The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0907 Crimson Outlook

The Crimson Family is so unique among all wizard families!

At most, it has only been fifty or sixty years since it was first known to the public.

And what does fifty or sixty years mean to a wizard family?

For a secular territory, perhaps a dynasty has just ended; for a low-level wizard, it may have just climbed a small rank; but for those high-level wizards, it may only be enough to complete a large-scale witchcraft experiment...

However, for the Crimson Family, it is enough for it to grow from an unknown micro-family to a behemoth second only to those large families.

And such a process often takes hundreds of years, or even nearly a thousand years, for other wizard families to complete.

As for the more peculiar, it is the legendary patriarch of the Crimson Family...

With his inferior talent, he barely became a wizard apprentice and suffered day after day in a low-level resource point under the Salupo Family. However, with the launch of a mandatory mission for the entire region in Sanditalin, this ordinary wizard apprentice soared to the sky and grew up rapidly.

According to rumors, he seemed to be a junior apprentice before the mission started, but when the mission was over, he had grown into a senior apprentice.

He crossed two small levels in one mission. Although he was only an apprentice, he had already revealed his extraordinary and legendary.

From then on, he was unstoppable. Not long after returning to the resource point station, he became a quasi-witch and won the attention of the Salubo family.

However, no one knows how Grimm became a wizard.

Even if some wizard organizations spent a lot of effort to investigate, they could only barely find out that there seemed to be some accidents at the resource point station where Grimm was originally stationed, and even the stationed wizard there died. However, Grimm, Mary and another guy who drove the alien insects turned out to be a blessing in disguise and successfully promoted to wizards.

Less than half a year after they were promoted to wizards, the three of them were thrown into a plane war by the Salupo family. It is said that Grimm performed exceptionally well, so he was favored by the great wizard Salupo and was able to successfully enter the upper echelons of the Salupo family.

Since then, the wizard Grimm seems to be somewhat at odds with the upper echelons of the Salupo family, and there are often rumors of internal discord.

After the service contract ended, the two wizards Grimm and Mary officially left the Salupo family. It is said that this also caused an internal split in the Salupo family, and a considerable number of wizards and apprentices followed the two to withdraw from the Salupo family.

However, from then on, Grimm really entered his legendary life!

In less than a hundred years, Grimm founded the Crimson Family with a small private wizard tower as the center, and began to frequently venture into different planes. And he himself was promoted again in less than a hundred years after being promoted to wizard, becoming a famous second-level wizard.

It was during this period that the reputation of the Crimson Family gradually became known to outsiders!

However, what really made the Crimson Family famous was the existence of the dragon.

The Crimson Family seemed to have opened a channel to the dragon plane, from which they could continuously obtain dragon resources and enviable dragon wealth. And these two things are the source of wealth that enabled the Crimson Family to rise rapidly.

With the resources and wealth usurped from the dragon plane, the Crimson Family immediately doubled its wealth and quickly grew from an inconspicuous micro-family to a small family...

And because it rose too fast, it also attracted a group of "evil wolves".

The five wizard families or organizations headed by the Kamala family united and launched a wizard war against the Crimson Family with some excuses. And the result of the war was so unexpected. The Crimson Family actually defeated the coalition of five wizard forces with a large number of metal puppets when the legendary patriarch was not in the wizard world.

It was precisely because of this miraculous comeback that the Crimson Family grew rapidly by absorbing the blood of the defeated, and rushed out of the Flame Throne Witch Tower, plundering land in the Erovis area, and leaped into a medium-sized family in one fell swoop.

In order to curb the continued expansion of the Crimson Family, the third-level patriarch of the Kamala Family, the old high-level wizard Yurga, chose to challenge the family. And it was this incredible battle that made Grimm a legendary wizard.

A second-level fire wizard, the patriarch of a newly emerging family, actually killed a veteran third-level wizard with magical means in full view of the public.

This kind of thing that has never happened in the history of the wizard world just happened!

After annexing Kamala and several other forces, the Crimson Family quickly gained a foothold in the Erovis area and began to extend the family's influence to the territory of the northern witch.

In the north, in the extremely cold north ruled by witches, the Crimson Family somehow got on board the big ship of the Witch of Fate and actually occupied a large territory in a place called Ice Wind Territory. It is said that the Crimson Family is also developing rapidly there, which is not inferior to the Elovis area in the central part of the continent.

Privately, many wizards are rumored that the legendary fire witch of the Crimson Family seems to have some ambiguous relationship with Alice, the leader of the Witch of Fate among the witches in the north. This can be seen from the depth and breadth of the cooperation between the two parties.

Many old guys in Sandi Tallin in the central part of the continent are obviously dissatisfied with this!

In their view, this indicates that the Crimson Family has become a vassal and vanguard of the Northland Witches, and will introduce the Northland Witches' power into the entire Sandy Tallin.

Therefore, over the years, the power of the Crimson Family can only be limited to the Elovis area and some newly opened territories. If they want to expand their power to other regions, they will be hit hard by local wizard organizations or families.

This also led to the fact that the goblin camp affiliated with the Crimson Family could only extend its power to some neutral cities after all the hardships. As for those private territories, they were not welcome to come.

There were even cases in many regions where goblin caravans were robbed and killed halfway and the whole army was wiped out.

It's just that as the power of the Crimson Family became stronger, they did this kind of thing more secretly and their hands and feet became cleaner.

Unfortunately, with the assistance of the witches of fate, no matter what method the attackers used to erase the traces of tracking, the Crimson Family could successfully find the main messenger and the murderer. As several medium-sized wizard forces fell to the patrol motherships and the overwhelming magic machinery army sent by the Crimson Family, no force dared to easily reach out their black hands!

Just as some 4th-level wizards gradually shifted their attention to the Crimson Family and spread the word that they were ready to deal with it, the legendary fire wizard actually brought back a huge metal puppet dragon with a strength of up to 4th level from the secondary plane.

At this moment, the storm that had just been noisy was instantly calmed down!

Although the underground undercurrents of the entire Sandi Tallin were surging, at least on the surface, no wizard force dared to openly deal with the Crimson Family.

It would be fine if the Crimson Family did not have a 4th level, and it would be dealt with. But now that the Crimson Family suddenly appeared with a 4th-level puppet, and it was powerful, those 4th-level wizards stopped and gave up the idea of ​​stepping on it casually.

Even if those 4th-level wizards had a considerable chance of winning when facing a rigid 4th-level puppet, they were unwilling to take such an inexplicable risk.

With their strength and prestige, as long as they are still in the family, the wizard family or organization they represent will never fall. No 4th-level wizard will be an enemy of the same-level wizard, and no matter how lucrative the benefits are, they will not tempt them to fight with another 4th-level wizard.

Because once they become enemies, any wizard family or force cannot withstand the attack of a 4th-level wizard who has torn his face. Even if there is another 4th-level wizard protecting them.

When wizards are promoted to 4th level, the difference in personal means and abilities has become so great that it is difficult for outsiders to understand. A blood curse or a death sorcery may cause a family to fall apart in an instant, with heavy casualties.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, even those 4th-level wizards are unwilling to provoke another 4th-level wizard for a mere resource and benefit.

Although the 4th-level puppets of the Crimson Family cannot reach the terrifying power of the 4th-level wizard, who knows what terrible trump cards the guy named Grim has hidden in his hand. Therefore, with the long years and maturity of the 4th-level wizards, as long as the Crimson Family does not provoke them, they are unwilling to touch this hard nail.


Northland, White Tower.

A cigar-shaped cruise mothership with exquisite and beautiful shape slowly floated in the sky near the White Tower.

Because it uses magic energy as a power source, this cruise mothership does not have the metal clang of gears constantly biting and colliding like other mechanical spacecraft.

Like a silver-white exquisite cigar, the Chiva cruise mothership silently crushed the flocculent clouds and drifted leisurely in the sky. The goblin magician Locke stood on the edge of the ship, excitedly overlooking the dark forest, tall ancient trees, and undulating mountains and lakes that passed by quickly below.

As a newly promoted family wizard, with its qualifications and strength, it is naturally not qualified to control such a powerful mothership full of magical technology. However, considering its goblin background, the wizard Meryl still transferred it to the Chiva, serving under the 2nd-level Knight Thoros.

Knight Thoros is the captain of the Chiva mothership, and Little Locke is just one of the three wizards on the mothership.

Their mission is to patrol the black forest between the White Tower and Doverland City.

Of course, the supply of living and construction materials for the newly built Doverland City is also the responsibility of the Chiva.


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