The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0965 Dark Forest

Dark Forest.

Compared with the wizard world, the development of resources in the plane by the Zambesi Empire is still in a primitive state. This results in most of the plane being primitive forests or wild areas that have not been deeply cultivated, and the places where humans can move are still surrounded by many dangerous creatures.

The Dark Forest located on the western border of the empire is such an area.

There are many primitive creatures and terrible monsters in the Dark Forest. They gather there, reproduce and thrive, forming an exclusive and unique extraterritorial world. This is almost a harsh problem that most plane worlds have to face.

Survival of the fittest!

The powerful monsters have become the actual rulers of most regions with their strong physique and fierce fighting style. They fight each other, either as a family, a tribe, or alone, occupying the most mineral-rich and plant-rich areas on the plane continent.

Compared with them, intelligent groups like humans have almost no competitiveness.

At the beginning of their birth, humans did not have strong bodies, natural magical talents, or sharp teeth and claws, which made them only able to huddle together for warmth and struggle to survive in the cracks between many wild ancient beasts and ferocious monsters.

If it were not for the extraordinary learning and creative abilities of humans, and the ability to learn some powerful and strange abilities from monsters as teachers, and pass them on and strengthen them from generation to generation, it would be almost impossible for humans to become the masters of the plane!

The first batch of wizards in the wizard world were ancient humans who simulated the natural magic patterns on powerful monsters, thus gaining some strange and bizarre abilities. Then, after thousands of years of continuous accumulation and improvement and strengthening, a set of effective wizard training system was formed.

It was precisely because of the wizards who stood out from humans that the humans in the wizard world finally defeated all kinds of powerful monsters and became the largest race there. However, as the wizard group became increasingly powerful, they have gradually grown into a new "human race" that is completely different from ordinary humans!

The development path of the plane is similar!

The Envik plane is obviously on the same development path as the wizard world, except that the power system it has evolved is a kind of holy light worship similar to the belief in gods.

Most of the Envik humans believe in and admire the holy light, thus pushing a natural phenomenon without life and consciousness to the altar. Faith is also a kind of power!

It is the continuous belief of tens of millions of Envik people that has turned the holy light into an unparalleled force. At least, in the Envik plane, this power has been embedded in the plane laws and has become an important pillar supporting the development and growth of the plane consciousness.

With the blessing of the plane consciousness, this holy light power has in turn pushed the devout believers who believe in it to the peak of the plane power.

As long as the Envik plane continues to follow the current path, after thousands of years, one of the 4th-level holy knights who have come one after another will eventually break through the shackles of the plane power and become the 5th-level who created the plane history.

And he will also become the first powerful god with holy light as the origin in the Envik plane at the moment of breakthrough. At that time, the Envik plane will be considered to have initially established a foothold in the multiverse and have the foundation for outward expansion and development!

But unfortunately, before the Envik plane gave birth to its own patron god, the fraud witches discovered it and broke in, and then built a witch tower in a place called Dabire Highlands.

From that moment on, the Envik plane was in the countdown before being enslaved!

It can be said that if the holy knight Ade Kalai had not fought to the death and destroyed the inter-dimensional teleportation array in the witch tower, according to the invasion process of the fraud witches, the Envik plane would have struggled for another 40 to 50 years at most, and would have become a meal for the fraud witches and become a secondary plane under their rule.

Now, as the situation changes, the Paladins seem to have a certain advantage, and have the opportunity to catch all the fraudulent witches and drive the evil wizard forces out of the Envik plane.

Therefore, when there were signs of witch activities in the western part of the empire, the local Holy Light Chapel immediately dispatched all its members to carry out the encirclement and suppression, and successfully trapped the witch in the Dark Forest.

However, the witch's witchcraft ability was too strange. She could transform herself into any biological form, gain their trust, and turn them into her guardian beast.

A 2nd-level silver knight was accidentally deceived and was lured to betray the Holy Light and became a veritable dark knight. Under the protection of this dark knight, the witch successfully escaped into the Dark Forest, where she avoided the search of the Paladins.

As time went on, two 3rd-level gold knights appeared in the Paladin team gathered outside the Dark Forest, and the 2nd-level silver knights were as high as 21. But the guy they were searching for was just an ordinary 2nd-level witch.


In a dark and humid forest, Daven was searching carefully.

In order to facilitate fighting and movement, he took off his heavy metal armor and wore only a silver chain mail, with a thick and airtight cloak wrapped around it. He also replaced his usual broadsword with a thin rapier, and matched it with a small round steel shield with a matte finish. This was all the equipment he had.

The Dark Forest is worthy of its name. The straight and tall ancient trees hold up huge treetops, blocking most of the light from the sky, making the forest dark and deep. Even in the daytime, the forest is dark and it is almost impossible to see the sun.

In such a closed environment, there are countless terrible demonic plants growing and multiplying.

They are mixed with ordinary green plants, and it is difficult to identify them if you are not a scholar or an experienced hunter. Once ordinary people approach them without any defense, they will be dragged into the demon plants full of activated thorns by the vines, pierced by sharp thorns or branches, and then sucked alive by the flesh and blood of the whole body.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Daven, a 2nd-level silver knight, did not bless himself with any holy light protection, but relied on his sharp reaction and swift sword to clean up the monsters and demon plants that presumptuously attacked him.

The holy light that the paladins mastered was good at increasing power, healing, and purification, but not good at exploration and search. Therefore, in this dark forest, Daven actually needed to rely more on his swordsmanship rather than the overly eye-catching holy light.

There was silence in the dark forest.

As long as the monsters and beasts living in this forest have not grown to an invincible level, they need to learn to be quiet. They completed the whole process of hunting, predation, reproduction, and rest in silence. Even at the last moment before death, they should keep as quiet as possible.

Sound will bring them enemies, and too eye-catching holy light will also.

The first few batches of paladin teams that entered the dark forest to search were not small in size, and there were also high-level paladins leading the team, but they all suffered heavy losses because of being too ostentatious. Those beasts and monsters lurking in various parts of the dark forest seem to be extremely repulsive to outsiders, and are easily attracted by the sound and light emitted by the team, thus attacking the paladins in secret.

After all, the Paladins are nothing more than a group of human warriors strengthened by holy light.

If they fight on the plains, with their enhanced strength and physique, they can easily crush monsters of the same level. But in the dark forest where you can't see your hand in front of you, the Paladins' combat power is inevitably greatly reduced.

The long-distance jungle trek and crossing the forest and stream made it impossible for them to wear thick and dense metal armor, and they could not resist the sudden venom attack from dead leaves or vines. The overgrown bushes and spider-web-like vines and thorns made it impossible for them to swing their accustomed one-handed swords, and the thin thorn swords or short swords they changed into could not smoothly cut the neck bones of powerful monsters.

Therefore, several Paladin teams that went deep into the dark forest returned in defeat, and lost a lot of black iron knights.

So, the two golden knights had no choice but to disperse the many silver knights into the forest, carefully searching for the whereabouts of the evil witch and the defecting knight. As long as their traces are found and reported back to the camp in time, the two golden knights can lead a large number of paladins to rush over and end this search operation at the lowest cost.

Night falls.

As the sky dims, the dark forest becomes more and more deep and unpredictable.

Daven walks on the slightly slippery and sticky mud and wanders silently in the depths of the forest.

Every time he steps on a place, he is very particular, either on the muddy ground where the fruit is exposed, or on the pile of rotten leaves, and almost never steps on places with dense thorns and branches.

On the one hand, there may be a trap disguised by demonized plants, on the other hand, if the dead branches are broken, it is easy to make unnecessary noises, thus attracting the attention of those dark creatures.

In addition to paying attention to his feet, Daven also has to keep scanning the green vines hanging from the tall ancient trees. Many of them are disguised as blood-sucking vines. There are also many poisonous snakes, leeches and other poisonous insects that like to lie on the vines. When someone passes by, they can silently cling to the other person's body.

So, Daven walked forward carefully while waving the thin thorn sword in his hand quickly.

Under the swift sword wind, the blood-sucking vines were cut off in half, and the purple-black and smelly blood was splashed all over the sky. One by one, the spotted snakes and wire snakes were beheaded, and their long and powerful bodies twisted and twitched wildly, making the surroundings a mess.

But at this moment, Daven suddenly stopped and raised his nose to sniff gently.

The humid air with a strong stale and moldy smell in the forest was faintly mixed with a hint of woman's body fragrance, and there was also a strange sound of water.

Daven squinted his eyes, held his breath and slowly chased after it.

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