The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 16 Knight's Secret Skills

In his mind, the voice of the machine continued to reverberate.

Hearing this voice and feeling the power that suddenly emerged in his body, Adil was stunned.

"Seed of life...Is that feeling just now the process of awakening?"

Thinking of the experience just now, Adil showed a wry smile on his face: "This is really dangerous enough, and he almost died in battle."

"Chip, analyzing the conditions that activate the seeds of life."

He regained his senses and ordered to the chip in his mind.

Almost in an instant, the mechanical voice in my mind sounded again.

"Ding! According to the recorded data, through the detailed analysis of the subject's life seeds, the activation of the life seeds requires a strong physical quality, and the three attributes of the strength and agility system are all above 2.5. After experiencing high-intensity stimulation, there is a chance to activate the life seeds. High, the stronger the stimulation the body experiences, the easier it is to succeed…”

The sound of the chip machinery in my mind is still ringing.

"The main body's life structure has begun to change! Physical fitness is greatly improved!"

A pale green data brilliance shrouded Adil's eyes.

A three-dimensional mannequin is displayed before the eyes, and some of the changes are highlighted by the chip.

The thematic structure of the body has not changed much compared to before, but it has begun to change in some subtle structures, and has been optimized in more detail, which is more perfect than before.

Especially at the heart, where the seed of life is located, it is highlighted by the chip, which seems to have changed a lot compared to before.

"Sure enough, after activating the seed of life, the level of life is different, and the structure of the body has undergone meticulous changes, so that the physical quality that has reached the extreme can be enhanced again."

Looking at the body model revealed in front of him, it took a long time for Adier to speak, and then he looked at his physical fitness.

"Name: Adil Fakus. Strength: 1.4 (3.4). Agility: 0.9 (3.3). Constitution: 2.1 (3.5)."

The three attributes of the strength and agility system have been enhanced to varying degrees, and according to the analysis of the chip, with the activation of the life seed, the body structure is slowly optimized and changed, and this speed of strengthening will continue for a period of time, until it gradually enters the plateau. Expect.

In Adier's body, there is a power flowing at this moment, and with the flow, the healing of the wounds in the body is accelerated, and the remaining strength and physical strength are quickly recovered.

This speed is not too fast, but it is better than relying on the body to heal itself, and it can also be immune to some mild diseases.

Adil estimates that compared to before, after activating the life seed, his current lifespan limit should be relatively longer.

"Chip, name this power life energy." He ordered to the chip in his mind.

After doing this, he stretched his hand to his waist, took out some black ointment from it, and bit it directly into his mouth.

This is an ointment made from healing potions. It can play a big role in healing wounds, and it can also treat some mild toxins. Adil has a lot on him.

The bitter taste poured into his mouth, but Adil didn't care at all, and looked into the distance.

Before, in order to fight better and avoid being besieged by other orcs, Adil deliberately led the opponent to the outside of the battlefield, dodging all the way, and now he is a little far away from the distant battlefield.

No one thinks that Adil can win. The bloodthirsty orcs have the talent of bloodthirsty, and their physical quality is also very strong. They are stronger than some knights. Under normal circumstances, they can clean up a trainee knight who has not even activated the seed of life. There will be no surprises.

This kind of knowledge, coupled with the fact that the battlefield over there is stalemate, there are not many orcs coming to disturb their battle.

Looking down at his legs, on his legs,

A dripping blood stained the body, and it looked like a bloody mess.

With this level of injury, under the current circumstances, he almost lost most of his mobility and could only move forward slowly.

Thinking of this, Adil wisely did not go forward to continue the battle, but walked aside, preparing to find a hidden place to observe the battle situation ahead.

He doesn't like to pin his own safety on others, so naturally he won't wait for others to come to the rescue after winning.

Once the orcs show signs of victory, Adil will immediately flee without any hesitation.

Fortunately, the situation at hand was not that grim.

Walking behind a big tree, with his good vision and the analysis of the chip on the side, Adil was able to clearly observe the scene on the battlefield.

Up to now, the battle situation is still in a stalemate. The two sides are fighting fiercely there, and one body after another falls to the ground.

To Adiel's relief, the orcs in front of him did not gain the upper hand, but were repelled by the desperate fights of the apprentice knights, and he was stuck with these apprentice knights there.

But it was Fulaer who led to this situation.

The middle-aged knight stood on the battlefield, swept across the battlefield like a human-shaped beast, and profoundly showed Adil the terrifying power of a peak knight.

Before, a whole three bloodthirsty orcs combined to resist the knight. After Adil led one of the bloodthirsty orcs away, the remaining two orcs were still able to entangle with the knight in a short period of time. , but as time passed, it gradually became unsupported and gradually fell into the disadvantage.

The Fulaer knight still had that cold face, holding a two-meter-long sword in his hand, maintaining the very aggressive fighting style before, with every blow he had to fight with the addicted person in front of him. The blood orcs collided head-on.

He dashed forward, slashed down with the big sword in his hand, and beat the two bloodthirsty orcs in front of him to keep retreating, and then rushed to the crowd without hesitation, slaughtering the scattered orc warriors.

Roar! !

Seeing this scene, the two bloodthirsty orcs were furious and wanted to chase forward.

But as orcs, although their strength and system are inherently tyrannical, their speed is much slower than that of knights of the same level.

It seems that the accumulated anger has reached the limit, and their faces began to distort with anger, and their originally very tall bodies began to swell, and suddenly reached a height of nearly four meters.

"This is... bloodthirsty?" Watching this scene from a distance, Adil, who had just experienced a fierce fight, immediately reacted, and his eyes turned to Fulaer in the distance.

Feeling the rage coming from behind, Fulaer took a deep breath, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

His body also began to swell up. Although it was not as exaggerated as the bloodthirsty orcs in the distance, the aura on his body also became much stronger in an instant.

"Ding! The target's physical fitness is rapidly increasing!" A mechanical voice sounded in his mind, making Adier stunned.

bump! !

An astonishing collision sounded, the sound was so loud that even Adil, who was far away, could faintly hear it.

He struggled to fend off the attack of the two orcs in front of him, Fulaer took a deep breath, the giant sword in his hand slowly drooped, the life seeds in his body were oscillating rapidly, and the life energy inside was quickly extracted.

Under the blessing of life energy, the giant sword he held in his hand emitted a little green light, and then slashed forward fiercely.

Heavy cut!

An extremely pale green light flashed, and then a giant sword quickly slashed down, slashing at him under the disbelieving eyes of the beastman on the opposite side.

Roar! ! ! The orc's low roar was uttered with madness and strong unwillingness.

The arm of a bloodthirsty orc holding a weapon was directly cut off, and red blood continued to flow out from the wound.

The arm holding the weapon was cut off, to a certain extent, it was equivalent to abolishing half of the combat power. Facing a powerful enemy like Fulaer, the end was almost doomed.

"That was... a knight's secret skill just now?" Adier's eyes lit up suddenly as he quietly hid in place and observed the distance.

The knight's secret skill is a secret skill that can only be used by knights. Only real knights who have activated the seed of life can use it.

Adil's knight breathing method also has records of knight secret skills, but before, he did not activate the life seed, and he did not have the life force, so naturally he could not use it.

"Chip, deduce the current state of the opponent!" After a while, Adil ordered to the chip in his mind.

In an instant, the mechanical voice in his mind sounded again.

"Ding! The life energy in the target life is bursting! The similarity with the life seed burst in the records is: 89.5%!"

Feeling the information of the chip in his mind, and looking at the power of the other party at this time, Adil thought thoughtfully: "Simulate the final result of the eruption of the seed of life."

"Ding! The life seed explodes, and the life energy in the body will greatly improve the body's physical fitness. After the outbreak ends, it will directly enter the weak period, and the body's life limit will be greatly reduced!" After not too long, the chip in his mind gave a reply again.

"No wonder..." Only then did Adier suddenly look at the venue.

In the same place, after the seed of life erupted, the strength of the Flaral Knight increased again, and it was no weaker than the bloodthirsty orcs who had turned on the bloodthirsty state.

Compared to before, the bodies of the two bloodthirsty orcs were both injured, and one of them was directly cut off with an arm, which looked extremely miserable.

Naturally, this state could not be the opponent of the Fulaer Knight, and he was quickly settled by him one by one.

A muffled sound came from the place, a tall bloodthirsty orc let out a roar, and his body couldn't stop falling down, and the originally swollen body slowly returned to its original size.

After doing this, Fulaer looked at the battlefield on the side, and rushed over without any hesitation.

With his strength, after killing two bloodthirsty orcs, not many people could stop him.

Even the strongest orc warriors can't stand for long in front of the peak knights who have opened the seed of life.

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