The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0999: Poisonous Swamp

"Has there been any movement around recently?"

Standing on a tall maroon horse, Catherine was dressed in bright silver and exquisite armor, which made her graceful lines and light body even more attractive.

Although Catherine's body looks very slender from the outside, she even looks a little weak. But when she puts on a full set of fine steel armor and wields a sword to attack the enemy, she will immediately transform into a mighty lion, even more courageous than those male knights in killing.

So when she frowned and had a look of sadness on her face, the trainee knights following her became increasingly confused.

"Lady Catherine, what are you worried about?" A young trainee knight asked boldly: "Those remnants of witches have been forced into the jungle near Black Mountain City by us. As long as we search patiently, we will definitely find them. Found it in the hiding place. Seeing that the situation is great, why are you still worried? "

Catherine shook her head in confusion.

"You have never witnessed the ferocity of alien wizards with your own eyes, and you have no idea of ​​the terrifying power they possess. I...I..." At this point, Catherine couldn't help but shudder slightly, as if she remembered something terrible. .

"You mean...the battle in Hakans City!" the trainee knight asked tentatively.

As Catherine's bodyguards, they naturally knew something about the brutal wars she had experienced.

According to legend, Catherine was originally a member of the Holy Light Chapel in Hakans City. When the place fell into the clutches of a wizard, Catherine, as a trainee knight, dared to step forward and rescued dozens of companions from the terrible wizard.

It was precisely because of this experience that after the disaster in Hakans City, the top Paladins dispatched her to the south to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the remnants of the witches. Catherine was obviously not intimidated by the wizard's ferocity. Instead, she burst out with 120,000 courage. In a brutal war against a second-level witch, she managed to survive to the end and killed the second-level witch with her own hands. .

And it was in that battle that she received abundant Holy Light feedback and became a Black Iron Knight in one fell swoop!

Speaking of Catherine's experience, everyone present was familiar with it, so they understood her sentimentality. Anyone whose familiar companions and friends are killed in a battle will become just like her, melancholy and resolute.

"Don't talk about me..." Catherine quickly got rid of her sentimentality: "Tell me about the recent news of witches! What's happened to the group of monsters that appeared in the northern part of the empire now?"

Another young trainee knight with an equally immature face said fiercely: "I know this. Those monsters are really scary. They have a terrifying plague infection effect. Ordinary people can't resist their attacks at all. But fortunately, these two The Holy Knights were near the epidemic area where the monsters broke out, and they took action in time to block them in the Red Cloud Terrace. It was said that the two Holy Knights took turns and killed nearly half of the monsters, so that the terrifying ones were not let out. The epidemic spreads!”

"What about... that demon hiding under the Gonzas volcano?" At this point, Catherine's body trembled slightly, as if she didn't even dare to mention the demon's name.

"I don't know! In order to investigate the fighting situation of those demons, the northern branch lost another elite team. Unfortunately, even so, the whereabouts of those demons were not found. However, since those terrible plague monsters appeared in Hongyun I'm afraid those demons won't be far away from the platform. The reason why the two holy knights are keeping a close eye on it may be because of this."

Catherine shook her head in confusion.

"Holy Knight, you should not give up here! I always have a feeling that the outbreak of plague monsters in the north is just a means used by the other party. And their real target... is most likely ours!"

"Where are we?" Several trainee knights looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt a little incredible: "You mean, that terrible demon will come here to join the witches?"

"I don't know, I really don't know. My mind is very confused right now. I always feel that I can vaguely sense some danger, but I can't tell the source of the danger. I..."

While Catherine was struggling in distress, tall dust clouds suddenly rose on the gray-white dirt road in the distance. Several fast horses rushed into the military camp, shouting all the way, and rushed towards the central tent. It was hard to hear what they were shouting from a distance, but wherever they passed, a large number of paladins and imperial warriors came out of the camp, talking and gearing up.

"It's the team that went to the north to investigate!" A trainee knight took a look and carefully identified it, and suddenly said excitedly: "They suddenly came back, they must have some valuable information!"

No one spoke to him anymore. A group of people galloped down the high slope and quickly rushed to the central tent.

When they arrived at the center of the camp, a large number of paladins had gathered around the tent. The first ones talked a lot, and the later ones asked around, and soon Catherine figured out the reason why they were so excited.

The lair of the remnants of the witch has been found!

Not surprisingly, the witch's lair is hidden deep in the poisonous swamp as expected.

The Paladin team sent to investigate near the Poison Swamp was lucky enough to capture a level 1 witch who wanted to escape there from another area, and knew the exact location of the witch's lair from her mouth.

More importantly, the remnants of the witches seemed to be planning to abandon the nest, and were desperately summoning nearby witches to join them. It was said that they planned to abandon this place and escape to the north to join forces with the plague monsters that were causing chaos there.

Upon hearing such important information, the three golden knights in the central tent did not dare to delay. They sent people to Blackwater City to ask the four golden knights there to come to support, and quickly summoned and dispatched the paladins, preparing to gather the strongest team to plow the enemy.

The enemy wanted to escape from the poisonous swamp, hum, it was simply wishful thinking!

Somehow, seeing that many of her companions were ready to fight and ready to win in one battle, Catherine felt inexplicably panicked.

But there were as many as three or four hundred black iron knights like her here. Under the dispatch and command of the three golden knights, there was no room for her to come forward and make suggestions.

The poisonous swamp is also a well-known dangerous place near Black Mountain City!

It is located in a low basin, about seven or eight miles wide from north to south and about eleven or twelve miles long from east to west. It is full of foul-smelling mud and terrible swamps with puddles everywhere.

The basin is full of mist pine flowers, which produce a lot of poisonous gas in the humid environment. In addition, the area is closed and the poisonous gas has nowhere to spread, so a terrible swamp poisonous fog is formed above the swamp.

It is precisely because it is so terrible that the locals near Black Mountain City almost never dare to approach the poisonous swamp. Only in the short few days of June every year, the scorching sun can penetrate the forest and shine into the poisonous swamp to dispel the poisonous fog there.

Taking advantage of such a great opportunity, the local mountain people dare to break into it to pick some exotic flowers and herbs that are not available outside. Therefore, only those older mountain people can know a little about the terrain inside.

Therefore, the assembled Paladin team conveyed information to Black Mountain City, asking them to try their best to recruit those old herbal farmers who have been to the poisonous swamp.


Poisonous Swamp

Even in the bright daytime, the basin where the poisonous swamp is located is still filled with thick fog that is so thick that you can't see your hand in front of you.

There is no wind.

The fog is like a thick gauze, firmly covering the sky above the basin, hiding everything inside in the dark where no one knows.

Entering the poisonous swamp, there are mud ponds and swamps everywhere with bubbling bubbles. A thin layer of water grass grows on the smelly and soft mud, making it difficult to distinguish where the solid mud is and where the soft silt is.

The forest and mountains are difficult to walk. While a large number of imperial soldiers are still struggling to trek through the mountains, the elite paladins who have changed into light chain mail have blocked several places that the poisonous swamp must pass through to the outside world.

Standing on the high col, looking down at the white poisonous swamp from afar through the lush forest, everyone's heart is both excited and uneasy, not knowing where the next battle will develop.

However, we have the absolute initiative. As long as we break the defense outside the witch's nest, what can the witch remnants, who are less than ten fingers in number, do?

A temporary battle camp was set up near the entrance of the basin.

A team of more than 370 paladins gathered here, quietly waiting for the high-level commanders to issue combat orders. As for the remaining more than 400 trainee knights, they led the imperial warriors to firmly control several dangerous terrains around.

The poisonous fog in the poisonous swamp is not something that ordinary people can resist, so the imperial warriors and trainee knights were left outside. The nearly 400 paladins were divided into more than 20 combat teams, led by the local herbal farmers who were summoned to go deep into the swamp and clean up the last witch's nest.

Catherine's team, a total of 15 people, led by two silver knights, lit torches one after another, and followed an old but agile herbal farmer to slowly come to the edge of the swamp.

Before entering, the old herbalist rolled some red beans from somewhere into a cloth strip and tied it under his nose, then walked into the swamp with a long wooden stick, pausing every step.

There is no fixed route in the poisonous swamp, so every step requires using a wooden stick to probe the water plants, so walking is extremely slow.

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