At the edge of a forest, a young man was standing quietly.

Opposite him, more than a dozen soldiers looked at the other side with solemn expressions, appearing very nervous, as if they were facing a great enemy.

In fact it is.

A knight-level powerhouse, if not blocked by a powerhouse of the same level, is enough to single-handedly kill more than a dozen elite warriors, and there is not much suspense at all.

"Are you from Arcadilla?"

Standing on the spot, looking at Asilah on the opposite side, Adil suddenly said.

On the opposite side, Asilah and the others were stunned for a moment. Before they could answer, they heard Adil on the opposite side continue to mutter to himself, "No, that's not right."

"Although Arcadilla is known as the number one knight in the North, there are not too many knights under him, and there are more places to be used. I should not send two knights here."

When Adil was talking, a sword light suddenly lit up beside him, and a figure flashed by.

This man was wearing a pale green leather armor, blending in with the surrounding environment, and seemed to have practiced any special skills, and he acted without a sound.

Feeling the sword wind coming from the side, Adil's body slightly turned to one side, avoiding the blow in this man's incredible eyes.

The light green life energy fluctuations gradually dissipated on the long sword, stabbing towards Adil from an incredible angle.

The distance of just a few meters passed in a flash.

When the long sword was about to stab into Adier's chest, Adier moved his feet, took a step back, and then a little black sword light on his hand lit up.

bump! ! !

The long sword and the long sword collided suddenly, and as the soldiers met, the life energy collided continuously in it, making an astonishing sound.

Adil exerted a little force in his hand, and in the unbelievable eyes of the other party, a slamming force came from the long sword, forcibly knocking the man out.

The knight's secret skill was forcibly interrupted, the man only felt a pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out after he fell to the ground.

Adil and this person moved too fast. When all this was over, only Asilah reacted slightly, and rushed towards Adil with the sword.

After seeing Adil's performance at this time, he didn't hold back at all, and the breath on his body became fierce.

There was a bang in his body, the seeds of life erupted in an instant, the muscles of the body suddenly solidified, appearing mighty and powerful, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly rose.

"The target enters the state of life seed explosion! The establishment is interrupted immediately!"

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Looking at the person rushing in front of him, Adil's face was calm, but the long sword was slightly raised forward, and then slashed forward fiercely.

The long sword slashed down, and the life energy was condensed in it, exerting a terrifying power, and combined with the terrifying physical quality of Adil himself, its power was not inferior to the full-strength strike of the peak knight.

The icy sword wind whistled in front of him, stabbing Asilah's body from afar, causing his complexion to change, and he felt a threat of death.

"I can't stop it!!" At this moment, the thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he jumped to the side ruthlessly, dodging the blow in a matter of seconds.

A sword-like wind raged in front of his eyes, slashing at a big tree a few meters away, cutting the big tree with a trace more than two meters deep.

Seeing this power, cold sweat broke out on Asilah's face.

At that time, if it was cut directly on a person, even if he was wearing a thick full-body armor, I am afraid that he could be cut in half without any accident.

Seeing the person in front of him dodge, Adiel was not disappointed, and his face was still calm.

He took a step forward directly, and his powerful agility made him walk forward in a second or two, and came to the front of the group of soldiers.


The sound of the long sword piercing the flesh quickly sounded,

In front of Adil, several heads flew up in response, and then several headless corpses fell, which looked amazingly efficient.

Although the warrior in front of him is good, not only is his training superb, his physical fitness surpasses that of ordinary people, but he also wears leather armor, but he has no resistance in front of Adil.

Their reaction speed was too slow, even if they saw Adil's movements, their bodies and brains couldn't react, let alone keep up with Adil's movements.

Although those rough leather armors can provide protection to a certain extent, Adil has an excellent grasp of the body and is extremely precise, and will not cut down at those protected places at all.

With the existence of chips, even in high-speed battles, Adil can still quickly analyze the enemy's weaknesses. Basically, every strike is the most labor-saving and convenient place, and there will be no hesitation.

Like the warriors in front of him, unless there are too many, forming a trend of encirclement, or there is basically no threat to Adil.

There were several long swords in front of him, and they slashed at Adil at the same time.

After Adil killed a few people, the warriors in front of him seemed to have reacted and surrounded him one after another.

Adil swayed and took a step back before the opponent formed a siege. The long sword held in his right hand swung backwards, slashed directly on one's breastplate, slashed him flying, and fell to the ground ruefully.

He charged forward with one sword at a time, maintaining an efficient and fast fighting rhythm. Basically, with every sword, one person would be killed in his hands.

Behind him, Asilah and another knight looked at each other and rushed forward while Adil slaughtered those warriors, preparing to encircle with those ordinary warriors.

The two knights joined forces to join the battle. Immediately, the pressure on Adil increased greatly, and the speed of the original efficient slaughter could not be slowed down.

However, it is only slowing down.

At a certain moment, Adil's speed suddenly increased, and he came to Asilah in an instant.

Looking at the figure in front of her, there was a hint of stunned expression on Asilah's face, and she instinctively wanted to draw her sword and slash forward.

His body just had this reaction, and before the sword in his hand was raised, his chest suddenly became cold.

A black long sword quietly pierced his chest and emerged from the other end of his body.

With a shock in Adier's hand, the life energy attached to the long sword immediately dissipated towards the surroundings, directly destroying various organs in the opponent's body.

"You!" Asila's eyes widened as she looked at the black long sword that appeared on her chest.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but as the strength of his body gradually disappeared, in the end there was no such strength, and his body fell directly backwards.

After his death, the original state of the burst of life seeds disappeared suddenly and returned to its original appearance.

Quietly pulled out the sword from the corpse, Adil turned around and looked at the last few warriors left behind, with a calm smile on his face: "Warm-up is over."

After saying this, his right hand gradually raised, and a little silver Dou Qi radiance slowly appeared.

On the opposite side, feeling the silver brilliance, the only remaining strong knight widened his eyes, and his heart was filled with despair.

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