The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0087 Underground Forbidden Area

The underground has been in a mess recently.

This is the information Kevin specifically conveyed to Grimm when he visited him.

Of course, Kevin did not come to visit specifically to convey this news, but brought the chief deacon stationed by Losa Trading Company here. And their purpose is the blood garnets that Grimm and Mary shared in the No. 7 mine.

After these days of identification, Grimm has determined that this blood garnet is a relatively special magic material, mainly used for the refining of some special magic tools, and it is of no help for the magic puppets he needs. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Grimm has very readily entrusted the 6 blood garnets in their hands to Losa Trading Company for processing.

As for the cost, Grimm did not choose magic crystals, but asked the other party to convert all the costs into quasi-magic elemental crystal cores. Regarding this, the chief deacon agreed with a smile on his face.

Since the other party is willing to give up the 6 blood garnets, it also allows him to complete a small half of the resource share in the past six months. Moreover, the other party did not accept magic crystals, but was willing to exchange them for elemental crystal cores in Losa Trading Company. This was a deal that closed two deals, so how could he not be happy!

The reason why Grimm was so happy was because he had learned from the side that the person behind Losa Trading Company was the Angus wizard who had been dealing with them for a long time, and Kevin, the black hand, belonged to the same family as Angus wizard, the Byron family.

It was because of these two factors that Grimm agreed to the request of the chief deacon without hesitation, and it was also a side befriending of the Angus wizard.

In return, Kevin became more enthusiastic about Grimm while returning with satisfaction, and secretly told him that if he had any difficult problems, he could choose to visit Angus wizard. Whether it was knowledge purchase or resource exchange, Angus wizard would give him the greatest discount!

So in less than half a day, the quasi-witch elemental crystal core that Grimm needed was delivered. There are 4 elemental crystal cores in total, 1 earth, 2 water and 1 wind. In addition, there is a general map of the underground world currently explored in the Dark Crypt. However, considering the factors of underground changes, this map is only for reference, and it is difficult to completely match the actual terrain.

Grimm has now considered that for a long time in the future, it is these large numbers of magic puppets that can help him establish a combat advantage. The advantages of magic puppets lie in their convenience, concealment, and large number. Even if the situation allows, Grimm wants to directly establish a large army of magic puppets that can be used at will.

In the future, if he doesn't like someone, he doesn't even need to do it himself. With a wink, the magic puppets that come one after another can overwhelm the enemy.

Of course, such a fantasy can only be realized in the distant future. But now, he can only carefully build his own magic puppet team.

Yes, Grimm already has a preliminary idea, using a variety of magic puppets and tactical combinations to fully tap the full combat power of each type of magic puppet. Recently, most of his activities have been in the underground world, so he might as well create more earth magic puppets. But considering the possible changes in the future battlefield, he also needs to make more preparations.

Water and wind are what he prepared for the future.

Especially the wind magic puppet, with it, Grimm has an extra free flying magic pet, and no longer has to worry about the long journey.

Scan these elemental crystal cores with chips, and then let the chips tailor the most suitable magic puppet design for them one by one. When all this began to proceed in an orderly manner, Grimm picked up the crystal ball and silently examined the information and data inside.

In a black curtain, only the shallow layer on the top can be lit. Even this shallowest layer is completely composed of many winding and winding pits, tunnels, cracks, secret passages, rifts, and waterways. There are countless caves, karst caves, and caves dotted in it, just as many as the stars in the sky. And there are countless roads between any two places, although most of them are not accessible to human bodies.

On this map, the space that can be temporarily accommodated is marked in green, and the roads that can be passed are marked with blue thin lines. And between this dense and complex blue and green are dots of red light. These are the approximate distribution of underground creatures, tribes, and monsters that have been explored so far.

Of course, in this shallow three-dimensional map of the dark area, Grimm could not find any signs related to the ruins of Paradise City.

For this reason, Grimm specifically called Kirby over and asked him to point out the location of the so-called wizard treasure on the map. After careful research for a long time, Kirby finally pointed out an area. There, Grimm did not see any signs related to the city, but saw a large area of ​​red light full of danger warnings.

In some areas of the underground world, there are dangerous forbidden areas that outsiders dare not easily set foot in. Usually there are either harsh natural environments that are difficult for apprentices to resist, or some extremely terrifying monsters. No matter which one it is, it is a dangerous area that wizard apprentices need to be careful about.

Grimm looked at the glaring red light on the map and couldn't help but hesitate in his heart.

From the glaring color, it is a forbidden land of death that is dangerous even for would-be wizards. Therefore, Kirby designated this place without hesitation, which is theoretically reasonable.

Since ancient times, wizards have liked to build various types of laboratories in the places where they live. From Kirby's description, it can be seen that the second-level wizard is also a guy who is good at biological transformation. Once the laboratory is abandoned, the alien bodies, modified organisms, puppet organisms or witchcraft energy stored in it may cause irreversible pollution to this area.

If those alien bodies or modified organisms die, it's okay. Once a strong guy survives, then for the wizard apprentices who come to explore, they are no less terrifying monsters than wizards. Although Kirby claims to have mastered some of the witchcraft secrets of the secret room, the risks contained in it still make Grimm a little daunted.

However, when Grimm was hesitant, some information revealed by Kirby once again strengthened his confidence to try.

The scepter of the flame lord!

In a secret room of the Level 2 wizard, there is a Fire Lord Scepter!

For others, this Fire Lord Scepter is just a powerful magic weapon that can summon 3 quasi-magic fire spirits every day. But for Grimm, it has another indescribable special use.

With Grimm's affinity for fire elements, he can use the Fire Lord Scepter to build a portal to the Fire Element Plane, and then usurp the Fire Element Crystal Cores from it. Even when he is strong enough, he can try to occupy a territory in the Fire Element Plane and become a real Fire Lord.

Not to mention anything else, just the element crystal cores that Grimm has been collecting recently, I am afraid that most of them are not from this plane, but from those elemental planes.

The space of the entire multiverse is huge and deep, filled with various forms of elemental energy, forming an endless sea of ​​energy. And the numerous planes are like islands, floating in the sea of ​​energy isolated from each other.

Each plane is a complete small world, with everything from the earth, mountains, rivers to the ocean, sky and creatures. However, as the elemental energy mixed into each plane is unbalanced when it is conceived, the plane itself will also present completely different plane characteristics.

The plane where the wizard world is located is a large plane that is extremely suitable for the survival of creatures. However, when the dominance of the plane is in the hands of the rapidly rising wizards, the plane characteristics have shifted accordingly, leaning towards the chaotic and powerful witchcraft energy.

The elemental plane mentioned just now is that some planes are obviously in the area where a single element gathers when they are conceived. Therefore, when these planes grow up, they become a single elemental plane.

In general material planes, elemental substances are almost balanced. The earth elements gather together to form the earth, and then form different landforms such as mountains, hills, and plains. Water elements gather together to form streams, lakes, rivers and even oceans. The wind element brought clouds, rain, thunder and lightning to the material plane, while the fire element brought lava, volcanoes and life to the material plane.

These elements are combined to build a perfect material world where the heaven and earth grow and all things reproduce.

But the elemental plane is not like this.

Take the fire elemental plane that Grimm yearns for the most. There are mountains, hills, oceans and lakes, but the basic elements that build these materials are all fire element particles. There, the mountains are burning, the oceans are burning, and even the sky is burning.

Such a world is certainly not suitable for the survival of most creatures, but it can breed fire creatures that use fire as the source of life. Fire spirits, fire giants, lava dogs, fire giants, fire eagles, molten core giants, fire demons, fire element elders, flame lords, flame kings... Like humans, it is a world of fire element creatures, and a clearly hierarchical ruling class is built according to the strength of their strength.

If Grimm really wants to achieve something in the fire system, then the Fire Elemental Plane is a giant plane that he will have to step into sooner or later.

The wizard world is nothing more than a large plane after all, and wizards are aggressive by nature. They love to search for new material planes in the endless sea of ​​stars, and then invade and conquer them, and pull them onto the wizards' ever-expanding plane chariot.

However, with the wizards' cruel and violent personalities, they have already obtained the plane coordinates to the elemental plane, but no wizard has ever dreamed of conquering the elemental plane into a subsidiary plane of the wizard world. The reason is that these elemental planes are all terrible giant planes. In terms of strength alone, if the wizard world is really connected to the elemental plane, I am afraid that the happiest ones are those elemental creatures who have no desires.

At that time, it is probably not the wizards who happily divide up the huge resources of the elemental plane, but countless elemental creatures will pour into the wizard world and expand it into a new elemental plane.

Therefore, according to the rules of the wizard world, all wizards must be extremely careful and cautious when handling portals that connect to giant planes. Otherwise, if they are not handled properly, it will lead to terrible consequences that will burn you!

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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