The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0971 Raid on Haisas

Late at night, the city of Hesas was attacked.

The attack came from outside the city.

Hundreds of infected people who were transformed into poisonous corpses by plague bacteria gathered from all directions and attacked the gate of Hesas frantically.

For this moment, the plague spirit Remi had spread the plague seeds all over the surrounding human villages and towns, and thousands of creatures were infected with the hidden plague. In order not to alert the enemy, it let these plague seeds lurk safely in the bodies of villagers and merchants, weakening its lethality.

When Grimm gave the order, Remi immediately activated all the plague seeds.

Almost in an instant, more than a dozen villages and towns, thousands of humans fell to the ground with painful howling, and began the terrifying transformation of poisonous corpses. Those with weaker constitutions or those whose basics did not meet the standards died tragically during the painful transformation.

Only seven or eight hundred people were able to persist in the transformation of poisonous corpses.

However, this is enough!

At Remi's command, all the people who had lost their minds and turned into poisonous zombies rushed to the city of Haisas frantically, climbed up the city wall with inhuman speed and agility, and fought with the city guards who rushed over in a hurry.

It was called a fight, but it was more like a massacre!

These transformed poisonous corpses had no idea what death was, and they had lost all consciousness. They all lay on the ground and jumped like flying, howling and rushing towards the fully armed city guards.

The swords and knives wielded by the city guards were like slashing on rhinoceros skin, which made their wrists numb, but it was difficult to cause enough damage to them.

These terrible poisonous corpses, who had no consciousness, no fear of sharp weapons, and infinite power, flew up one by one, threw the soldiers to the ground, and lay on them to eat and bite them crazily. And they became sharp claws and teeth like wild beasts, all of which were attached with terrible toxins. As long as the skin of human soldiers was scratched, the other party would die of toxins in a dozen fingers.

When Remy floated over them, these newly dead warriors twitched and howled violently. Those who could become imperial warriors obviously had good physiques. Therefore, most of them survived the terrible poisonous corpse transformation and then climbed up from the ground crookedly.

They threw away their swords and knives, still wearing the clothes they wore when they were alive, and their skin turned into a terrible dark blue color, dotted with purple and black poison spots. They screamed strangely, crawled on the ground like a beast, and soon joined the previous poisonous corpse troops, jumped off the city wall, and pounced on the nearby houses.

Although there were still sporadic battles on the city wall, it was just a few black iron knights on duty occupying a tower and resisting stubbornly there. When the impatient Remy stepped onto the battlefield himself, this tiny resistance disappeared immediately.

And behind Remy, there were three more servant corpses wearing the standard armor of the Paladin, who could only howl like beasts.

Although these poisonous corpses are easy to transform and are still very useful against ordinary people. However, their individual combat power is only equivalent to that of junior apprentices, and even those trainee knights can easily deal with several of them.

Therefore, Remi did not regard them as the main force of the battle, but ordered them to disperse and rush into the houses, trying their best to infect more humans.

Hundreds of poisonous corpses broke into the city of Hesas, and instantly turned it into a purgatory on earth.

Those helpless people fled in panic, screaming, shouting, crying, begging for mercy... The sky was full of uproar, waking up this city that had just quieted down from its sleep again.

Ordinary humans have almost no power to fight back when they encounter poisonous corpses except closing their eyes and waiting to die.

In addition to having no sense of pain, fearlessness of life and death, and being full of poison, these poisonous corpses also have agile bodies that are not inferior to cheetahs. They climb over walls as if they were walking on flat ground, and they fly through houses and doors.

People were running and crying helplessly, and around them, they could see swift figures jumping freely on the houses and walls.

They would rush out from the darkness from time to time, knocking humans to the ground, and then gather together, competing for one feast of flesh and blood after another.

Some brave strong men stood up and chopped down one poisonous corpse after another with their swords. But these poisonous corpses seemed to not care about the huge wounds and blood holes on their bodies. Even if their claws and heads were chopped off, they still bit and scratched each other's bodies desperately.

Only by being completely killed can they be completely killed!

Once they die, a terrible yellow-green smoke will spread throughout their bodies. Any creature that touches these smoke will be infected with terrible plague seeds in the shortest time.

Faced with such a difficult-to-kill monster, the people who had just mustered up some courage quickly collapsed.

They dropped their sticks and swords, hid from place to place, and were no longer willing to continue fighting with this unkillable monster.

While the poisonous zombies were wreaking havoc in the city of Hesas, teams of well-trained city guards in bright armor stood up and formed a shield wall and spear formation at the street intersection. Then, under the command of the paladins, they shouted slogans and marched in neat steps and began to move forward step by step.

Several blind poisonous zombies jumped down from the surrounding houses and rushed towards the spear formation with their hands and feet.

They leaped up, puff puff, and successfully pierced themselves on the five-meter-long metal spears. Such a terrible penetration wound, but they didn't care at all, instead twisted wildly to let the spears pass through their bodies, and approached the shield formation little by little.

Their black claws scratched on the metal shields, leaving terrible scratches on them. And a thick smelly poisonous smoke drifted out from their wounds, and soon wrapped up the front of the shield formation.

The three shieldmen who were caught in it coughed violently, and the entire shield formation immediately became distorted.

"Don't panic, keep the formation, and keep moving forward..." The paladins holding long swords and acting as supervisors shouted loudly.

As the milky white holy light fell on the warriors' heads, the plague bacteria they had just infected were instantly dispelled, and they quickly returned to normal. As for the poisonous corpses hanging on the spears, the Paladin raised his sword and chopped them into a pile of scattered corpses, and then ignited the poisonous smoke with a torch.

Ordinary poisonous corpses are obviously difficult to use against Paladins.

Whether it is the poison in the body or the sharp claws, they are restrained by the Paladins.

In a way, the Paladins are really the nemesis of all evil creatures!

At this time, the city of Hesas is full of masters and strong men, so the plague poison spirit Remi chose to hide behind the scenes and desperately transformed the poisonous corpses to attack the Paladin teams. Although the loss of the poisonous corpses will be very serious, it also firmly restrained the Paladin troops in the city.

Just as the plague poisonous corpses and the Paladin troops were fighting and entangled in various street corners in the city, Grimm was already dressed neatly, dressed like a black iron knight, and strode towards the Holy Light Chapel.

Along the way, you can see the Paladins rushing in and the large groups of city guards waiting in full battle array everywhere. Several streets around the Holy Light Chapel have been put under martial law, and no one is allowed to approach it. Only a few of the upper class nobles in Haisas City can temporarily take shelter in the Holy Light Chapel under the protection of the Paladins.

As for the rest of the middle and lower nobles, even if they cry for their parents or curse loudly, they cannot step into the Holy Light Chapel. However, they are still much stronger than ordinary people. After all, there are still a large number of city guards and paladins around them who can give them a certain degree of protection.

At this critical moment, the city has become a mess, and the command system of the city guards and paladins has also become a little chaotic.

With his black iron knight outfit, Grimm arrived at the gate of the Holy Light Chapel almost without any obstacles.

A high breast fort has been built here, guarded by a large group of paladins.

Seeing someone striding forward, they couldn't help but press their swords and their mood suddenly lifted. But when they saw Grimm's equipment clearly, they breathed a sigh of relief silently.

A 2nd-level silver knight came up and shouted, "What's your name? Why are you here instead of staying at your post?"

Grimm said solemnly, "Take me to see His Excellency the Commander. I found traces of wizards in the city!"

"What? Where are the wizards?" The silver knight was stunned and asked nervously.

"The matter is urgent. Take me to see His Excellency the Commander. I was sent to the noble district a few days ago, and then I accidentally found that someone there secretly colluded with wizards, led them into the city, and secretly held some terrible evil rituals..."

"What? These damn nobles..." The silver knight immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, the information you provided is very good. I will take you to see His Excellency the Commander. Only he can give orders for such things. Follow me!"

After speaking, the silver knight turned around and explained a few words to several subordinates, and then led Grimm to the inside of the chapel in a hurry.

As the two of them strode quickly inside, Grimm scanned all the buildings inside.

"My lord, I have secretly observed that the evil ritual is likely to be used to attack our sacred magic circle. Is the security there safe enough?"

"Don't worry!" The silver knight pointed to a brightly lit hall on the right side of the cathedral and comforted him: "There are three silver knights guarding there. Does the enemy want to destroy it..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a violent elemental fluctuation like a storm behind him.

When he looked back in shock, what he saw was a steel fist that was rapidly growing...

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