The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0800 Family Affairs

I had been away from the family for more than half a year. When I came back, all kinds of family affairs that had been accumulated for a long time came to Grimm.

It took Grimm five days to deal with the affairs related to the Flame Throne and the Witch Tower.

A sudden wizard family war almost ruined the Flame Throne and almost lost the entire family. Although it won in name, the Crimson Family was unable to convert the victory into corresponding benefits due to its lack of strength.

Therefore, in addition to reaping 24 wizard captives, the direct war benefits obtained by the Crimson Family were almost zero. In fact, because the enemy once attacked the Witch Tower and severely damaged the lower level of the Witch Tower, Grimm had to invest a large amount of magic crystals to completely repair it.

If this was a normal wizard family war, as the winner of the war, Grimm could naturally plunder enough magic crystals and resources from the five defeated wizard forces to make up for the loss of family power. But now, the enemy has been repelled, and the Crimson Family cannot send enough forces to occupy and plunder the other party's direct territory or resource points.

Therefore, a lot of money has flowed into the pockets of some "outsiders".

As the leader of the 5th-level wizard force, the Kamala Family suffered a lot of losses in the war. However, they still rely on the family strength to annex the Magic Forest Hut, and also plundered several other families that suffered heavy casualties.

Using this method, the strength of the Kamala Family has increased instead of decreased, and it is more difficult to deal with than before.

Before, due to the lack of Grimm as the backbone, the Crimson Family was more than self-protective, but not aggressive enough, and lost some great opportunities in vain. Now, as soon as Grimm returned, the momentum of the entire Crimson Family immediately rose.

After discussing with Gargamel, Grimm declared war on the Kamala Family in the name of the Crimson Family Patriarch. He sent the insect wizard Bilis and Mary and others to carry out indiscriminate retaliatory attacks on all territories and resource points belonging to the Kamala Family.

In the Sanditalin region in the middle of the continent, large-scale wars between wizard families are not allowed without sufficient excuses. Now that the Kamala family has just attacked the Crimson family, it is reasonable for Grimm to use this as an excuse to launch a retaliatory attack.

At least, although the old guys in the Sanditalin region dislike the Crimson family, they can't find any faults with them. They can only sit back and watch the smoke of war rise in the Kamala family's territory and the war rumbles again.

Of course, the Crimson family did not launch a conventional war, but a retaliatory attack.

So the Crimson family almost did not send out any secular troops, but only symbolically sent out six family wizards. However, it was these six wizards who made the Kamala family exhausted and exhausted.

The reason is very simple, because the six wizards sent by the Crimson family are all level 2 wizards, and there are also powerful guys like the insect wizard Bilis who can form an army by himself.

Seriously comparing the strength of both sides, the only one in the Kamala family who can steadily control Bilis and Mary is the 3rd-level crow Yurga.

Unfortunately, Bilis and Mary are erratic and do not launch a direct war with the Kamala family. Instead, they turn around and swallow up the other party's resource points and direct territories one after another. If the Kamala family wizards dare to walk out of the wizard tower, they will be besieged by a group of 2nd-level crimson wizards.

Therefore, in less than two months, the Kamala family, which had just gained great prestige, lost 7 resource points, more than 3,000 territory troops, and 5 family wizards died in battle.

For a time, the Kamala family was in panic, and nearly half of the secular territory was lost, and the power of the entire family was completely defeated.


However, just when the family war was in full swing, Grim had already left the Flame Throne and came to the Goblin Plane.

At the top of the Wizard Tower in the central area of ​​the Mechanical City, Grimm met with Princess Vanessa and dozens of goblin nobles from all over the plane. Grimm was accompanied by the goblin great sage Kirby, who acted as an intermediary.

Other low-level goblins or goblin believers were not very clear about Kirby's true identity, but they could not hide it from these goblin nobles and chaebol leaders who possessed and mastered great power.

The goblins before might have become submissive because of the power of the wizards. However, after such a long period of contact and running-in, after knowing that they were powerless to resist the rule of the Crimson Family, these goblin nobles and chaebols also had the idea of ​​cooperating with wizards to obtain greater benefits in the plane.

Kirby, who has been running around in the goblin plane and the wizard world for many years, obviously also understood their thoughts, and played a role in connecting them, which led to today's audience ceremony.

With the help of today's ceremony, the goblins expressed their loyalty to Grimm, the wizard leader, and then won the other party's trust to achieve the intention of deep cooperation between the two sides.

From now on, the goblins in the goblin plane can also use the wizard's operating system to extend their tentacles and tentacles to places outside the plane.

In this way, the goblins will get rid of the status of being simply enslaved and become the collaborator and strategic ally of the Crimson Family.

Grimm does not object to this!

The Crimson Family's trade network in the wizard world is still too narrow, and one of the main reasons is the lack of a large number of loyal and reliable personnel. Now, several major chaebols and business groups in the goblin plane have gathered here, and they have expressed to Grimm their willingness to fully assist Kirby in opening up trade nodes everywhere.

This is also a matter of great benefit to the Crimson Family!

After agreeing to the goblins' request, Grimm left Kirby there to bargain with these goblin nobles and chaebols, while he came to a secret room under the guidance of Princess Vanessa.

"Grimm... Sir, I want to make a request to you as the lord of the mechanical city, asking you to approve a quota for a space furnace. The energy here is too scarce now, and it is not enough to support the continued expansion of the mechanical city!"

Looking at Princess Vanessa kneeling in front of him with a calm face, Grimm did not rashly agree to the other party's request.

Back then, after plundering the entire Iron City, the Quelras alloy obtained only gave Grimm the materials needed to build 5 space furnaces. One was used to build the Magic Furnace of the Metal Fortress, another was used to build the Level 2 Goblin Ripper, and another was used to build the floating giant ship (which later crashed in the Faen plane)...

Before, the Level 3 Brain Monster Gazlowe paid such a huge price to save the Fire Throne, and Grimm had promised to add another Magic Furnace for it.

In this case, Grimm only had the materials for one space furnace left.

Therefore, facing Vanessa's request, Grimm chose to refuse without surprise.

The space furnace has such magical power that it can continuously provide magical energy to the user. Such power can of course only be controlled by trusted subordinates, and Vanessa obviously does not meet this requirement. If she controls this power, it is hard to guarantee that she will not drift away from the wizards and give rise to dangerous thoughts that should not be had.

Looking at Vanessa who was retreating in dismay, Grimm had no pity or regret in his heart.

He could sense that the hatred of the princess Vanessa for the wizards was still not completely eliminated, and it was even getting stronger. If the other party really didn't know what was good for him and would rather lose Tigule, a second-level subordinate, Grimm would eliminate such unstable factors.

After returning to the wizard world from the goblin plane, Grimm came to the White Tower in the north again.

As a new place, it is obviously more lively and more vibrant than the last time.

The arrival of 16 new wizards undoubtedly filled many gaps in the family, so that each discipline and branch also had a promoter, and it was no longer a blank before.

Grimm used ten days to meet these new wizards one by one and get in touch with them.

Although the other party chose to surrender under the threat of life, their arrival also truly supported the skeleton of the Crimson Family. If they were not there, the Crimson Family would always be in an awkward situation where a few powerful wizards dominated the world, and the rest of the wizards cheered for them.

And as the number of wizards in the family increased, the resources within the family seemed to be stretched.

At this time, even Grimm couldn't help but think about how to earn more magic crystals and more resources to support such a large group of wizards.

Of course, finding some suitable places to establish resource points is also something that most wizard families will do. But to do so, first of all, the family needs to invest a large amount of funds and resources in advance to make the resource points operate smoothly.

The Crimson Family, which had just experienced a tragic war, obviously couldn't afford this money!

As a last resort, Grimm had to turn his attention back to the Lance plane.

The previous dragon hunting operations brought the family two to three million magic crystals, which always made Grimm remember it clearly. So, now that he was short of money, Grimm's first idea was to hit the head of the group of dragons.

After experiencing the hardships of the Fire Element Plane, Grimm felt that he had benefited a lot. Especially after handing over the task item to the mysterious witch, the shackles on his soul were swept away, and Grimm's strength made a leap forward.

It has been less than 20 or 30 years since he was promoted to the second-level wizard, and Grimm has already seen a glimpse of the possibility of being promoted to the third level.

However, his current accumulation is not strong enough, and the witchcraft knowledge he has stored is also insufficient. Therefore, these days, Grimm has been traveling around the four places and trying to handle the internal affairs of the family properly.

As for the future development direction, he still needs more time to think and settle down.

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