The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0955 Crime and Punishment

The paladins of Hakans City have fallen into despair.

No matter how they resisted, no matter how they struggled, they could not resist the attack of the metal monster in front of them. While they were delaying the opponent's pace with their lives and flesh and blood, another larger and more terrifying fire giant rushed up again.

One after another violent fireballs exploded in the crowd, and the huge fireballs and circular flame shock waves formed burned the paladins to a crisp and burned body. And taking advantage of the gap in their formation, the metal monster roared and rushed in again.

The paladins' defense line finally collapsed!

Grimm walked into the Holy Light Chapel completely on the flesh and blood of the paladins.

As he moved forward, Grimm also spurted out red flames, burning the bodies of the dead paladins along the way into ashes. The milky white, strange holy light with a hint of sacredness seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and they all fell on the fist-sized transparent crystal on Grimm's waist.

The two gates of the Holy Light Chapel were gorgeous and elegant, with some poems praising the Holy Light and exquisite decorative patterns engraved on them. Such gates are obviously not good at defense!

Therefore, the elemental magic machine only hit it lightly, and the gate fell inward with a bang, pressing some paladins underneath. Amid the huge noise and flying dust, some paladins rushed out with bloodstained swords raised high.

Unfortunately, their meager power was just some slag in front of the violent elemental magic machine, even if they were blessed with more sacred halos!

The elemental magic machine stepped in, two raised sturdy metal arms, either shooting out a string of ice spears, or throwing out violent energy grids, or gushing out thick high-temperature flames, or flying out wind vortex tornadoes...

Although these magical energies are not as strong as wizard sorcery, they are continuous and amazing in number, so they also rely on absolute numbers to sweep away a large area of ​​the Paladins who resisted stubbornly. Occasionally, some Paladins rushed to the elemental magic machine with shields raised high, but before they could display their exquisite and profound combat skills, they were knocked out by the rough and simple steel fists of the elemental magic machine.

In the face of absolute power, skills are so weak that there is almost no room for them to play!

Inside the gate is a huge training ground, which can be seen as the place where the Paladins usually train. And around the training ground, wide corridors lead to different areas.

Among them, the most towering and magnificent chapel is located in front of the training ground.

It is also a place for the Paladins to meditate and communicate with the great Holy Light. It is usually open to believers only on Sundays, allowing them to admire and pay tribute to the warriors who have sacrificed for the sacred and great cause of the empire.

On the left side of the training ground are rows of tall wooden houses of the same style, which are the living places of the Paladins at a glance. There is also a large library and restaurant inside. On the right side of the training ground are large military buildings such as the armory, the arsenal, and the prison.

In addition to two or three hundred Paladins, this huge Holy Light Chapel is also stationed with more than two hundred trainee knights selected from all over the empire, plus various chores and craftsmen, at least nearly a thousand people.

However, when the elemental magic machine and Grimm, who turned into a tall fireman, rushed into the chapel one after another, under the cover of the light red flame barrier, ordinary mortals would be instantly turned into ashes without even a chance to make a sound. Only those powerful Paladins can barely resist the burning of the magic flame with the blessing of the Holy Light.

However, with their strength, how long can they last in the flame barrier?

Therefore, Grimm walked forward. In the residences and houses he passed, there were flashes of fire, and then pieces of flying ashes flew. Ordinary mortals had no room to survive.

The paladins who ran out of the buildings in groups shouted and rushed up, and were knocked down and kicked over by the elemental magic machines one by one. Occasionally, there were too many people and the elemental magic machines could not take care of them. Grimm, who was leisurely following behind, threw a violent fireball, and the whole world was quiet in an instant!

The power gap between the two sides was too great. Even if they had fearless courage and a strong will to fight, they still couldn't stop Grimm's footsteps.

It only took a quarter of an hour for the elemental magic machines to disperse the last group of paladins in front of the chapel and successfully entered the cathedral. And there, dozens of paladin wounded were lying horizontally and vertically, all of them were scarred and dying. Most of them had serious injuries with broken limbs and bodies, and they were seriously injured and could not be treated at a glance.

In addition to these wounded paladins, there were hundreds of mortals hiding in the corners of the cathedral, watching the tall metal giants and the terrifying firemen who were like the world-destroying demons that broke in, huddled together and trembled.

Resist? The power possessed by these alien invaders was something they could never imagine. Not to mention resistance, they didn't even have the power to stand in front of Grimm.

Looking at the light red barrier pressing towards them, everyone's eyes were filled with despair and fear. Some women, children and the elderly cried and hugged their heads, and young men and women also gritted their teeth and waited for the arrival of death.

"Wait a minute..."

Just as the final fate was about to come, a young paladin wearing exquisite half-body armor suddenly stood up, pulled out a greatsword from his waist that was almost as tall as himself, pointed it at Grimm and shouted: "Devil, you want us, not these mortals. As long as you let these mortals go, we... we are willing to give up resistance!"

The young paladin's voice was crisp and loud, with a hint of a girl's childish voice that had not faded.

As she gently took off the mask on her face, she revealed a young and tender face, with a mixture of determination and confusion and pain.

A little trainee knight...

Although the other party mustered up the courage to block the elemental magic machine and Grimm, her raised greatsword trembled slightly, showing that she was not calm in her heart.

With Grimm's 6-meter-tall figure, no matter how grand this cathedral was, he could not enter and exit smoothly.

Therefore, Grimm's body was gushing with flames, and he burned a huge human-shaped passage on one side of the cathedral, and then he strode into it.

At this moment, looking at this little trainee knight blocking his way, Grimm couldn't help but smile. He leaned down slightly, the flames in his eyes condensed, and a stream of red flames hit the girl's raised sword, instantly burning it to a short piece.

The girl screamed, and the broken sword in her hand fell to the ground, burning a lot of scorched holes in the wooden floor under her feet, and black smoke came out.

Facing the terrifying fire man standing in front of her, the girl's weak body trembled slightly. Because she was too close to the other party, she could even feel the strange touch of the flames on the giant's body licking her long hair and armor. In such an environment, every time the girl breathed, what she inhaled into her nostrils and chest was no longer sweet air, but a stream of high-temperature flames that ate away bones and flesh.

The nostrils were on fire, the chest was burning, and the skin of the whole body could feel the strong burning sensation of the flames everywhere. The girl's face flushed red, and she could hardly breathe.

After looking at the situation in the church again, Grimm stopped and began to slowly gather the flame energy that was constantly overflowing from his body. The air temperature within ten meters around him immediately dropped from the terrifying 3000 degrees to 1200 degrees. Although it was much lower, it was still fatal to mortals who lacked protection.

"Life really shouldn't be wasted like this!" Grimm said in a deep voice: "You can take these mortals away! All the guys below the Black Iron Rank can leave. I only give you 3 minutes..."

Grimm said these words in the common language of Zambes, and those ordinary mortals hiding in the corner stopped crying and showed hope on their faces again.

"Three minutes... You only have three minutes! When the time is up, everyone here must die!"

Hearing the roar of the fire giant again, the servants, craftsmen and ordinary people who came in to take refuge in the corner looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe the words of this alien demon.

Finally, a middle-aged man, relying on his courage, followed the wall and carefully walked around the tall fire man, and only ran away after he walked out of the church gate.

With this leader, the rest of the people remembered the urgency of time. They supported each other, surrounded each other, and walked past Grimm with fear, and fled out of the cathedral.

It was only because Grimm put away the flame barrier and restrained the overflowing flame energy in his body that they had a way to escape. Otherwise, with the powerful power of a third-level fire wizard, without any witchcraft, the energy breath overflowing from his body would be enough to kill everyone in the church.

Grimm was not a murderer. The reason why he slaughtered the paladins was for the strange holy light condensed after their death. As long as those mortals did not get in his way, there was no need to kill too much.

As for letting those little guys below the black iron knights leave, the same reason applies.

These guys haven't been promoted yet, and it's impossible for them to breed strong enough holy light power in their bodies, so killing them will get nothing, so Grimm doesn't mind letting them go together.

As for whether the other party will continue to oppose him after escaping, Grimm has never considered this.

In front of him, even the 3rd-level golden knights will suffer, and what harm will a group of little guys who haven't even reached the 1st level bring to him?

"No, I won't leave..." Although she was trembling with fear, the girl still struggled to persist: "My life belongs to the holy light, I am willing to sacrifice for it!"

Grimm smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and a huge flame energy instantly began to gather in his palm.

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