The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1018 Level 4 Force

The battle between the two families that lasted for more than half a year finally came to an end.

On one side was a large family with a 4th-level wizard, and on the other side was a rapidly rising new family, but the result of the battle was completely beyond people's expectations. It turned out that the Crimson Family resisted the repeated attacks of the Fabres Family, and finally won the final victory with a top-level wizard battle outside Songta City.

Although the Crimson Family does not have a 4th-level wizard yet, the combination of the 3rd-level fire wizard and the 4th-level magic puppet dragon is no weaker than the ordinary 4th-level wizard.

And according to the evaluation of many senior wizards, the legendary fire wizard who founded the Crimson Family has a high probability of being promoted to the 4th level. And this is undoubtedly a deep-water top-level information!

4th level

In most plane worlds, this is already the highest power limit that the plane can accommodate. If you take another step, you will be shackled and rejected by the plane mother body, and you can only go outside the domain to find a new place to live.

In the plane, the 4th level is the supreme king, and is also the so-called god in the eyes of mortals!

When you are a 3rd level wizard, if you want to have an organization or force that belongs to you, you have to work hard and work hard day and night. But when you become a 4th level wizard, you don’t need to pay a little effort and hard work, and there will be a lot of wizard organizations or forces running to join you, crying and shouting to become your direct subordinates.

This is the difference between 3rd and 4th levels!

However, the step between 3rd and 4th levels is unusually difficult.

For the unique wizard growth and training system of the wizard world, as long as you have wizard talent, you can enter the wizard tower to learn and grow. However, depending on the level of their talent, nearly 80% of wizard apprentices are blocked from the threshold of wizards.

And the apprentices are promoted to wizards, 60% of them depend on their personal talent potential, and 40% can only rely on luck!

Once promoted to a wizard, the chicken immediately turns into a phoenix, leaps to the top, and becomes the real master of the wizard world. However, this is only for the human kingdom. In the real wizard community, the first-level wizard can only serve as cannon fodder and the object of exploitation.

Those ambitious wizards struggle at the bottom of various wizard families, organizations, and forces, fighting for a little bit of wizard resources.

Seriously speaking, the competition and elimination in the wizard world are even more intense, cruel, and far-reaching than the intrigues among the nobles in the human kingdom!

The fall of a wizard may lead to the collapse of a secular noble family! The rise of a wizard may create a prominent and glorious human kingdom!

The separation and reunion of secular kingdoms and the replacement of generations seem to be a natural evolution and inevitable historical development on the surface. But if you look into the inner reason, you can find that all this is just an extension of the power of the ups and downs of the wizard community.

Before the rise of the Crimson Family, there were seven wizard families and organizational forces of various sizes in the Elovis region, as well as nearly a hundred noble territories. There are also five human kingdoms with hundreds of years of inheritance history.

These noble territories, big and small, and the five human kingdoms, all belong to different wizard families or organizations, and are the places where they gather resources and absorb new blood.

However, with the end of the war between the Crimson Family and the Fabres Family, the human kingdoms and noble territories in the entire Elovis region also experienced a reshuffle and recasting. Countless powerful families who stood in the wrong position during the war were overthrown and purged, while more middle and low-level nobles who stood firmly on the side of the Crimson took the opportunity to take over and occupied one piece of vast and fertile land after another.

In the entire Elovis region, there are no other wizard organizations or forces, only one voice left, that is, the Crimson Family, which is in its heyday. In this case, all the noble territories are like broken bones and flesh fragments. Under the implementation and cohesion of a strong will, they began to gather, merge, and grow together.

With the Flame Throne and Songta City as the center, the prototype of a super-large-scale human kingdom began to slowly emerge.

The conflict on the border did not really happen.

Faced with the elite fighting forces of the arrogant wizard families, the Crimson high-level did not get carried away by the sudden victory and then challenge the existing wizard order of the entire Sandi Tallin.

A large number of the main wizards of the Fabres family escaped from the Elovis area with the intervention of external forces, but 60% of the bottom fighting forces were still abandoned on the battlefield. Some of them were wiped out by the Crimson Family, and some were selectively defeated and captured.

The Frost Giant Legion was extremely swift when attacking, but once it fled in a hurry, it became the focus of the Crimson Family's attack due to its huge size and slow movement. Nearly 40% of the Frost Giant warriors died on the road of escape, and the remaining ones could only choose to surrender helplessly under the leadership of two Frost Giant mages, sitting cross-legged in a valley, and were closely monitored by the Crimson Family.

The other alien beast legion, although it had a swift escape speed, was unfamiliar with the terrain. Therefore, without the leadership of the wizards of the Fabres family, they rushed around in the vast territory of the Elovis region like a group of headless flies, not knowing where to escape.

When the Crimson Family cut off all roads to the outside world, they became a group of birds in a cage and turtles in a jar, with nowhere to escape.

Originally, the Crimson Family intended to recruit some of the mutants for research, but unfortunately, these mutants obviously did not have complete wisdom and self-awareness like the Frost Giants. The combat instructions etched deep in their souls made them only obey the commands of specific wizards, so they could not surrender at all.

So, a floating giant ship carrying a large number of combat magic machines caught up with them and completely surrounded them in a remote wilderness.

As for the special gargoyle team, they protected the floating wooden boat of the Fabres Family and escaped from the Elovis area. Along the way, the Crimson Family tried to intercept them several times, but they were all destroyed by the 3rd-level wizards of Fabres.

This unprecedented rout lasted for five days and affected the entire Elovis.

For a time, the entire Elovis region was like a huge war ruin. Everywhere you could see the demolished and destroyed cities, castles and manors, the strange corpses of strange beasts, billowing smoke and devastated land.

After destroying and capturing the remaining combat troops of the Fabres family, the Crimson family spent another half a month to wipe out the alien beasts and witch beasts that fled to various rural or remote areas.

It was not until September 13 that all the battles in Elovis were declared over.

The war between the Fabres family and the Crimson family ended with the complete victory of the Crimson family!

But the price of victory was also very heavy!

Due to the unscrupulous fighting and destruction by both sides, this war destroyed a total of seven wizard resource points, dozens of human cities, hundreds of castles and manors, and tens of thousands of acres of grain crops. According to incomplete statistics after the war, the number of Crimson people who died in this family war was as high as 210,000.

Different perspectives on life lead to completely different attitudes towards this war.

If you are an ordinary wizard, then this war can only bring you and your family endless suffering and a painful past that you can't bear to look back on. But if you are a surviving crimson wizard, then you can celebrate at this moment.

Because the war is won!

Although the Crimson Family suffered huge losses in this war, once they win, the tangible and intangible benefits they can obtain are immeasurable.

Apart from anything else, the recognition of the Crimson Family's ruling power by the Sanditalin Association alone is priceless!

From now on, the Elovis area will become the private property of the Crimson Family, and all the resources, territories, people, forests, and mineral deposits on this land will also belong to the Crimson Family. This is extremely rare in the entire central continent.

In the central part of the continent, Sanditalin has a total of 31 large and small human activity areas, which are divided into 31 different regions. Each region has a rough outline boundary, which separates them from each other.

In this vast land, there are hundreds of wizard families and powerful wizard organizations or forces. They are scattered in these 31 areas, competing and confronting each other, but coexisting.

Among so many families, organizations and forces, only the 4th-level forces can occupy an entire area alone.

The so-called 4th-level force refers to the organization or force having a 4th-level wizard!

And this is also the most important prerequisite for a wizard family, organization or force to monopolize an area. A force that is not recognized by others cannot rule steadily for a long time even if it drives away all competitors with temporary tyranny.

The example of the Crimson Family is very obvious.

The Crimson Family did not have a 4th-level wizard before, but only a 4th-level war magic machine that had not been tested in the wizard war. Therefore, its ruling status has never been recognized by the Sanditalin area, and it is not surprising that such a family war broke out.

Now, the Sanditalin Association recognizes the Crimson Family's right to rule the entire Elovis area, which is equivalent to recognizing the status of the Crimson Family as a 4th-level force in disguise.

The latter's weight is earth-shattering in the entire central continent!

You know, in the Sanditalin area of ​​the entire central continent, there are only fourteen level 4 wizards in total. Moreover, there have been no new level 4 wizards in the Sanditalin area for hundreds of years.

According to research by curious people, among the many level 3 wizards, only three have the best hope of advancing to level 4.

The Broken Face Wizard Garo of the Denel Family, the Psychic Wizard Dante of the Anemdo Academy, and the Sanaza Wizard of the Salubo Family. Now, I am afraid that we need to add a new name, the legendary fire wizard Grimm!

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