The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0994 Grimm's Ambition

Seriously speaking, the core component of the mechanical wizard's body, the mechanical heart, is like a kind of metal activated life with self-awareness.

It can not only integrate the surrounding metal machinery, but also completely integrate into the energy circulation system of the human body built with blood, flesh and tendons as the matrix. In this respect, it is actually more like a parasite, and there is no essential difference between it and the puppet worm created by wizards when they concocted flesh and blood puppets.

It's just that one parasitizes on the body of the test subject, and the other parasitizes in the wizard's body.

The mechanical heart can also grow.

However, the nutrients and ingredients required for its growth are completely different from the original human skeletal system, and a large amount of rare wizard resources and witchcraft materials are required. Moreover, the conflict between the mechanical witchcraft system and the original flesh and blood body can only be delayed, but cannot be eliminated forever.

Compared with the mechanical witchcraft system, the human blood and meridians are still too fragile, and the slight addition of some impurities may break the original weak balance.

Since the human body is so fragile, why do those mechanical wizards prefer to delete and modify the flesh and blood body instead of completely building a real mechanical body for themselves?

This may involve the original energy promotion system of humans!

The all-metal structure of the living life is indeed powerful, but it faces a difficult situation of promotion. Moreover, transplanting the human soul into a pile of iron lumps, lacking the nourishment of flesh and blood life energy, the soul will only wither day by day, and it will be difficult to improve itself step by step like the human body.

They are obsessed with the powerful combat ability brought to them by the mechanical heart, but they have to rely on flesh and blood organs to feed these extremely energy-demanding parts. Therefore, mechanical wizards are actually often looking for a balance between powerful strength and the human promotion system!

However, the concerns of mechanical wizards do not exist for Grimm.

He does not intend to transform himself beyond recognition. The reason why he wants to study mechanical wizards is purely to transform the elemental magic machinery into a more powerful and more aggressive one.

After thoroughly studying Sword Princess Katie, even Grimm had to admire the mechanical wizard's ingenious ideas.

Sword Princess Katie's mechanical eyes integrate multiple strange abilities such as low-light vision, elemental vision, and motion capture. This also means that she does not need to cast any witchcraft at all to see things normally in a dim space during a battle. She can also use her "naked eyes" to directly see the flow of elements around the opponent, and can even capture the opponent's more hidden and subtle tactical movements...

And her modified brain metal shell also has the ability to amplify the intensity of thought perception, which allows her to control those metal blade wheels with ease. As long as the distance is not too far, she can even use her thoughts to control and change the attack route of the metal blade wheels to achieve the effect of an instant attack power explosion.

As for Sword Princess Katie's body, it has undergone multiple complex mechanical witchcraft transformations. Under the smooth and elastic skin, alloy plates of various shapes are buried. Whenever attacked, the first thing to suffer damage is the more obvious metal armor outside the body.

If the attack power exceeds the limit of the metal armor, the remaining damage will be shared by the flesh and blood body and the alloy plate hidden in it, and dispersed and transmitted by a strange vibration method.

This also makes the physical and elemental resistance of the sword princess Katie amazingly high, and she can completely rush to the enemy's side to start a crazy killing under the enemy's witchcraft attack.

Of course, this kind of attack method will also make the sword princess Katie's body in a broken and defective state all year round, requiring continuous replenishment. This replenishment includes both metal defects in mechanical parts and flesh and blood loss of living body.

Therefore, in the daily diet of sword princess Katie, a large amount of fresh meat and various special metal solutions are probably indispensable!

A living human wizard, eating raw meat with blood every day and drinking pungent and unpleasant metal blending liquid, the path of mechanical wizards pursuing power is not something that ordinary people can stick to.

From several hunter wizards, Grimm also stripped a lot of high-level wizard weapons.

However, these things are made by them according to their own characteristics. If Grimm wants to use them, he needs to re-melt them. However, those auxiliary witchcraft accessories can be used right away.

Although most witchcraft accessories have more or less physical strengthening capabilities, as a human wizard, it is difficult to strengthen the body or spirit infinitely.

For example, the Soden Holy Ring worn by Grimm has +5 strength enhancement, so the 3 points of strength increased by the flame suit are invisibly covered by the Soden Holy Ring. If Grimm does not try to temper his body and increase his strength limit, then he will not be able to enjoy the huge increase after the superposition of the two powers.

Therefore, as a wizard, it is most effective and practical to find ways to improve your basic data. As for those who want to rely on a large number of high-level wizards to pile up a powerful wizard, it is extremely naive and ridiculous.

Basically, with the 5 points of strength blessed by the Soden Holy Ring, the other witchcraft accessories that strengthen physical strength seem a bit redundant. The 3-point physical bonus from the Soden Holy Ring did leave some room for Grimm.

However, these gaps were soon filled by the physical enhancement of the flame suit.

In addition, Grimm's current mental power was as high as 37 points, and it seemed a bit excessive after relying on equipment to increase it to the upper limit of 39 points. Therefore, he could only take off one or two witchcraft accessories that increased mental power to reduce the load on his own spirit.

In this way, his strength, physique and spirit have simultaneously reached the limit of improvement of his current body. Only his agility still has a lot of room for improvement.

"Chip, detect my current body data..."

"Hey, the detection starts...the basic data of the subject is as follows:"

"Grim, level 3 advanced, professional identity: elemental wizard (fire specialization), basic physical data: strength 18+5 (13) physique 21+4 (11) agility 11+1 (7) spirit 37+2 (32 ), professional skills: flame body, flame demon body, flame clone..."

"Subject's physical condition: Seriously injured... Note: The maximum limit in parentheses is the maximum that can be exerted at present!"

Such basic statistics may be nothing in front of those powerful high-demon species, but among wizards of the same level, they are already at the first-rate level.

The strength of 23 points means that he can compete with those level 2 junior body-refining wizards without falling behind. However, if he really wants to fight in close combat, his crude fists and feet may not even be able to touch the hem of their clothes. After all, the basic agility of 11 points is barely enough for a level 3 elemental wizard, but if you want to fight them in close combat with short attacks and long attacks, it is a bit overestimating your capabilities.

In the wizarding community, powerful power is always relative, not absolute!

Such strength and physique make Greem an extremely powerful prehistoric monster in front of ordinary people. But compared to body-refining wizards of the same level, Greem, a prehistoric monster, can only be regarded as a little guy who hasn't lost his milk teeth yet.

Thinking of this, Greem shook his head slightly, put away all kinds of strange equipment spread out on the floor, then stood up and walked out of the cave.

Outside the cave is a small stone platform, which is covered with a thick layer of scattered bones. It looks like a feeding place for a powerful monster. Standing on the platform and looking far into the distance, you will find that this place is located in a vast sea of ​​​​green and wild forests.

No matter which direction you look, you will see lush forests.

It's just a pity that since this place became the habitat of the Plague Corps, no birds or insects have been heard in the surrounding area. Apart from the roar of the choked forest, there was no other sound.

However, Greem didn't seem to care about this. He stood alone on the edge of the stone platform, closing his eyes and listening to the strange and vague sounds in the distance.

What he heard was not the sound of the wind or the rustling of leaves, but the vague message sent back by the flame runes thousands of miles away.



Following Greem's gentle call, the poisonous plague spirit Remy silently emerged from his side.

"Take your Plague Corps to the east!" Greem stared into the distance with deep eyes: "Go all the way east and destroy all the cities and towns along the way..."

"Where is the target of the attack?" Remy asked curiously.

"Gimrea City!"

"Gimreia? That is the capital of the Zambis Empire!"

"Yes, that's right there. Make the noise bigger, but you have to be careful. Remember, when you encounter a level 4 holy knight, you can give up the mission and run away. Before that, your mission is Expand the Plague Corps as much as possible and attract the enemy's attention..."

Remy's green eyes rolled around, and he basically fully understood Greem's thoughts and intentions.

Smiling at Greem, Remi summoned the giant plague beast, stepped forward with the old poisonous woman, and then rushed down the cliff with a scream.

Immediately, the ancient trees in the dense forest around the cliff trembled, branches and leaves swayed, and groups of plague creatures began to run silently, and in an instant, a terrifying wave of plague beasts formed in front of Greem's eyes.

When the plague creature was almost gone, Greem pulled up his hood, covered his face, turned around and strode towards the southeast.

After obtaining the body of the star beast, it stands to reason that this Enverk plane has lost the meaning of exploration for Greem, and he should return to the family as soon as possible. However, considering the nourishing effect of those strange holy lights on his spiritual power, Greem still felt that it was not too late to make a big fortune before leaving.

You know, after returning to the wizarding world, Greem wanted to increase his spirit from 37 points to 39 points. It would be impossible without two to three hundred years of effort. But here, he only needs to kill some paladins who cannot pose a threat to him, so why not do it!

The reason why Remy and his Plague Corps were sent out was to contain and lure away those two hateful level 4 holy knights. And he just took this opportunity to kill the middle and low-level Paladins, trying to save enough holy light to advance to the fourth level.

As for his real target... it is the guy who acts as a beacon in the sea of ​​​​stars - Level 1 Black Iron Knight Catherine!

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