The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0973 Combat Perception

In the thousands of planes, in fact, levels do not completely represent everything!

Rank is only used to distinguish the changes in strength of the same species at different stages.

But once the species are different, the increase and decrease in strength brought about by levels does not seem so obvious.

Take the people in the field today as an example. On the surface, they are all at level 3, but if they really give it a try, they will have a completely unexpected and weird ending.

To put it simply, the third-level Thunder Dragon Arms completely defeated the golden knight Lambert.

Both sides use strength and body as the main body, supplemented by spirit, and have both physical strength and magical power. But in these aspects, Arms relied on his powerful dragon physique to crush Lambert, who was also skilled in both magic and martial arts, in almost all fields.

Therefore, even at level 3, Brontosaurus Arms could kill Lambert at the cost of only a small amount of damage.

However, the Level 3 Thunder Dragon was completely unable to defeat Greem who had the Throne of Fire suit and the Holy Ring of Soden.

If you include elemental magic weapons, even Greem has a great chance to kill this unruly third-level thunder dragon. The reason why Arms has been so tame during this period is probably because of Greem's rapid growth in strength!

And now, the third-level thunder dragon and the third-level elemental magic weapon joined forces to attack the paladin commander Lambert, leaving him roaring in vain, roaring in vain, but they still couldn't change the fact that they were beaten by the two people and the whole place was in chaos. Flying ending.

If it weren't for a large number of level 2 silver knights rushing into the battle circle, using their bodies as shields and holy light as weapons, desperately attacking and blocking the dragon and the magic weapon, Lambert might have died on the battlefield by now.

Greem did not participate in the siege, but stood quietly on the sidelines, his burning eyes slowly scanning the surrounding buildings, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

There were clearly two Level 3 guards stationed at the Holy Light Chapel, but only one came out. It goes without saying that the other one was hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to make a sneak attack. And his target is most likely himself!

Hehe, if you don't come out, then I will force you to come out!

Secretly sneering a few times in his heart, Greem immediately chanted the large-scale witchcraft of 'Summoning the Flame Gate' to himself.

Now in the Holy Light Chapel, there are big guys like fire giants, elemental magic weapons, and giant dragons fighting to death inside, which has turned the place into a mess, and killed the Paladins to a rout. If another group of hateful flame creatures emerge, I'm afraid the next battle will be even more unwinnable.

However, just as Greem was halfway through chanting the summoning spell, the sacred hall behind him that had been burned to the ceiling suddenly flashed with white light, and a powerful sword light as fast as a rainbow and as white as a sword instantly appeared behind him. .

There was a crackling sound.

Greem, who transformed into a fire giant, had a loud explosion of flame shields and lava shields outside his body, and was completely destroyed by the long sword imbued with powerful holy power. The long sword quickly passed through the fire giant's waist, cutting a huge gap in the lava armor that was more than one meter long and half a meter deep.

A stream of red flames wrapped around the boiling hot magma and splashed out.

The swift figure dodged past the giant flame hand that Greem bent over to grab. With a flick of his sword, he cut off two of the fingers of the flame giant.

The successive injuries also made Greem extremely angry. After transforming into a fire giant, his strength and physique did improve, but his agility was also reduced to an unbearable level.

Greem didn't want to play any more cat-and-mouse games with his opponent, so he raised his huge flaming leg as thick as a stone pillar and stepped heavily on the ground. The next second, a fierce halo of flames suddenly erupted around him, spreading rapidly in all directions in a ring shape.

Any creature within the range of the fire aura will suffer 220 degrees of fire damage and will be pushed 50 meters away by the fire shock wave.

Resist the ring of fire!

This is also the level 3 flame witchcraft carefully selected by Greem and optimized by the chip. It takes into account the two major effects of fire damage and enemy defeat, and its actual combat power is astonishing.

The golden knight who made the sneak attack was obviously an agility swordsman. When he saw the ring of fire approaching, he immediately dodged and flew back without hesitation. The flame shock wave emptied by the heat wave was only half a meter away from his toes, but it was still unable to catch up with the opponent's flying body.

Flashing to 50 meters away, when the power of the fire wave was exhausted and dispersed into pieces of flames that burned the skin, the golden knight stopped abruptly and rushed towards Greem like lightning again.

Although going deep into the sea of ​​​​fire at this time will still inevitably be burned by the flames, with the resistance of his level 3 golden knight, it is possible to add a few more blood holes to Greem's body before the protective holy light is eroded. .

At their level, it is extremely difficult to kill the enemy without any damage using combat skills and killing methods. Many times, what they spell is the word ‘ruthless’.

As long as you are injured more severely than me, as long as my recovery ability is better than yours...that's enough!

But what Kennitt didn't expect was that the alien fire wizard he faced was no ordinary wizard, but a melee wizard who also had powerful close combat capabilities.

Relying on the elemental shaping ability of the Fire Emblem, the fire giant transformed by Greem began to slowly shrink and condense, and finally turned into a terrifying guy 3 meters tall, with bright yellow flames exploding all over his body. A flame shield was condensed in his left hand, and a flame throwing spear was condensed in his right hand. Without giving Kennett a chance to get close, a flame throwing spear came out.

And within the field of vision of Grimm's burning pupil, all material interfaces disappeared, and the entire field of vision was reassembled by mottled blocks of different sizes and shapes. With elemental vision, Grimm can directly see the flow of magic elements in the field of vision. With long-range remote sensing, Grimm can roughly see through the distribution of power in the opponent's body.

Groups of red halos of different sizes and depths are distributed throughout the body of Knight Kennett, especially the legs, chest and right wrist. They are not fixed, but change slightly with every posture and movement of the golden knight.

Whenever Kennett's feet touch the ground and change direction strangely, the red halos on his legs and feet are simply dazzling and dazzling. And whenever Kennett rushes to Grimm's side to attack, his right wrist holding the sword will burst out with strong power from time to time.

However, what Grimm cares most about is the huge milky white halo on the opponent's chest.

Countless white threads extended from it, connecting most of his limbs and internal organs. It was with the support of the white light that Kennett could maintain his ghostly and swift figure.

Relying on the dialysis of the flow of power in the enemy's body, Grimm, with the help of the chip, finally successfully defended against the multiple sneak attacks of the agile knight. Grimm had noticed the opponent's several strange close-ups in advance. If Kennett's agility was not much higher than Grimm, he would have been injured by those flame spears if his movement trajectory was captured.

This is the multifunctional combat auxiliary system that Grimm and the chip have been brewing for a long time.

According to Grimm's original idea, this system should at least help him fully control the battlefield. No matter how many enemies there are, no matter how powerful the enemies are, his power can never be everywhere and at all times. Therefore, Grimm, who can see through the battle situation and predict the future, can wander around the battlefield at will.

Wandering around the weakest part of the enemy's power, wandering around the place where the enemy is unable to exert its strength, and then finding a gap to advance, using the minimum energy loss and the lowest combat risk to strangle the enemy on the spot.

However, the idea is beautiful, and the reality is skinny!

If you want to control the battlefield, you need to have insight into the enemy's dynamics in advance. The existing capabilities of the chip are enough to deal with ordinary people. However, to deal with opponents of the same level or super-level opponents, you also need the support of a series of capabilities such as energy perspective, elemental vision, long-range remote sensing, dynamic capture, and massive data calculations.

And the use of these abilities requires Grimm to consume a lot of mental energy.

With his current mental power, it is not enough to support long-term use. At least, in the hot battlefield of life and death, Grimm can't do it.

No, it should be said that the chip can't do it!

The current chip can only provide simple elemental vision and energy perspective, but it can't fully grasp the opponent's dynamics without leaking a single detail. After all, the higher the level of the enemy, the more sensitive their immediate reaction is. When they notice the changes in Grimm's fighting posture and attack method, they will also immediately correct their combat strategy.

Therefore, when calculating the enemy's next position and attack posture, the chip must not only take into account factors such as strength, physique, agility, spirit, battlefield environment, battlefield situation, etc., but also calculate the possible response of the enemy after the attack posture of the party changes.

All of these require an extremely powerful data computing ability!

The current chip obviously cannot do this.

However, even if only the simplest few auxiliary methods are provided, it will be of great help to Grimm in the battle!

At least in the eyes of the knight Kennett, the guy he was fighting against was simply a devil with mind reading. No matter what tricks he used or what confusing posture he put on, the opponent could throw a flame spear after a flame spear to the place that made him most uncomfortable.

Even many flame spears that were originally thought to be thrown crookedly by the opponent would verify the opponent's cleverness and terror after one or two fingers. Because Kennett actually sent himself to the place where the flame spears burst under the opponent's strong coercion.

Although most of the flames were blocked by the protective holy light, the holy light power condensed in Kennett's body was also rapidly consumed. Once the Holy Light power disappears, Kennett will no longer be able to stay in the terrible burning field outside the opponent's body without any damage like now.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be Kennett's turn to be chased by the opponent all over the field! nt


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