The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0096: Great Victory and Escape

Two giants were fighting in the dark, empty and silent forest. Such a mysterious and fantastic scene had never appeared in Grimm's past memories.

But today, it became a reality in this mysterious and unpredictable world.

The huge and violent giant ape was like a bulldozer that never knew fatigue. It flattened the forest near the high hill. Even the ground was full of deep footprints and spider-web-like fine cracks.

The lightning giant with a green body and golden armor was like a smart elf, constantly wandering around the giant ape, teasing the opponent to keep attacking, while continuously attacking it with lightning spears and wind blades.

As the battle continued, the information about the lightning giant collected by Grimm became clearer and more intuitive. Although the lightning giant was created by him, he only used it as a humanoid mental power projector throughout the process, and he knew almost nothing about the principles and knowledge involved. Therefore, the chip only has a vague estimate of the combat ability and physical data of the lightning giant, which is far less intuitive and detailed than the data collected from the battlefield.

Lightning Giant, quasi-witch level peak strength, has both lightning and wind systems, physical data: strength 12 constitution 11 agility 18 spirit 20, mastered skills: wind vortex (passive), thunder armor (passive), lightning shield (active), lightning spear (active), lightning whip (active), wind blade (active), thunderstorm (active), chain lightning (active), lightning jump (active).

This is a long-range magic puppet with agility as the main feature. Although its strength and physique are somewhat weak, its dense attack skills make up for these shortcomings, and it has become the most powerful elemental magic puppet under Grimm.

And the strength it showed did not disappoint Grimm's expectations. In the subsequent battles, the lightning giant relied on its flexible mobility to always wander around the giant ape, constantly attacking the opponent with lightning spears and wind blades. No matter how furiously the violent giant ape attacked, it could not catch the figure of the lightning giant.

After the violent giant ape failed to attack at close range, it soon revealed its terrifying fighting talents, which are "Soul-Splitting Roar" and "Rock Throwing". The former can use violent roars to instantly stun the enemies around it, leaving the enemy in a state of soul separation for 3-5 seconds. Of course, this skill can also instantly kill all ordinary people without witchcraft protection, and the skill range is 50 meters.

The latter skill can condense an irregular rock with a diameter of 2 meters between the giant ape's palms, and then instantly throw it at the opponent. The violent force attached to it is enough to easily smash the tall body of the lightning giant that it is proud of.

Although the bloodline talent ability of the violent giant ape is rare, it complements its strong physical strength. Once any enemy is affected by its soul-splitting roar, as long as he is stunned for a moment, it is likely that he will find it difficult to escape its wild and fierce close-range attack.

Unfortunately, such mental attacks are really useless against the elemental puppets.

So the violent giant ape could only follow the lightning giant in vain, constantly attacking, knocking down and smashing countless mountains and forests like a madman, but it was difficult to touch the opponent's body.

Just when Grimm thought that today's battle could be won in this way, the violent giant ape incarnated by the green-armored man Toril suddenly dropped the elusive lightning giant and rushed towards Grimm with a roar.


Grimm sighed silently.

Those who can become wizard apprentices are not stupid. The opponent was just provoked by the lightning giant and his blood power confused his individual thinking. Now that the attack has been unsuccessful for a long time, Toril's mind has regained control of the giant ape's body. Of course, he will no longer foolishly chase after the lightning giant, but directly target Grimm, the initiator.

As long as Grimm is taken down, the bastard who always floats around will naturally disappear. Even if he can't attack Grimm directly, at least he can lure the bastard to his side, so that his wild and unparalleled strength can be exerted.

With such a simple thought, the violent giant ape's eyes turned red, and he slapped the ground with his fists, jumping and jumping towards Grimm.

How could Grimm not see the other party's little thoughts.

The combat power of the lightning giant is indeed excellent, but it also has a fatal flaw. That is, its controller is too weak! And Grimm is the most vulnerable point on it!

Using the lightning giant to block the muzzle is undoubtedly the worst choice. With the close combat power of the violent giant ape, it may only take a dozen fingers to smash its body and destroy it, and then affect the elemental crystal core inside.

Grimm looked at his body data. Summoning the lightning giant consumed 7 points of his mental power, and the remaining mental power was less than 6 points. Looking at the giant ape rushing at him with unparalleled violent momentum, and sensing the violent tremors of the ground beneath his feet, Grimm threw out another crystal clear elemental core.

"Come out, my rock python cave!"

As Grimm roared loudly, the ground in front of him suddenly cracked into a huge bottomless gully, and a terrifying giant python made entirely of rock snaked out from the ground.

The rock python that drilled out of the ground was right on the charge route of the violent giant ape. I saw its thick body coiled, and the rock-like body flexibly wrapped around the giant ape's body.

The next second, the terrifying scene of "King Kong" fighting the giant python was staged in front of Grimm. Unfortunately, the fierce and wild battle made him have no intention of watching this cool drama up close, but he had to flee from the terrifying scene desperately.

Flying sand and rocks, ancient trees breaking, grass debris flying, huge smoke and dust quickly spread around, and countless gravel fragments shot like bullets hit the surrounding mountains and forests and made them tremble.

Grimm stopped only when the smoke and dust cleared a little. The green fluorescence of the Swift Boots on his feet gradually dissipated, and he had already escaped half a mile away.

Looking back at the earth-shaking battlefield, the lightning giant standing in the air was holding his hands high. Above his majestic body, a violent thundercloud that was slowly rotating like a funnel was forming rapidly, and the bottom of the funnel was pointing directly at the giant ape in the wild battle.

Although he was in a fierce battle, the violent giant ape soon noticed the abnormality above his head. It tried hard to leave the location locked by the thunderstorm, but the rock python that was beaten to pieces by it was tightly entangled with its lower limbs, and it would not let go even if it hammered wildly.

Soon, the thunderstorm that had been guided for more than 20 seconds was finally completed.

The dark night sky was suddenly split in half by a huge lightning that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the whole sky and the earth were reflected in white.

The violent and surging hot electric current roamed and raged on the bodies of the giant ape and the giant python. The terrifyingly powerful lightning energy broke through the blood-colored life barrier outside the giant ape and sank directly into its huge body.

The next second, the unrelieved violent energy blasted a huge blood hole on the broad back of the giant ape. The blood fountain splashed out like a waterfall, and before it landed, it was evaporated by the violent lightning energy in the air.

Such a wild blow, even with the strong physique of the giant ape, it was somewhat unable to withstand.

He roared angrily to the sky. Under the continuous attack of thundercloud storm, the violent giant ape finally turned over and fell. His muscular body gradually retreated back to the form of a green-armored man.

"Hurry up... let your puppet collect some of his blood for me!" Mary had appeared beside Grimm at some point. Looking at the dust settled in the distance, she was even more excited than him.


Turning his head and looking at Mary with a rosy face, Grimm knew that he was used by her. But this ending is not bad. She got blood and he got the most ideal combat data. Everyone is happy! The only one who suffered was probably the inexplicably powerful bloodline quasi-witch Toril!

Grimm had no intention of killing Toril.

This is the range of the power radiation of the wizard tower. This Toril can live and practice here in seclusion. He must have a deep connection with the wizards in the wizard tower. Beating someone half to death for no reason was already too much. If he took the opportunity to kill him, I'm afraid that before Grimm returned to the wizard tower, he would be blocked by someone seeking revenge!

After giving the Lightning Giant a hidden order, Grimm turned around and pulled Mary and started running.

His perception was very sharp. From the moment the two monsters started fighting, there were seven or eight hidden and powerful mental fluctuations lurking around the battlefield. Among them were the mental fluctuations of Angus Wizard, who Grimm was a little familiar with.

Therefore, the Lightning Giant standing in the air waved his hand to disperse the gathering thundercloud storm, turned into a dazzling lightning rainbow, and caught up with Grimm and the others. The abandoned rock python struggled to loosen the unconscious green-armored man, dragged his broken body, rolled over the grass all the way, and also chased after Grimm and left the battlefield.

No one noticed that before leaving, the rock python secretly swallowed the mud mixed with a lot of blood under the green-armored man.

When the place was quiet again, two shadows suddenly appeared beside the green-armored man.

Leaning over to check, one of the shadows shook his head and sighed.

"Toril is a descendant of your clan. Why did you just let that kid leave?"

The other shadow was hidden in the thick black smoke, with only two strange fireflies lighting up at his eyebrows. He said coldly: "Hmph, if Angus hadn't stopped him, do you think anyone could leave alive after bullying the members of the Wharton family?"

"Angus? That's right! He was on duty in the wizard tower these days. Could this kid be the new descendant of his clan?" The previous shadow wondered: "He lets his descendants come out to stir up trouble like this. Isn't he afraid of provoking a war between wizard families?"

"Hmph, that person is not from his family at all. It seems that he is a little guy sent here by the Wizard Association for training."

"Hey, there is such a good seedling among the newcomers today? After my witchcraft experiment is completed, I have to examine it carefully!"

The two had a brief conversation for a few words, then nodded and parted.

The previous black shadow quickly disappeared into the forest, and the other black shadow leaned over and picked up Toril. As the black smoke spread, it also disappeared.

The forest really became quiet at this time, leaving only the messy battlefield silently telling its bitterness!

This book was first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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