The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0915 Talent Transformation

Meryl's breathing gradually became stagnant.

The teacher's teachings shook her soul like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, and she couldn't help but reflect deeply on what she had done over the years.

For the development of the family and her own unspeakable vanity, Meryl invested too much energy and time in directions other than witchcraft. Although the family affairs are prospering under his own promotion, his own strength has also fallen from the first line to the second line within the family, and now it has fallen to the third line.

But regarding this point, Meryl also had an unspeakable secret in her heart.

From the time she became a wizard apprentice, she knew clearly that her wizard talent was not very good. With her qualifications, she would be lucky to be able to advance to the first level. It is almost impossible to advance to the second level.

It was precisely because of this understanding that she gave up the arduous study of witchcraft knowledge and the tedious witchcraft experiments day after day, and devoted most of her energy and time to handling the complex affairs of the family. middle.

What she gained was great authority and false power that responded to everything. These illusory auras of power made her intoxicated and fascinated her. Until now, she still did not feel that her behavior was wrong.

Instead of spending time in studying witchcraft and boring witchcraft experiments day after day to gain a possible future, it is better to grasp every day now and live a meaningful and vivid life.

It was hard to say that she was wrong in thinking this way, but when an earth-shattering turn of events appeared in front of her, Meryl acted like a qualified wizard.

"Fire dragon bloodline?" When Meryl saw the mysterious rune suspended in a transparent bubble, slowly rotating, and exuding a dark red luster, she finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, this is the mysterious rune formed by the blood of the Fire Dragon that I told you about. If you are willing, I can implant it into your body, so that you will have the blood talent of the Fire Dragon clan within half a year. This is comparable to yours." The original elemental talent is much more powerful! Are you willing?"

Without any thought or hesitation, Meryl immediately nodded hurriedly.

For a wizard, having a stronger bloodline talent, mastering more profound witchcraft knowledge, and being able to inspire amazingly powerful witchcraft is what almost every wizard dreams of, so how can he hesitate or refuse!

Meryl's confusion and hesitation before was mostly due to her poor wizard qualifications, which made her unable to give up. If she could have powerful fire dragon bloodline, why would she waste time on these 'boring' mundane tasks?

Greem nodded with satisfaction at Meryl's excitement and determination.

"Then take off your clothes and lie down on the experimental table!"

In response to the teacher's order, Meryl did not hesitate for a moment, quickly took off her witch robe and underwear, and then lay down obediently on the brightly lit experimental table.

Meryl is a beautiful witch with good looks. Although her figure is not as sexy and hot as Mary and others, she is still curvy, plump and exquisite. At this time, he was lying on his back on the experimental table, with his long silver-grey hair spread like silk on the stone platform. His whole body was naked, his legs were tightly together, and his arms were gently folded in front of his chest.

Although there is no charm or witchcraft, there is still an indescribable hazy and ambiguous atmosphere!

In fact, given the status and power of wizards, the relationship between men and women is not as rigid and strict as ordinary society. As long as they are willing, there are a lot of handsome men and beautiful women among the wizard apprentices who are willing to throw themselves into their arms. As long as they hook their fingers, secular nobles are even willing to send busloads of beautiful women to their residences in order to seek political blessing.

Therefore, the private lives between most male and female witches and wizards are very corrupt, and some of them even have extravagant hobbies and interests that have reached the level of perversion!

However, as a wizard promoted by Grim, Meryl still did a good job in keeping herself clean. Although she is no longer a virgin, it can be seen from her beautiful skin, plump and tall breasts, and the shadows of lush grass that she still has a very discreet private life.

The most secret parts of her body were exposed in front of the teacher, but Meryl was not as shy and reserved as ordinary girls. She just looked at the teacher with a calm and steady expression.

"You just arrived today. It is impossible to transplant blood runes to you so quickly. Therefore, I now need to conduct a comprehensive examination and sampling of your body and make some preparations before transplantation. Please relax and cooperate with me. The work..." Greem explained a few words gently, then waved his hand to light up the various witch formations attached to the experimental table.

Immediately, bright but not dazzling soft light arrays appeared, making Meryl's beige skin almost transparent.

Greem also sat back down in front of the experimental table, his black eyes flashing rapidly with bursts of blue light, driving each witch formation to slowly topple Meryl's body.

Meryl, level 1 intermediate, professional identity: Elemental Wizard (Earth), basic physical data: Strength 4 Constitution 8 Agility 5 Spirit 14...

With the operation of the witch formation and the deep scanning of the chip, the basic data of wizard Meryl appeared in Greem's mind. Such statistics are indeed a bit weak among level 1 wizards, and Meryl has little actual combat and experience, so her combat skills are almost zero.

10% of the qualifications of an ordinary academic wizard!

A rookie like Meryl can beat five people alone even if Grimm retreats to level 1. If the battlefield is not limited, there is no fear of fighting Grimm.

In addition to the basic physical data, Meryl's wizard qualifications can be called "ordinary"!

To be honest, her promotion to level 1 is indeed a lot of luck.

If there is no external intervention, the advanced level of level 1 is already the limit of her potential development. It is almost impossible to promote to level 2.

However, what makes Grimm headache is not Meryl's wizard qualifications, but her elemental affinity.

Meryl is promoted to an earth elemental wizard, and the element with the highest affinity is of course the earth element.

In the feedback map of the chip scan, Grimm saw clearly that the earth element was the only one that stood out and ranked first, occupying 7 grids of the talent scale. The second was the gold attribute, occupying two grids. The third was the plant lineage, occupying half a grid. As for the remaining lineages, they occupied half a grid together...

In her element affinity map, there was no trace of fire element affinity at all. This would transform her into a fire dragon bloodline, which was no less difficult than changing her body and cutting her marrow. Grimm couldn't help scratching his head when he thought about it.

From Meryl, Grimm couldn't help but think of his other wizard disciple, Am.

If Am hadn't been seduced by the Salupo family and became a traitor, I'm afraid that with his fire element affinity, he would be the most suitable to receive this fire dragon bloodline rune.

It's a pity...

I don't know if he would be so upset if he knew how much good opportunities for improvement he lost due to his stupidity and ignorance...

Grimm carefully examined Meryl's body while daydreaming.

The result of the preliminary examination was that Meryl was not suitable to be the successor of the Fire Dragon Bloodline. If she insisted on doing so, it would most likely cause a huge loss of the Fire Dragon Bloodline's potential.

You know, the former Star of Disaster, Philippa Ehart, was a powerful existence of the third-order advanced level, and there was still the possibility of advancing to the fourth level!

If this Fire Dragon Bloodline Rune was transplanted to Meryl, the chip estimated that Meryl's best development limit was the third-order primary level. This means that Meryl could advance to the third level as long as she worked hard in her lifetime.

However, the third-order primary level was her potential limit.

After becoming the third level, her potential was cut off, and it was impossible for her to make any further progress!

Regarding her situation, Grimm did not hide anything, and told Meryl everything about his tests and estimates. Meryl lay pale on the experimental table, her body trembling slightly after listening to all this.

To be honest, Meryl's heart was completely turned upside down, with mixed feelings, listening to an outsider solemnly declaring the limit of her potential. Although she had long known that her aptitude was not good, she still felt bitter and desperate when she was told her 'death deadline' in person.

However, the wizard's aptitude limit could be raised from level 1 advanced to level 3 elementary, which was already a great gift!

Therefore, Meryl nodded heavily to her teacher with tears in her eyes.

Then let's settle it!

Grimm also made up his mind in his heart.

As for the slight loss of potential of the Fire Dragon's bloodline rune, Grimm didn't care too much.

Even if a wizard who was extremely compatible with this bloodline rune was found, what would happen? The hope of advancing to level 4 is still so slim! Even the main owner of the bloodline, Philippa, had such a hard time advancing to level 4, could her heir perform better than her?

Therefore, why not lose some of the potential of the bloodline rune in exchange for Meryl's loyalty and a surge in strength?

Now that he has made up his mind, Grimm no longer thinks about it, but instead concentrates on how to successfully transplant this bloodline rune into Meryl's body.

Such a direct transplant will definitely not work!

The fire dragon blood in the bloodline rune is definitely not compatible with Meryl's current earth element talent. If you force it and cause a rejection reaction, the collapse of the bloodline rune is a small matter, but Meryl's elemental talent will be contaminated and lead to death, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, before the transplant, it is urgent to transform Meryl's body to a certain extent so that the conflict between her innate earth element and the later fire element is not so intense.

For such a difficult problem, the chip scanned the database and immediately gave three feasible implementation plans.

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