The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0910 Doomsday Castle

"Magic energy will..."

Meryl put down the parchment in her hand and couldn't help but murmured.

Wenlier, who was sorting documents at the table, stopped when he heard this and couldn't help but interjected: "These days, that Princess Vanessa suddenly became very active..."

"Do you know who she has been in contact with?" A smile appeared on Meryl's beautiful and soft face.

"It seems that she has already sent people to contact the goblins who are slightly famous!"

"She is very energetic..."

"It's not the group of demonized goblins who are making trouble!" Wenlier couldn't help complaining: "Ever since Wizard Desera discovered a way to safely demonize goblins without damaging their intelligence, the goblins' emotions have exploded. …”

"It seems it's time to find an opportunity to suppress them!" Meryl turned her attention to Wenlier: "You should also make some moves over there. Place a few spies in the magic society to keep track of their dynamics. Once they want to contact those key people, report the information to me immediately!"


"By the way, Lady Mary has been out of seclusion for such a long time. What has she been doing recently? She's not still pestering my mentor, right?"

"This... Lady Mary's matter, I don't dare to interfere easily. However, in the past few days, Lady Mary seems to have dragged Lord Grim to the Lance plane..."

"Lance plane? What are you doing there?"

"I heard... I heard that I was going to hunt a level 3 female fire dragon!"


Lance plane, doomsday castle.

As a great castle floating on a sea of ​​lava, Philippa Earhart's lair is unique in this way.

Due to the remote terrain and harsh environment, ordinary creatures cannot survive here.

Therefore, in the entire vicinity of Doomsday Castle, except for the scorched earth steaming with heat waves, criss-crossing canyons, and dotted lava volcanoes, there is no other place to live. In such an environment, in addition to pure flame creatures, there are some fire-attribute creatures that are fond of fire or resistant to high temperatures.

As for such guys, their flesh and blood are sour and tough, making it difficult for even giant dragons to swallow.

Therefore, the dragon guards of Doomsday Castle need to go hunting in other areas two to three hundred miles away every day. Only in this way can they fill the frighteningly huge stomach of the third-level female fire dragon.

But something is obviously different today. Two uninvited guests broke into the Doomsday Castle inexplicably.

These days, a group of rat-like outsiders have been secretly hunting the dragon. However, their strength is limited, and they only dare to target the little guys of level 1 and 2, but they never dare to target level 3 dragons.

Therefore, the level 3 female fire dragon can continue to enjoy a happy life of dominance in her own doomsday castle.

Unfortunately, today, her good days have come to an end!

A silver-white cruising mothership crossed the rolling mountains and steep mountains, and came to this anxious land with a heroic attitude of dominating the world.

When it hovered steadily over the Doomsday Castle, two powerful wizards, a man and a woman, flew out and silently looked down at the majestic castle floating in the middle of the lava sea.

It can be seen that the guys in the castle are already aware of the arrival of the wizards. Black spots as big as ants can be seen shaking and running in the huge square and numerous buildings.

Accompanied by a loud dragon roar, a huge, fat fire dragon rose up from the castle with its dark red wings flapping.

Greem stood in mid-air, looking down at everything below him.

Seeing that the 'owner' of the castle had come out, he raised his hand and blessed Mary beside him with a flame protection. Then his body exploded into a ball of flame and appeared in front of the huge female fire dragon in an instant.

Different from the elegant and smooth lines of other giant dragons, the female fire dragon in front of her is extremely fat, and her huge body is two or three times thicker than the giant dragons of the same level. Seeing her struggling to float in the sky, even Greem was a little worried that her fleshy wings would not be able to support her body and she would fall down.

Seeing the dazzling fire elements suddenly coalescing into a tall and straight young male wizard in front of her eyes, Philippa couldn't help but narrowed her huge eyes and admired in her heart.

The aesthetics of the Dragon Clan is simply killing all ages, regardless of race!

Seeing a handsome human wizard appear in front of her, the female fire dragon Philippa couldn't help but feel excited again, and the glistening saliva between her huge and cold teeth was about to remain.

"Little handsome boy, you are so strong! Did you come to my sister today to make friends?"

Damn, I met a nymphodragon!

Faintly, Grim could already hear Mary's choking giggles above his head...

"Lady Philippa, can't you see that we are here to seek revenge?" Greem reminded angrily.

"Seeking revenge?" The female fire dragon was startled, her pair of huge dragon eyes the size of a washbasin widened, and she looked up and down at Greem from afar: "It seems we have never met before!"

"You may have forgotten that the Stonetalon Mountains that you once led people to attack is my territory..."

Stonetalon Mountains...Wind Dragon Chax...Level 4 Dragon Skywing Skreel...

A series of associations immediately made the female fire dragon understand the seriousness of the crisis at hand. Her squinty expression was swept away, and a ferocious look appeared on the ferocious dragon head.

" are the leader of the group of alien wizards in the Stonetalon Mountains...and you also captured Skreel?"

"Hehe, you don't need to know these things. I brought people here today to avenge you for destroying my territory. You'd better come with us obediently..."

Before he finished speaking, a raging fire dragon breath submerged Grimm's figure.

High in the sky, Mary, who had completed all the battle preparations, waved her hand, signaling the patrol mothership to stay away, and then she folded her bat wings behind her and swooped down at the female fire dragon at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Don't look at the female fire dragon's silly appearance, in fact, she has already noticed Mary's every move. When she saw that Mary was gone, she quickly ended the fire dragon's breath, flapped her wings forward, and her huge body instantly moved back more than three meters.

A sharp explosion sounded.

A bloody figure as fast as a ghost passed in front of the female fire dragon, and its sharp claws pierced the void, leaving countless criss-crossing blood marks in the air.

The female fire dragon roared and flapped its wings again, intending to chase after the blood shadow and launch a counterattack.

But at the moment when her target shifted, the fire dragon's breath suddenly dispersed, and a tall flame figure stepped out from it, holding a lava fireball in his hand, smiled coldly at her, and shot the fireball.

A distance of one hundred meters may be a safe distance for low-level wizards, but for high-level wizards, it is no less than a face-to-face fight.

As soon as the fireball left his hand, it instantly shot in front of the female fire dragon and quickly exploded into a huge fireball.

Everyone was playing with fire, and the damage to each other by fire witchcraft was almost immune, so Grimm could only choose the lava fireball with some physical damage as a means of attack.

The fierce flame shock wave with a large amount of lava fragments hit the huge body of the female fire dragon, hitting the dark red scales on her body and making them crackle and sparks.

Damn, it's a nasty fire witch!

The female fire dragon roared angrily, no longer caring about the "little bat" that was in the way, and rushed towards the young wizard with a huge body and surging flames.

She could see that the female wizard who turned into a blood bat had low attack power, and the opponent's claws were not enough to penetrate the dragon scales and hurt her. But the wizard was a fire wizard with strong attack power, so he had to be careful.

The three level 3s clashed left and right in the sky of the Doomsday Castle like a revolving lantern, rushing wildly, waves of heat and pieces of flames, like tides, surging in all directions, towards the castle below.

The chaotic flames fell from the sky, and wherever they landed, they could ignite a pillar of fire that soared into the sky. Even those tall and solid buildings could not withstand the extreme high temperature and collapsed in the raging flames. If these flames fall on the dragon guards, they will instantly ignite the magic energy in their bodies, turning them into a human-shaped torch with flames gushing out of their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and pores, and turning them into a pile of charcoal in an instant.

The entire Doomsday Castle seemed to have fallen into a natural disaster. In an instant, houses collapsed, wolves and rats ran around, and it became a mess.

Just as many dragons were in a panic, a shrill scream was heard, and a huge ball of fire fell from the sky, smashing a deep pit in the solid castle square. When the bursting flames slowly dissipated, a slender figure covered in black crawled out of the pit.

Behind it, the roiling hot magma at the bottom of the deep pit had not yet cooled down, and it was still churning and shaking.

The charred figure moved his body with difficulty, and the carbonized skin on the surface of his body fell down, revealing the red flesh and blood underneath that was steaming hot.

The charred figure stood up, and her eyelids, which were burned to pieces, flipped up, revealing a pair of bloody red pupils. She first glanced at the sky with hatred, and then moved her eyes to the dragon guard not far away.

Somehow, the dragon guard she was staring at was filled with uncontrollable fear and trembling. He dragged his heavy body and just wanted to escape, but was instantly pounced on by the charred figure.

The difference in size between the two sides was so great, one was as strong as a heavy truck, and the other was as slender as a willow in the wind. But if they really had to fight, ten dragon guards would not be a match for Mary who was seriously injured!

I don’t know what Mary did, but the dragon guard lost the ability to resist instantly after she pounced on him, and let her crawl on his neck and suck his blood.

In a burst of sucking, the body of this first-level advanced dragon guard was obviously withered and shriveled. After 5 seconds, Mary wiped the corner of her lips and climbed up from it. She had regained her usual youthful beauty and spirit.

There was no flaw or scar on her fair and tender body!

Sensing the blood energy in her body, Mary looked up and stared at the fat figure still fighting in the air. She pursed her lips and whistled. The bat wings behind her spread out, and her whole body turned into a swift blood shadow and rushed into the sky again. nt


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