Latest website: "I think it's time we talk about..."

The huge demon body disappeared in place, and Adil's figure appeared in place.

He was wearing a black robe, and his whole body was covered under a black robe. He was so handsome that there was a smile on his bewitching face. He looked at a few priests in the distance and said softly.

Not far away, looking at Adil who appeared at the moment, the priests were silent for a while, and only one person walked out after a while, looked at Adil in front of him and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

"a lot of……"

With a smile on his face, Adil looked like a gentleman at this moment, full of unique charm: "For example, your origins, and for example, what purpose do you want to use that guy from before... …”

"Of course the most important thing is whether you can reach an agreement with me..."

He looked at the priests in front of him, the expression on his face was the same as before, without any change: "I am very interested in you..."

In front, several priests were silent. At this moment, they looked at Adil in front of him and were silent for a long time.

Under Adil's gaze, it was not until a long time later that someone spoke and broke the silence.

"as you wish……"

Ahead, the middle-aged priest who walked out first opened his mouth and said, his voice sounded very low, but it was accurately heard by Adiel, and he heard it very clearly.

"The sensible choice..."

The smile on Adier's face remained unchanged, and he waved his hand lightly.

On the spot, the figures of the people around disappeared suddenly, and left the place directly at this moment, moving towards the distance.

They disappeared in place in an instant and came to the place that Adil had already prepared.

It was a dark and dark area where you could hardly see anything.

In the surrounding area, a fiery scene is unfolding.

A little devil with a huge size, comparable to an adult knight, is working in this place.

One by one, carrying bricks on their shoulders, hehe hehe walked forward, swaying his sweat in this place.

All around, tall and burly demons held whips in their hands, whipping at the little demons from time to time, yelling and scolding them to hurry up to work.

A harmonious scene.

Looking at the scene in front of them, several priests were a little stunned, and at this moment they hardly knew what to say.

What did they see?

Demons who build castles?

"It's crazy..."

The priest at the head was stunned for a while, and after confirming that he did not have hallucinations, he was a little speechless and couldn't help speaking in a low voice.

"Welcome to my place..."

With a smile on his face, Adil looked at the sacrifice in front of him at this moment and waved his hand casually.

"As you can see, now I am the lord of this area."

"But I don't seem to know anything about you..."

"Respected Demon Lord, please allow me to introduce myself first..."

The middle-aged sacrificial leader at the head settled down, looked at Adil in front of him and saluted respectfully, and then said.

So in front of Adier, he quickly explained something, allowing Adier to understand their origins.

"A believer of the God of Destruction?"

Looking at the few sacrifices in front of him, Adiel was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he was a little surprised. It seemed that he did not expect this result.

He really did not expect the result in front of him.

God of Destruction, this name is too unfamiliar, and Adil never considered this possibility before.

This is a god that has existed since ancient times. It is said that he was also brilliant in ancient times, and he once fought against the king of the sun and competed with him for the authority of the supreme god.

Of course, from the fact that the deeds of the King of the Sun have spread far into the world of gods, and the deeds of the God of Destruction have almost disappeared, we can see who won this battle...

The Sun King won the final victory and reached the top, becoming one of the ancient supreme gods since ancient times.

As for the God of Destruction, he was knocked down to the dust. Now that the long years have passed, not only has he not been able to temporarily restore his former status and strength, but his own existence has almost disappeared.

Except for Adil, who has read a lot of books and tried to search for the existence of the ruins of the gods, the rest of the ordinary people probably have not even heard the name of the God of Destruction.

Speaking of which, because of its former glory, another avatar of Adil once had the idea of ​​the God of Destruction.

But later, because the trace of the God of Destruction disappeared too completely, no matter how much Adil looked for, he couldn't find the slightest clue, so in the end, he had to leave it alone.

Adil originally thought that this was because the God of Destruction had already fallen into the dust, and its existence was already close to nothingness and disappearance.

However, judging from the current situation, the life of the other party may not be very good, but if it is close to disappearing, it will not.

At least the other party still has several sacrifices, and even a piece of artifact remains. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to the Dim Lord Church at the moment.

At this point, Adil shook his head.

After knowing that the other party is the sacrifice of the God of Destruction, Adil can roughly guess the purpose of the other party.

It is nothing more than trying to do things in every way, so as to create opportunities for the God of Destruction to revive again.

As for why he found the demon lord of the abyss world, this reason is also very easy to explain.

In the entire world of the gods, is there anything more destructive and destructive than demons?

At least Adil couldn't think of any other existence that could surpass such a strange species as the devil.

When it comes to creation and construction, the devil is definitely a layman, but when it comes to destruction, the devil is definitely a top expert.

The rest of the people want to challenge the devil in this regard, and let them see if they have that ability.

"Tell me about it..."

Adil waved his hand, and beside him, a few demons brought up a table and placed a few chairs.

He was unceremonious, just sat up like this, looked at a few priests standing in front of him, smiled and said, "What can I help you with, and what can you provide me?"

In place, several priests were stunned.

At this moment, their spirits were in a trance, and they had an inexplicable illusion, as if the one sitting in front of them was not a vicious demon lord, but a businessman who was negotiating with them.

When did the demon lord talk so well?

In the past, they cooperated with the demon lord before, and the other party's tone was not like this, but a gesture of treating them as slaves. How can Adil look so rational in front of him?

But anyway, this is a good thing.

At least getting along with Adil in front of him is much easier than getting along with Ankara before.

Before getting along with Ankara, when they were working together, they had to tighten the string in their hearts all the time, for fear that the other party would suddenly shoot at the next moment, crush them directly, and their souls sank directly into the sea of ​​demons .

Although getting along with Adil in front of him is equally terrifying, at least there is no such terrifying pressure.

So, the priest in front let out a sigh of relief, looked at the table and chairs in front of him and hesitated for a while, but chose to sit on it, looked at Adil in front and said: "We need Your Excellency to lead the demon, in the material Destruction unfolds in the world..."

"This matter is completely in line with Your Excellency's interests. We can achieve our own goals, and Your Excellency can also use us to throw our own troops into the material world and plunder the soul and power in the material world..."


Adil nodded and looked at the sacrifice in front of him, as expected.

As for the sacrifices of the gods of destruction in front of him, Adil had already guessed part of their purpose before.

Actually it's a good guess.

What else could the sacrifice of the God of Destruction want the devil to do?

It is nothing more than killing and destroying happily.

Is there anything a demon is better at than this?

I'm afraid not anymore.

Rather than just moving bricks, these demons prefer to kill and destroy as much as they want.

Whether it is the destruction sacrifices sent to the demon lord in front of him, or the demon gate opened by the artifact before, the ultimate purpose is this.

Fight in the material world.

As for what it would do for them...

Then, of course, it is a help to the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction, you can know from this name that this is a god who has the authority to destroy.

For this kind of god, whenever a field related to destruction occurs in front of it, it can make its power continue to grow, and the power of destruction continues to expand, stimulating its recovery and speeding up the process of its own recovery.

Of course, ordinary destruction does not have this effect.

Otherwise, these sacrifices would not have to fight so much.

In the entire world of gods, whether it is the material world or the abyss world, there are huge events of destruction happening all the time.

If the God of Destruction can gain power from these destructions for no reason, then these sacrifices don't have to be busy, just sit and wait for the God of Destruction to come.

Adil guessed that the authority like destruction, although it can gain power from related events, is actually limited.

The power that can be drawn must be related to itself, which should be one of the limitations.

Make an analogy.

As a demon, Adil slaughtered in the abyss alone, killing an unknown number of demons and destroying many things.

This is indeed an act of pure destruction, but the God of Destruction does not gain any power in this act.

However, if Adil carries out destructive behavior under the assistance and influence of these sacrificial sacrifices, then through the connection, the God of Destruction can gain a little bit of power from Adil's destructive behavior. feedback.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter at all.

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