The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1037 Magic Pod

The battle between Grimm and Sanaza completely destroyed this vast forest.

In just three days, the strength of the two gradually climbed from the bottom to a peak, and then fell from the peak bit by bit. Especially at two time points, their indomitable strength can be seen.

The first time point was the 10th hour after the start of the war. Grimm, who was originally crushed by Sanaza's powerful strength and terrifying physique, suddenly burst out with amazing strength, and even tied with the opponent with only physical strength.

From then on, it became an absurd time for Grimm, whose strength soared, to beat Sanaza in turn.

Not inferior to Sanaza's super strength, plus the incomparable power attached to his body.

So how to fight next? Summon the Thunder Dragon?

However, without verification, Grimm rejected this idea.

After all, summoning alien creatures also belongs to the category of witchcraft. If the opponent is well prepared, I am afraid that a simple "exile" magic wand can make the Thunder Dragon Arms return empty-handed. At that time, I would have to sacrifice a lot of mental power and witchcraft energy, which would definitely not be worth the loss!

Thinking of this, Grimm's face became more and more ugly.

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