The time of a class quickly passed with everyone listening.

On the podium in front, when the teacher of Seymour stopped to give a lecture, the people below breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this situation, Seymora shook her head secretly, and didn't want to stay here any longer. She walked off the podium and left in the direction of the classroom door.

After he left, many apprentices below finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's finally over."

Beside Adil, a young apprentice wearing a red sleeved shirt breathed a sigh of relief: "Although I have heard of the difficulty of pharmacy, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult, just the basic course has reached this level."

"Afar, will you come next time?"

Beside the young apprentice, a blond girl who looked to be in her twenties also spoke up, her face a little unsightly: "The first part of this class was fine, but in the second half of the class, I couldn't understand it at all, and I'm afraid I can't follow. It's progressing."

"not coming."

The young man waved his hand and said speechlessly: "This kind of difficulty course is not something that can be followed in the apprenticeship stage. I'm not going to come again for the next course."

"Speaking of which, the free basic courses of other departments are basically taught by high-level apprentices. Why does pharmacy come directly from formal wizards?" There was a doubtful voice beside him.

"I know this." Listening to the voice, the young apprentice explained casually: "It is said that because of the difficulty of pharmacy, few people can master it well. The college has not produced apprentices proficient in pharmacy for seven or eight years. , that's why the teacher Semora is solely responsible."

"Not only the free basic courses are taught by him, but the advanced courses and paid courses in the future seem to be taught by the teacher of Seymour."

"I have also heard that it seems that the senior management of the college strongly encourages apprentices to learn this kind of knowledge, so there are certain discounts for courses such as pharmacy and enchantment. Not only are the free courses taught by formal wizards, but also in the paid courses. There is also a big discount on the price.”

"Unfortunately, even so, there have been no apprentices mastering pharmacy in the academy for seven or eight years."

The blonde girl on the side also interjected.

Quietly listening to the discussion of the apprentice beside him, Adil got up and left, preparing to rush to the next place.

He did not return to the accommodation area, but went directly to the underground market, preparing to meet Essis at the agreed place.

After a while, at the place where the other party set up the stall, he saw the other party's figure.

Essis, in a black robe, was standing quietly in the booth at this time, constantly looking around, as if waiting for someone.

At his stall, there were still no apprentices patronizing at this time, and it seemed that business was extremely bad.

"Adil, you are here."

From a distance, he saw Adil walking from a distance, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the appearance of Isis, Adil was a little inexplicable.

"My tutor wants to see you." After seeing Adiel, Essis seemed relieved and explained to him: "Your batch of materials seems to be very special and aroused the interest of my tutor."

"So come here today, he specially asked me to take you to see him and complete this transaction in person."

Hearing this, Adil was shocked.

That batch of materials is indeed very special. It comes from another world. According to common sense, it should have some characteristics that creatures in this world do not have.

"The other party is an official sorcerer. I don't know how many things can be seen from that batch of materials."

Looking at Isis in front of him, Adil thought with some uncertainty in his heart.

After standing there and thinking for a while, he let go of his worries.

In the records of the academy, there are indeed some introductions about other worlds, as well as information about the ancient wizards fighting in other worlds. But in the record,

Those powerful wizards who are qualified to contact the other world are all powerful wizards who are qualified to be recorded in history, and they are definitely much stronger than the official wizards.

"Furthermore, I have no other choice now. Evasion will only increase the suspicion of the other party."

Standing in the same place, various thoughts flashed in Adier's mind.

After thinking about this, he did not hesitate, and nodded directly to Essis in front of him.

Before coming, Adil had brought the materials that he was going to use for the transaction with him, so he could just follow the other party and leave.

After walking for a while, they came to the mentor area. In front of a huge laboratory, Adil saw the figure of a middle-aged man.

The other party was wearing a black robe, but the expression on his face looked very calm. At this time, he was sitting and reading a book.

When I saw this person, under the detection of the chip, the surrounding high-energy radiation concentration suddenly reached the level of an official wizard.

"Teacher Grammer, I have brought people."

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Essis said respectfully.

Listening to his voice, in front, Grammer turned around.

A sharp and aggressive gaze came, with a scrutiny.

At this moment, Adil only felt an inexplicable pressure coming from his heart, with a sense of extreme danger and terror.

Feeling the gaze of the other party, Adier resisted the urge to draw his sword and lowered his head, a feeling rose in his heart at this moment.

He only felt that the other party looked at him with a strong urge, as if he wanted to dissect him.

"Hey, it turned out to be a half-elf."

There was a sound of surprise from the front, with an inexplicable excitement.

The eyes in Grammer's eyes became hot in an instant, and he stared at Adil closely: "It's not wrong, this unique smell definitely belongs to this rare individual."

At this moment, a phantom appeared in front of Adil's eyes, and a shadow quickly appeared in front of him, condensing into the appearance of Grammer.

Under Adil's gaze, he took out a contract from his arms and said to Adil in front of him in a hoarse and excited voice: "Come on, sign this!!"

"I want you to cooperate with me to do some experiments. As long as you agree, I will provide all the resources needed to become a wizard in the future!!"

Hearing this, Adil was stunned for a moment.

For him, who was in desperate need of magic stones, this condition offered by the other party was extremely attractive, and he almost couldn't help but be moved.

But looking at the appearance of Grammer in front of him, his heart froze, and he suddenly lost his mind.

The other party gave him the feeling that he was like a research madman he had seen in his previous life, and he was no different from a madman.

It is too risky to cooperate with such a person to conduct experiments, and you may be researched as a test product at some point.

He made a decision in his heart, and when he was about to speak, he was suddenly surprised.

I don't know when, an inexplicable position has wrapped around him, trapping him tightly.

Under Adil's gaze, his right hand was raised uncontrollably and slowly stretched towards the contract in front of him.

Suddenly, his eyes became cold, and all the strength of his body was used up at this moment.

The arm that was slowly stretched forward paused, but then still stretched forward uncontrollably, but the speed was much slower than before.

"The main body is affected by an unknown force field, it is recommended to activate the life seed immediately!!" In his mind, the chip's warning sound quickly sounded.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and a violent beating sound of heartbeat kept ringing in Adil's mind.

Adil's heart was ruthless, and the aura in his body changed in an instant, becoming violent and violent, no longer calm before.

bump! ! !

A clear breaking sound suddenly sounded.

Around Adil, at this moment, something seemed to be broken, causing various reactions in his mind.

"The Great Knight's life burst?"

Ahead, looking at Adil's movements, a glimmer of inconceivable flashed in Grammer's eyes: "Impossible!! Only the power of the Great Knight, how can it be possible to get rid of my sorcery."

I don't know what he remembered, but a flash of heat suddenly flashed in his heart: "Is this some kind of special ability of half-elves? It can resist the sorcery of the official wizard level."

"Dissect you! You should be able to know the reason!!"

In front of him, Grammer's face was distorted and his expression was crazy. He looked like a madman. He was looking at Adil frantically, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

Being stared at by an official wizard like this, Adiel's blood seemed to freeze as if he was being stared at by some terrifying creature.

"Teacher Grammer!" There was an anxious shout from beside him.

Beside Adil, looking at Grammer like this, Isis shouted quickly.

Hearing this voice, Grammer was stunned, and there seemed to be a flash of clarity in his eyes.

A pale white radiance crossed the space and shone on Grammer.

As this radiance enveloped his body, on Grammer's face, the original frantic expression gradually disappeared, and calm was gradually restored.

Seeing what he looked like now, Essis breathed a sigh of relief and took back a ring from his hand.

The pale light disappeared, and Grammer slowly stood up, this time with a calm expression on his face.

Seeing the other party like this, Adil also breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with the madman-like behavior just now, Grammer at this time seems to be much more normal, at least no longer has the sense of danger that may erupt at any time.

"Cough cough."

Under Adil's vigilant gaze, in front of him, Grammer coughed a few times, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Young apprentice, put away your sword, the state of life seed eruption, for your Physically, it's not a small disadvantage."

His words no longer carried the previous madness and excitement, as if he had completely calmed down, with a hint of unfathomable meaning.

Listening to his words, Adil didn't move, just stared at each other quietly, and after a long time, he took the initiative to relieve the state of life explosion.

Looking at Adil, a flash of surprise flashed in Grammer's eyes, and then he explained: "When I was promoted to a formal wizard, some accidents caused me to have some sequelae, and my spirit would fall into a state of madness every once in a while. , someone has to help wake up to recover, just like that."

"Of course, as the price of the accident just now, I will make you a certain amount of compensation, what do you think?"

There was a gentle smile on Adier's face, looking very harmless: "Of course, it was just an accident."

Having said that, in his heart, the wizard who looks no different from ordinary people has been pulled into the danger list by him.

At that moment, if he hadn't managed to break free from the other party's witchcraft and called someone else, he would have been sent to the dissection table by now.

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