The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0928 On the flight deck

The power of a level 3 wizard cannot be easily described in words.

Despite being attacked by dragons, the fully armed Grimm is still alive and kicking.

The three level 3 dragons following closely behind him are Silver Dragon Alfred, Shadow Dragon Atlan, and Water Dragon Dominil. Among the three dragons, only Silver Dragon Alfred can barely keep up with Grimm's speed, while Shadow Dragon Atlan and Water Dragon Dominil are not good at flying, so they are left far behind.

After a period of fruitless pursuit, the three dragons simply discussed and let the Silver Dragon continue to chase Grimm to prevent the other party from having time to kill low-level dragons. The Shadow Dragon and the Water Dragon turned their bodies and rushed to the cruise mothership not far away.

Since the start of the war, the force field barrier supported by the cruise mothership has blocked countless dragon breaths, and some visible damage has appeared on it.

Some 2nd level dragons, excited about the prey, swarmed in and rushed to the huge flight deck of the cruise mothership. Here, the groups of metal magic machines and the dense fixed turrets made them suffer enough.

But what frightened them the most was the strange puppet with a body of steel and iron, which was burning with magic flames. It actually combined the elemental attacks of magic creatures and the strong physique of metal structures. It could attack from far and near, and it overturned two 2nd level dragons to the ground, broke their bones and muscles, and dragged them into the belly of the ship.

At this point, the dragons suddenly woke up. This... This turned out to be a 3rd level magic machine!

With such a powerful guy guarding the flight deck and the entrance to the belly of the ship, no matter how the low- and medium-level dragons attacked, it would be difficult to get through the 3rd level magic machine in the dense gunfire.

"Hold it, I'll go in and take a look..." Shadow Dragon Atlan roared softly, and his entire body suddenly exploded into black smoke, disappearing without a trace.

And its companion, the water dragon Dominil, roared loudly and rushed towards the elemental magic machine.

Water dragons, also known as white dragons, belong to the water dragons, and are naturally good at controlling and manipulating water elements.

And the ice dragon that Grimm had hunted was just a variant and branch of the water dragon.

Seriously speaking, water dragons are not good at fighting. Their physical strength is not that good compared to fire dragons, earth dragons and other dragons. But like the magical properties of water elements, water dragons are particularly good at spitting mist and delaying opponents.

This habit usually gives them the first right to attack in battle!

Therefore, as soon as the water dragon Dominil rushed onto the flight deck of the cruise mothership, large groups of cloud-like water vapor diffused from its diamond-like crystal clear body, and quickly spread in all directions along the metal deck. Its huge body immediately became almost transparent, completely blending into the mist.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

Dozens of energy rays and five energy fireballs quickly passed the place where the water dragon stayed, but did not touch any entity. The huge fireball formed by the explosion of the fireball could not cause elemental vibrations like before. After a flash of fire, it strangely dimmed quickly.

Just like a damp firecracker, it made a lot of noise at the beginning, but in the end, only a muffled fart was left.

However, just as everyone was in doubt, the water dragon with almost transparent skin, flesh and scales suddenly emerged at the edge of the mist, and its tail swept over a metal turret fixed on the edge of the deck.

In a burst of loud bangs, the metal turret instantly silenced, and the entire metal frame and magic cannon were twisted and deformed beyond recognition.

Hiss, hiss...

Another series of magic rays and energy fireballs shot in.

But the 3rd level water dragon twisted its body and disappeared into the mist.

The next time it appeared, it appeared at the edge of the other side of the mist, and rushed directly into a small group of metal magic machines, tearing with its mouth, slapping with its claws, crushing with its huge feet, and swinging with its dragon tail. It took only six or seven fingers to dismantle the five metal magic machines into pieces, smashing them into a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Then the water dragon took its time to withstand the dense energy rays and fireballs, turned around and hid in the mist, and disappeared again after a while.

Even Meryl, who always claimed to be calm and composed, was cursing in the command hall of the cruise mothership. Under her loud urging and cursing, dense detection ripples and life scans, as well as many strange witchcraft ripples that were difficult to describe one by one, quickly swept through the huge fog, but did not sense or find any clues.

Silently, an inconspicuous metal cabin on the flight deck suddenly opened, and a level 1 crimson wizard leaned out half of his body and tore open seven witchcraft scrolls in one breath.

Wind-making magic!

Wind vortex tornado!

Doomsday storm!

All wind-related witchcrafts from level 1 to 3 were available, and each one was powerful and effective.

Unfortunately, the huge water mist that covered the entire flight deck was like lead casting. No matter how many tornadoes and strong winds raged, they could only tear or disperse the fog in some areas. When the strong wind died down, the water mist from all directions surrounded it again, making the place foggy again, and it was difficult to see the five fingers when you stretched out your hand.

Seeing that it was ineffective, the crimson wizard turned around and wanted to escape.

However, the water mist in front of the metal cabin shook, and a transparent water dragon suddenly emerged, and slapped the translucent force field protection outside the cabin with one claw.

The powerful dragon claws pressed the translucent force field protection deeply inward, and the sharp claws even penetrated the protection and scratched dazzling sparks and deep claw marks on the metal cabin.

Without the force field protection supported by the cruise mothership, no matter how many defensive magic spells the crimson wizard cast on himself, it would be useless. The crimson wizard was thrown onto the metal deck inside the cabin by the violent impact force, and he spurted blood while struggling to escape into the hull.

As the long dragon tail of the water dragon Dominel swept fiercely over the metal cabin, the metal cabin was smashed into a discus with a sharp squeak.

But the crimson wizard had successfully escaped!

While the water dragon Dominel was frantically attacking the metal cabin, the elemental magic machine that had been patrolling on the flight deck looking for the enemy's traces rushed over quickly under the impetus of the violent flame flow. Before the heavy metal fist arrived, the violent magic energy had already swept the body of the water dragon.

Looking at the direction where the elemental magic machine was inserted, it was obvious that it wanted to cut off the water dragon's retreat and prevent it from returning to the fog.

And the water dragon Dominel obviously wanted to lure the elemental magic machine away from the main entrance of the flight deck, so he did not rush back to the fog, but swung his body and sprayed a transparent water column at the surging magic energy.

Two magical energies with very different properties continued to collide in mid-air, triggering a violent elemental explosion.

In a wave of earth-shaking elements, a dragon and a magic machine fought in the air while quickly approaching each other.

Boom boom boom...

A series of strong energy explosions, the steel fists of the elemental magic machine kept bombarding the wave shield on the surface of the water dragon, splashing water and rippling continuously. The water dragon lowered its head and used the sharp dragon horns on the top of its head to frantically stab and rush at the elemental magic machine.

The two iron fists of the elemental magic machine tightly grasped the dragon horn of the water dragon, and the two rolled and fought wildly on the flight deck.

For a time, the dragon roared continuously, and the entire flight deck was turned upside down, and it was difficult to rest.

Just as the dragon and the magic machine were fighting with each other, the main entrance of the cruise mothership's flight deck suddenly opened, and 30 metal magic machines rushed out from it. They quickly approached the battlefield while shooting at the water dragon frantically.

Under their interference, the water dragon was annoyed, and the situation instantly tilted towards the elemental magic machine.

But beyond everyone's perception, in the shadow under a metal turret on the flight deck, a strange shadow force that no one could detect was slowly flowing.

Shadow Dragon Atlan looked around the battlefield and hesitated.

At this time, if it went to help the water dragon Dominil, it would definitely help it establish an advantage. However, the best choice now is to break into this huge metal spaceship and kill the human wizards hiding in it one by one.

This... is the real meaning of today's battle!

After figuring out this truth, the shadow dragon turned his head and looked at the main entrance with the door open. The shadow power in his body moved slightly, and his body suddenly came from the shadow of the metal turret to the human wizard closest to the main entrance.

At this moment, the main entrance leading to the interior of the metal spaceship was close at hand. As long as it struggled hard and broke through the translucent force field protection outside the other party's door, it could successfully break into it.

When he thought that most of the other party's main forces had gone out, and only a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals were left inside, and no one could stop his crazy killing, the shadow dragon Atlan's heart couldn't help but beat violently.

Prepare... impact...

However, just as the shadow dragon was preparing to impact the force field protection with all its strength, the human wizard it was hiding in suddenly lowered his head and smiled lightly at the shadow under him.

That smile was so beautiful and so brilliant that Atlan was in a trance for a moment.

This level 2 human female wizard is so beautiful!

Is she smiling at me?

Two thoughts came to Atlan's mind in succession, but it suddenly woke up.

No... She has found me...

To be honest, before the shadow jumped, Shadow Dragon Atlan had already scanned the entire cruise mothership with its all-pervasive and obscure spiritual perception, and did not find any life that could threaten itself.

So it jumped boldly and wanted to rush into the mothership.

As for the witch it chose, she was just a small character of level 2, and the elemental fluctuations in her body were almost imperceptible, so she should not be able to threaten it at all.

But the scene in front of it made it shudder, and it vaguely sensed a hint of a trap!

Immediately, without hesitation, Shadow Dragon Atlan burst out with all his strength...nt

:. :

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