The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0978 Wild Battle

The first wave of fire creatures to rush onto the battlefield were naturally the cannon fodder.

Low-level fire elements, fire spirits, fire giants, fire wolves, lava dogs, flame beasts, fire giants...

Various fire creatures of different shapes and shapes emerged from behind Grimm, roaring towards the four wizards standing in the crater. Before they arrived, a swift fire spell had already engulfed the opponent's position.

However, this wave of attack looked extremely powerful, but unfortunately there were no powerful fire spells in it. They were all the unique talents of fire creatures, especially elemental fireballs.

A purple light flashed in the eyes of the psychic Benejia, and an invisible mental wave swept across the sky, detonating these elemental fireballs in advance.

Therefore, from a distance, there was a burst of flames in front of the four wizards, and the breath of energy fluctuations was extremely strong. However, when the flame shock wave formed by the fireball that exploded in advance swept in front of the wizard, it was already at the end of its strength. It could not even shake the seemingly thin protective force field on the opponent's body surface, let alone damage their bodies.

After two consecutive waves of useless flame attacks, the group of flame creatures in astonishing numbers had already rushed to the vicinity of the crater. However, before they could disperse and surround several wizards, the sword girl Katie stepped forward and pushed with one hand, and the five-sided metal blade wheel blocked their charge route like a butterfly flying through flowers.

The blade wheel whistled, and the flame body shattered.

The flame creatures with only about the first-level primary strength encountered this terrifying blade formation with amazing cutting power, and they were cut into countless pieces without even a chance to struggle, and collapsed into flying flames.

A batch came up and was crushed, and another batch came up and was crushed again...

The five-sided blade wheel was controlled by the sword girl Katie as if it were an arm, and it screamed through the group of flame creatures. Each impact would leave behind a trail of flame fragments and flying flames.

No matter how swift and agile the flame creatures were, they could not break through the metal blade array controlled by Sword Princess Katie!

However, with the cover of the flame creatures, the elemental magic machine rumbled up and swung its steel fists to hit Katie. In the whistling fist wind, the violent magic energy followed like a shadow, stirring up small elemental vortices.

As a mechanical witch, Sword Princess Katie tended to be agile overall, but her strength attribute was not low.

Therefore, facing the violent attack of the elemental magic machine with fierce magic energy, she did not dodge directly, but retracted the five-sided blade wheel and merged with the two metal spikes flying up and down in her hands, like a fierce metal storm, entangled and cut with the steel arm and iron fist like crazy.

While attacking the opponent frantically, Sword Princess Katie floated her body and retreated quickly with the pressure of the elemental magic machine's iron fist. To outsiders, it looked like the Blade Lady Katie was hit by the Elemental Magic Machine and suffered a loss.

But in fact, the Blade Lady Katie was unscathed, while the Elemental Magic Machine's metal right arm was covered with fine and deep scratches and dotted pits. However, with the thickness of the Elemental Magic Machine's metal arm, these scars could not affect its combat power.

Therefore, just like a cat playing with a black bear, the Elemental Magic Machine pounced left and right, the fist wind whistled, and the magic shock waves came one after another. The Blade Lady Katie turned into a series of phantoms and circled around it rapidly. The metal spikes in her hands and the circling metal blade wheels cut its steel body and sparks flew everywhere, and the high-pitched metal friction sound was sharp and piercing.

When the Blade Lady Katie was forced back step by step by the Elemental Magic Machine, the fire creatures that were blocked halfway finally broke through the blade formation and roared towards the wizards.

The one who took over Katie's position was the psychic warlock Beniga.

Without any shouting or gesture, she took a step forward, and the huge purple crystal on her forehead rippled with invisible ripples that were difficult to see with the naked eye. The body of the fire creature swept by the mind ripples suddenly stagnated, and then collapsed for no reason.

One after another, huge balls of fire exploded near the crater, blasting the loose and crisp volcanic rocks there into pieces, and rolled down the slope into the lava pool.

If the killing of the sword girl Katie was still within the normal range, then the killing of the psychic warlock Benejia at this moment became incomprehensible. Even Grimm, who was standing in the back, could only rely on multiple visions to observe the existence of the mind ripples, but it was unknown how this kind of mind ripple destroyed the consciousness core of the fire creature.

In short, from his perspective, it was a fire creature rushing forward, and then inexplicably exploded one by one, and the violent elemental flames turned into balls of fire, engulfing the entire front of the battlefield.

Grimm did not plan to summon Thunder Dragon Arms.

This was not because he was arrogant, but because it was really meaningless.

Every time Thunder Dragon Arms appeared, the four hunting wizards on the opposite side turned around and fled without hesitation, using the vast battlefield space in exchange for the summoning time of the 3rd-level dragon.

According to the plane law, the 3rd-level Thunder Dragon Arms was not summoned to the Envik plane by the plane portal, but was summoned by the dragon contract between it and Grimm. In this way, the time it stayed in the Envik plane would be restricted by the plane law.

Even with the dragon contract between Thunder Dragon Arms and Grimm, Grimm could only maintain Arms' existence for a quarter of an hour. This time may be more than enough to complete a battle, but it seems less sufficient to chase and kill the four hunting wizards who avoided fighting.

As for taking advantage of the might of the Thunder Dragon Arms to escape the fire... Grimm had this idea before, and even the four hunting wizards wanted him to do so.

However, considering that if he left here, he would lose the protection of the lava fire pool. To be honest, Grimm did not have such strong confidence to resist their attacks alone against four. Therefore, after summoning Arms once or twice, Grimm completely gave up this idea and began to play a positional war with this group of hunting wizards seriously.

Seeing that his men had already rushed up, Grimm did not hesitate to transform into a fire giant, raised his hand to summon a sky full of fire clouds and smashed it at the opposite side.

Facing the powerful attack of a third-level fire wizard, the four hunting wizards could no longer maintain their previous leisure and calmness. They carefully avoided the lava fireballs and meteor showers that were splashing everywhere, and tried their best to dodge every attack of Grimm.

For some reason, the power of the fire magic that Grimm urged was somewhat amazing!

And it also comes with some light damage that ignores defense.

However, what bothers the hunting wizards the most is that Grimm can change the magic effects of fire magic at will. Cold flame, fire poison, explosion... all kinds of strange magic effects can drive people crazy.

Fire poison is fine, with the poisonous woman Gwennaville, any kind of poison can be cracked.

But explosion and cold flame are too difficult to deal with!

It's not enough to have high temperature and high heat, the fire magic stimulated by Grimm can explode anytime and anywhere, which is too annoying. Many times, the sword girl Katie was disrupted by this sudden burst of flames and was forced to fight the elemental magic machine head-on.

If the luck is worse, she will be frozen in place by the cold flame. Even with the powerful strength of the sword girl Katie, she will be beaten by the elemental magic machine that rushes up and bleeds wildly, and her bones and flesh are soft.

There is no way. The current sword girl Katie is at a certain low point due to the continuous heavy blows. Before returning to the outer domain for thorough treatment, she was always in a certain "weak" state!

Therefore, as soon as they saw Grimm stepping onto the battlefield, the four hunting wizards immediately divided the work.

The giant snake wizard Natagu and the psychic warlock Beniga were responsible for working together to deal with the fire wizard Grimm, while the sword lady Katie and the poisonous woman Gwennaville were responsible for restraining the elemental magic machine.

Both sides used their unique skills and fought madly in this crater with a diameter of 5 miles.

In the previous battles, the four hunting wizards also tried to use the sword lady Katie to entangle the elemental magic machine, and then the remaining three wizards attacked the fire wizard fiercely, hoping to strangle Grimm quickly in this way.

Unfortunately, that Grimm was surprisingly tough, and there was a terrible lava pool behind him to borrow strength. Therefore, even in the face of the siege of three hunting wizards, he still stood firm.

In contrast, the sword lady Katie became the weakest link in this group of people!

The three wizards' siege of Grimm has not yet come to an end, but her duel with the elemental magic machine has almost been decided.

It was in that battle that the sword lady Katie became more and more "weak".

But among the four hunting wizards, except for the sword lady Katie, the psychic warlock and the old poison woman are not suitable for entanglement with the elemental magic machine, and it is impossible for them to entangle it. And the giant snake wizard Natagu, as the main force of the battle, is even more impossible to take the lead to deal with the magic machine.

Otherwise, once Grimm, who has let go of his hands and feet, exerts his full power, the threat he brings to them is simply amazing!

Therefore, they had no choice but to adopt this more "gentle" fighting method and fight against the fire wizard bit by bit.

It must be said that as the leader of the four-man team, the strength of the giant snake wizard is indeed terrifyingly high.

Once he transforms into a black mamba giant snake, he will have a body of solid snake scales that are comparable to elemental magic machines, and an outstanding magic resistance that is not inferior to that of a dragon.

With the powerful physical and magical resistance, the giant snake wizard can even rush into the lava pool and fight the fire giant incarnated by Grimm. Whenever both sides burst out with all their strength, the Gunsas volcano is like a barrel that has been detonated, violently and fiercely spewing out streams of hot magma and volcanic ash that covers the sky and the sun.

Accompanied by a huge roar like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, the entire volcanic area has become a terrifying Jedi that is difficult for life to approach, just like the end of the world!

The aftermath caused by the wizards' battle also made the eruption of this volcano more violent and frequent. Humans and creatures within a hundred miles are desperately fleeing to the distance under the cover of an unspeakable crisis...

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