve a complete three-dimensional witch formation in an area the size of a grain of rice.

In order to complete this arduous task, the blue light in the depths of Greem's black pupils was as bright as stars, and he had maximized the scanning and magnification functions of the chip.

The surface of the armband, which was originally only 30 centimeters wide, was magnified 3,000 times by the chip. In Greem's eyes, it was already wide enough for him to use it freely. However, correspondingly, the magic carving knife, which was originally as thin as a cicada's wing and had a sharp tip, now looked like a thick stone pillar, looking extremely heavy and heavy.

Greem used his nimble fingers and wrists to control the magic carving knife, letting it move quickly on the surface of the armband according to the blue lines indicated by the chip. During this process, the force of Greem's wrist and fingers must be consistent, otherwise the grooves carved out by the carving knife will be of different depths, which will greatly affect the function and effect of the future finished product.

However, at this moment, the base of the armband is still under the terrifying high temperature of 6,000 to 7,000 degrees. Touching and controlling the armband at such a close range, since Greem is a level 2 fire wizard, it may be difficult to hold on accurately. .

Due to the magical properties of the fire-hating fine iron, it has excellent resistance to scorching rays, so Greem can only choose to carve it manually. Fortunately, with nearly a hundred years of experience in etching the demonic crystal core, Greem was able to complete his work without any danger.

With a sigh of relief, Grim carefully held the semi-finished product in his left hand, picked up a fluffy golden quartz sand powder with his right hand and spread it on the surface of the armband. As bursts of bright golden light flashed, most of the quartz sand was absorbed into the armband, making its surface turn yellow and look extremely dazzling.

Quartz sand is a commonly used energy-gathering material in the production of witchcraft, and it can also be perfectly integrated with fire-stained iron, and there will be no elemental rejection of each other.

After all this was completed, Greem began to browse the semi-finished Fire Emblem armband in his hand with confidence. Yes, this is not the final form of the Level 2 Witch Weapon Fire Emblem Armband, but just a semi-finished product.

This is an exquisite armband made of dark red fire-resistant iron. The energy-absorbing material inside echoes the free elemental particles in the environment, making it always have a faint layer of bright red lingering outside its body. light film.

Its exquisite shape and appearance were the final plan determined by the chip after referring to tens of thousands of witchcraft of the same type, and the complex witchcraft array engraved on it has been optimized and adjusted hundreds of times by the chip.

Looking at this exquisite piece of art, Greem's eyes were a little intoxicated!

After playing with it fondly for a long time, Greem reluctantly placed it on the velvet tablecloth of the alchemy experiment table.

The base of the Fire Emblem Armlet has been completed. All that is needed is to completely melt the top-grade fire agate and embed it into the dense grooves on the surface of the armlet with a special technique. Of course, before that, the fire dragon blood needs to be prepared into a suitable neutralizer in advance, which is also a very time-consuming task!

After a preliminary estimate, if I want to complete the Fire Emblem Armlet as soon as possible, I have to work hard for at least a month. After the last expedition, Grimm completely understood that only with the two-piece set of the Fire Throne, his plan to explore the plane of fire elements can be more certain.

While calculating the daily schedule for the next month, Grimm gently rubbed his forehead with his hand, and a faint pain came from his mind.

Although the refining process just now was only a short 210 seconds, it made him highly nervous, and the work of refining the base of the armlet was quite mentally exhausting. So at this moment, once Grimm relaxed, he was a little tired mentally.

He waved his hand to extinguish the magic flame on the alchemy table, cut off the magic energy supply from the witch tower to the alchemy table, and walked out of the alchemy laboratory yawning and rubbing his eyes without bothering to sort out the extremely messy alchemy tools and utensils.

It's time to have a good rest!


Snake-bird cliff.

The afternoon sun shone through the lush branches and leaves on the grass under the cliff.

Three snake-bird cubs were fighting and playing on the green grass, while the other two snake-bird cubs were lying in a grass nest, sleeping soundly.

Most of the adult snake-bird beasts had gone out to find food, and only two female beasts remained on the high cliff to guard the nest. They lazily crawled in the cave on the cliff, basking in the sun, and occasionally poked their heads out to check on the cubs at the bottom of the cliff.

In the innermost corner of the cave wall behind them, seven or eight white snake-bird eggs with some light yellow spots covered the entire grass nest, and some cleaned animal bones were scattered around.

The area within 70 to 80 miles of this cliff is the hunting area of ​​snake-bird beasts. Those overly ferocious beasts or monsters have been driven away by them to farther places. So even if most of the adult snake-bird beasts have gone out to hunt, the two remaining female beasts are still not worried about the safety of this snake-bird cliff.

"Good opportunity... good opportunity..."

Pulling aside the wormwood blocking their eyes, several apprentices of the Shadow Light Team peeked at this peaceful and tranquil world with sly eyes, and their hearts were simply bubbling with beauty.

The adult male snake-bird beasts are not there, and there are only two female beasts at home. This is simply the best news that can't be better!

After waiting nearby for two days, the apprentice team finally found this opportunity and started working without hesitation.


With a strange metallic sound, a metal chick emerged from the black forest with a stiff step and appeared on the green grass of half a mile.

The three playful snake bird cubs were immediately attracted and stopped chasing. They crawled down and looked at this strange guy they had never seen before curiously.

The little guys did not feel the breath of danger and fear from it, so they did not immediately flee back to the nest.

The metal chick flapped its metal wings, shook its golden body, walked around the edge of the grass, and then suddenly screamed and turned around and fled back to the black forest.

The three cubs who loved killing immediately flapped their thin wings excitedly and chased after it.

The three big and one small quickly disappeared into the black forest...

After a while, a female beast lying at the entrance of the cliff nest poked out her snake-like head again. This time it was startled, and was horrified to find that the three young beasts were missing from the grass.

The female beast immediately raised her neck and screamed, and the strange scream had the crispness of birds and the hissing noise of snakes.

The shrill scream immediately echoed for a long time near the high cliff.

The next moment, two female snake-bird beasts flew out of the nest and began to circle around the snake-bird cliff, flying high and low, anxiously looking for the missing three young beasts.

The two sleeping young beasts woke up and fled back to the nest in panic.

The two female beasts landed on the grass, and their snake-like heads kept swallowing and spitting out bright red snake tongues. They soon detected the whereabouts of the three young beasts in the air.

After the two female beasts exchanged a sharp scream, one rushed back to the nest to stay, and the other soared into the sky and chased in the direction where the smell of the young beasts dissipated.

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