The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0756: Ambush during the journey

Not knowing anything about what happened in the other world, Greem was still busy day and night in the Throne of Fire.

The refining of the Fire Emblem Armband is a precise process that continuously refines the alchemy skills. Even with the assistance of the chip, Greem's progress is still so slow.

Fortunately, Greem had sufficient patience and sufficient resources, which allowed him to move forward despite constant failures, and gradually prepared the materials needed to create the Fire Emblem one by one.

The base tire of the armband is the first component to be completed, but it alone is not considered a level 2 flame witchcraft weapon. Therefore, after soaking the base of the armband in the fire dragon's blood for ten days, Greem finally advanced the process to the last step of refining.

Mix the melted liquid of the best fire agate with the neutralizing agent mixed with the blood of the fire dragon, and then pour it into the pre-engraved rune grooves on the base of the armband. Only by connecting all these rune grooves can the three-dimensional rune array engraved on the entire armband build a complete energy circulation system.

At that time, the combination of these metals, runes and energy will truly become a level 2 witchcraft that can give Greem great help. Before that, they were still just a pile of rare materials!

In order to build his second piece of the Throne of Fire suit as soon as possible, in addition to eating, meditating and reading relevant ancient books every day, Greem spent almost all his time immersed in the witchcraft laboratory.

Of course, if eating and drinking every day hadn't brought him huge physical benefits, and if he hadn't needed meditation to restore his mental strength, Greem would have gritted his teeth and omitted even eating, drinking and meditating.

The strong external pressure not only failed to crush his confidence and his fighting spirit, but instead successfully aroused the stubbornness and madness hidden deep in Grimnath's heart.

The more the enemy wants him to collapse, the more he must stand up straight; the more the enemy wants to kill him, the more he must live a wonderful life!

Greem abandoned almost all external interference and devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining and improving the pair of Fire Emblem armbands.

In terms of alchemy alone, Greem does not have a master, and it is impossible to have a master.

With only a "Puppet Creation Production Manual" as an introductory book, Greem just relied on the assistance of the chip to build himself into an 'underground alchemy master'!

Of course, his 'underground alchemy master' is a bit too scientific, and his areas of expertise are concentrated on the creation of demon puppets and the refining of rare objects. As for other categories and fields, Greem simply knew nothing about them, and the knowledge he possessed was not even as good as that of an alchemy apprentice.

However, perhaps it was precisely because of this paranoia and madness that Greem made rapid progress in the creation of strange objects. The moment Fire Emblem was released, Greem's title as Master Alchemist was well-deserved!

July 25, 32856 in the wizarding calendar.

On the 78th day after Greem signed the witchcraft contract, which was also the 31st day after he first explored the elemental plane of fire and escaped in embarrassment, the long-awaited Fire Emblem armband was finally successfully refined.

When the Throne of Fire two-piece set was linked to his soul at the same time, a strange soul resonance phenomenon appeared.

Without stimulating any witchcraft or specifically activating the life force field, a halo of flames that only he could see began to linger outside his body.

Primary fire immunity!

Different from the high fire resistance, this time Greem gained primary fire immunity.

Fire immunity is different from fire resistance. These are two completely different concepts.

Fire resistance is just the energy intensity of a living individual to stimulate life energy and resist the invasion of the fire element. No matter how high the fire resistance of a living entity is, it can only withstand fire energy damage in flames, but it will still have to bear some damage to some variants of fire energy.

For example, the physical damage caused by fire arrows, the explosive shock wave and magma burning caused by lava fireballs...

But fire immunity is completely different!

Fire immunity means that living individuals will no longer be harmed by any fire or fire variant energy from now on. Although Greem only gained primary fire immunity and could only be immune to some low-level fire energy damage, this was already a huge help to him.

After all, in the fire elemental plane, the largest number are still those low-level fire elements who have no brains and only know how to wander around aimlessly. Now that Greem has primary fire immunity, he no longer has to worry about being attacked by their concentrated fire attacks!

In this way, the huge fire element army under the Fire Lord became a useless decoration. Greem only needed to pay careful attention to those high-level fire elements.

Therefore, the day after the refining was successful, after Meimei took a nap to replenish her mental strength, Greem once again opened the door of flame and sneaked into the fire elemental plane with a sly look.

I have to say that the persistence of fire elemental creatures is also impressive!

As soon as Greem emerged from the Flame Gate, a dozen exploding fireballs flying towards him completely engulfed his location.

Fierce flames, violent shock waves, extreme heat enough to vaporize steel...

In an instant, Greem's vision was engulfed in terrifying flames, and the intensity of the fire damage energy projected into his mind by his chip also skyrocketed. In the blink of an eye, it has reached a temperature as high as 536 degrees.

This kind of intensity is enough to kill most level 1 wizards head-on. Of course, even those level 2 wizards will suffer a lot of hidden losses if they are unprepared.

However, when the raging flames gradually faded, the 1st-level flame spirits surrounding the flame gate were shocked to find that their target, the weak human in the big red wizard robe, was still standing there.

Not only did he not suffer any damage, but even the big red wizard robe on his body was not damaged at all under the cover of a strange flame halo. And he was looking around with a bad face, and the light projected from his black pupils was soaked with unconcealable rage.

Damn, this group of stubborn flame spirits actually waited for him for 31 days!

This... What a frustrating stubbornness!

Grimm looked around and immediately found that the location of the flame gate this time was not the same as last time. There was no sign of grassland in the surrounding environment, which fully proved that the deviation of the flame gate from the last time was definitely more than 100 miles.

The only possibility that this group of flame spirits could still wait for him after such a long distance was that they monitored all the weak points of the space in this plane.

With a hint of rage after being attacked, and also with some thoughts of wanting to test the power of the two-piece set of the Flame Throne, Grimm roared softly, and the two big hands that stretched out of the wizard robe instantly ignited hot flames that shot up into the sky.

Burning Hands!

If this apprentice-level witchcraft was performed by a wizard apprentice, it could only stimulate the flame to half a meter away at most. But the same witchcraft was performed by Grimm, a second-level fire wizard, and the flames stimulated were as high as five or six meters.

Originally, they were still worried about what powerful witchcraft the human wizard would perform, and the eleven first-level flame spirits retreated and waited for it. Now seeing that the opponent was performing such a simple fire witchcraft, these flame spirits immediately put down their thoughts and rushed forward.

As first-level flame spirits of the fire element plane, their own fire resistance was simply amazingly high. Therefore, there was no need to worry that the low-level fire magic of this human wizard could damage their bodies. Instead, they could take advantage of the opportunity when the other party was casting a spell to attack him at close range.

After all, this human wizard had just demonstrated his terrible fire protection ability. Long-range fire attacks seemed to be ineffective against him, so the only means of attack left for the flame spirits was close combat!

However, just as the eleven flame spirits rushed to Grimm's side, the blazing hot flame in Grimm's hand suddenly trembled and twisted, condensing from the misty steaming flame into a bright red spear like a crystal.


Grimm shouted, and the flame in his palm was instantly pushed to the extreme. Eleven crystal spears that were crystal clear but stronger than steel extended from his hand, instantly piercing the chests of the eleven flame spirits, and piercing through the flame core hidden deep inside.

The bodies of the eleven level 1 flame spirits trembled suddenly, and they froze in place and could no longer move.

As Grimm clenched his hands, the eleven crystal-like hard and sharp spears instantly disintegrated into virtual flames and returned to Grimm's palms.

The eleven flame spirits trembled more and more violently, and finally, the shattered flame core could no longer restrain the flame form. Bang, bang, bang... a series of small flame explosions broke out, sweeping the scene into the terrifying flames again.

Of course, the explosion caused by the annihilation of the soul is countless times less powerful than their conscious self-explosion. Therefore, Grimm stood there, just as if it was a hot wind, and did not even dodge.

I hope these flame spirits did not pass the message in time!

After dealing with these ignorant little guys, Grimm muttered a few words to himself.

But Grimm also knew that this was almost a wishful thinking. I am afraid that at the moment when he just crossed over, these flame spirits had already passed the situation here back to their nests.

We can't stay here for long, otherwise we might run into those 2nd and 3rd level scary guys!

With Grimm's current strength, he can have more than 80% chance of winning against a 2nd level Burning Flame Spirit. If he faces two, his chance of winning will plummet to 30%. If there are three, Grimm will of course run as far as he can, otherwise he will definitely be entangled to death by the opponent.

As for the 3rd level Flame Spirit, Grimm has no way to deal with it except to order the Horror Flame Demon to self-destruct to buy himself some time to escape.

However, the only advantage is that the 3rd level creatures in the Fire Elemental Plane are as rare as the 3rd level wizards in the Wizard World. It is impossible to run into one casually, otherwise Grimm would never dare to come to such a world where death is inevitable!

After turning around and closing the Flame Gate, he hurriedly cleaned up the battlefield, and then Grimm began his exploration journey in the Fire Elemental Plane...

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