Quietly walking around, ignoring the gazes around him, Adil calmly walked aside and stopped at a booth.

This is a booth he specially applied for a few days ago, in order to deal with some medicinal materials that he accidentally got during the inspection mission, and it is just used now.

Looking at Adil's movements, the surrounding apprentices moved their eyes lightly and couldn't help but come over.

"How do you sell this Ganmore wolf?" Looking at the giant wolf in front of Adil, an apprentice couldn't help but ask.

"Fifteen magic stones."

Turning to glance at the apprentice who opened his mouth, Adil lowered his head and pondered, and then quoted the price.

This price, for ordinary apprentices, can almost be said to be sky-high, but it is not outrageous for this Ganmore wolf.

The Ganmore wolf itself is very powerful, even if it is an ordinary individual, it can be compared with the great knight, and this one is the top among them. higher.

This powerful creature with demonized bloodline, whether it is conquered by special means, used to extract the special bloodline, or used for various experiments, is definitely a very good choice, even the official wizard will need it , the price of fifteen magic stones is not too expensive.

Around, a lot of apprentices were taken aback when they heard the price quoted by Adil.

Most of these are ordinary apprentices with ordinary backgrounds. Because the family behind them is not strong, the magic stones they can provide are limited. Like Adil before, they are only enough for the usual study of the academy, and they can't get extra magic stones.

"Fifteen magic stones...the price is fair."

While most of the apprentices were scared away, some apprentices who knew the goods nodded and were very satisfied with the price: "This wolf Ganmore..."

"I have twenty magic stones!" A cold voice suddenly came from afar, interrupting the previous apprentice's voice.

Everyone turned to look and saw that in the distance, a thin figure in a black robe was gradually walking towards here.

It was a young man with a pale face, wearing a black-sleeved robe and a three-pattern badge on his chest, proving his identity as a third-class apprentice.

"It's Emma-sama!!"

When they saw this man's face, the surrounding apprentices took a deep breath: "This is a third-class apprentice, why did you come here so early today."

Seeing Emma, ​​the apprentice who made the bid before suddenly stopped making a sound. Obviously, he was afraid of the opponent's reputation and did not dare to compete.

"Twenty magic stones, how about giving me this mutated Ganmore wolf?"

Walking closer, looking at the giant wolf in front of her, Emma looked at it for a long time before speaking.

He just happened to be doing some difficult experiments recently, and he needed the rare bloodline of some powerful creatures.

Listening to the other party's words, Adiel was a little surprised.

However, since he could sell at a higher price, he would naturally not object, so he nodded directly: "Deal."

"Pleasant to work with."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Emma’s pale face.

He took out a cloth bag from his waist, took out two medium-sized magic stones from it in front of the surrounding apprentices, and handed them directly to Adil.

"I am a student of Mentor Siwa. If you can catch such creatures with powerful blood in the future, be sure to notify me as soon as possible, and the price will definitely satisfy you."

Before leaving, he left these words to Adil, and then left in a hurry.

In front of him, several puppets carried the giant wolf and slowly followed Emma in front.

Watching the surrounding apprentices gradually disperse, Adil shook his head, put away the things in front of him, and prepared to leave.


Adil hurriedly walked on the road of the academy and walked quickly towards the direction of the teaching area.

"Today is the start of the pharmacy class. I don't know how much more difficult the class will be compared to the last time."

Walking on the road, Adil thought so in his heart.

At this time, several days have passed since the last pharmacy course. During this time, through the repeated playback of the chip, he has already mastered all the content of the last time.

After a period of time, when I walked into the classroom, there were already many apprentices present, but compared to the last time, the number of people this time was much smaller, almost half.

After finding a random place to sit down, Adil glanced around a few times, but did not find a familiar person.

Except for him, the apprentice who came to the class last time didn't come.

There were other apprentices chatting in low voices, and from their conversation, Adiel understood. Most of these apprentices in front of them are not the first time to listen to the class. Basically, they belong to the apprentices who failed to understand the last time they attended the class. This time, they will come and listen again.

Hearing this, Adil was a little speechless.

Before he had time to think about anything, a figure in front quickly walked out of the door on the side.

Seymora was wearing a black robe, and her wrinkled face seemed impatient at this time, and quickly walked to the podium in front of her.

When he came to the classroom, he glanced down at the bottom, and he didn't respond at all to the sparseness of the number of people attending the class, obviously he was used to it.

It was not until he saw Adil that a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he nodded invisibly.

"Okay, this class is still the basics of pharmacy, but it will be a lot more difficult than the last time."

Standing on the podium, Seymour flicked his fingers, and a pile of laboratory equipment automatically came to him.

"This time, in addition to basic knowledge explanations, we also need to observe real experiments..."

With the official start of the course, the apprentices sitting upright subconsciously, their faces became much more focused, and they listened carefully to the explanation of the teacher in front of Seymour.

When several hours passed, the class ended in the blank eyes of many apprentices.

"Okay, today's class ends here."

Seeing the appearance of the apprentice below, Seymour shook her head, her eyes turned to one side.

In that corner, Adil was sitting quietly, looking very calm and calm compared to the other apprentices in the classroom, and was sitting there looking at him at this time.

"Give you another ten minutes."

Seeing Adil's appearance, Seymora paused for a while, and said this sentence in the surprised eyes of many apprentices below.

The meaning of these words is obvious, that is, they deliberately set aside a little time to answer the doubts of the apprentices below.

Looking at Seymour in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed in Adiel's eyes.

Such opportunities are rare. A wizard's time is often very precious. In the past, let alone a formal wizard, even the third-class apprentices rarely stayed after lectures, leaving time for them to answer questions for the lower-level apprentices.

However, although surprised, Adiel did not hesitate in action.

The people present are basically low-level apprentices, and they can't compare to him, the peak knight, in terms of reaction and speed, so he was the first to rush to the front.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

During this process, although Adil only had time to ask two questions, he was very satisfied and could save him a long time of exploration.

After leaving the teaching area, Adil returned to the place of accommodation and quietly stayed in the room to meditate.


more than three months later.

In the spacious room, sitting in front of the bed, Adil silently closed his eyes.

After more than three months of meditation, Adil has been able to meditate all of the thirty-six spiritual runes in the basic meditation method at one time, and he is only one step away from being promoted to a second-class apprentice.

Sitting in front of the bed at this time, as Adil closed his eyes, darkness enveloped his eyes.

As the spiritual runes were meditated, in the dark space, the energy particles in the surrounding space were perceived by him, quietly floating in the surrounding space, floating around.

Feeling Adil's mental fluctuations, these energy particles also showed different states and began to be affected by his spirit.

"Thirty-six runes have finished meditation, it's time to pull energy particles."

Feeling the various energy particles floating in the surrounding space, Adil calmed down and flashed the thought.

As his spirit moved, the surrounding energy particles began to be slowly affected by him, slowly drifting towards his body.

The process went smoothly.

To draw energy particles, you only need enough mental power, and you can do it with the special skills recorded in the meditation method. At this point, Adil's mental power is already strong, and after training through meditation, he definitely reaches the standard of pulling ability particles.


After a while, he silently exited the meditation state, Adil opened his eyes and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Sure enough, the ability particles of the plant system and the light system are the easiest to pull. Although the energy particles of other properties do not exclude my spirit, the difficulty of pulling it has increased a lot."

Recalling the feeling just now, Adil concluded: "It seems that when meditating in the future, it is still mainly to pull plants and light particles. As for particles of other properties, it is enough to pull a few."

Thinking of the scene when he was meditating just now, this thought flashed through his mind, and then he turned to look at his physical fitness.

"Name: Adil Fakus. Strength: 11.2. Agility: 11.4. Constitution: 11.5."

"It's gotten to this point."

Looking at his physical fitness, Adil sighed softly.

Although the main growth of meditation is the spirit, when meditating, it will also have an exercise effect on the body. In nearly a year, his physical fitness, which has reached the limit, has been forcibly enhanced to this level.

"My physical fitness has already reached the limit of a great knight when I meditated. After practicing meditation, I can still grow so much. Others estimate that the growth is even more terrifying."

"An apprentice with wizard qualifications, even if he was just an ordinary person before, as long as he keeps meditating, after reaching the second-class apprenticeship, his physical quality may not be inferior to some powerful knights."

Sitting on the head of the bed, thinking of this, Adiel was a little speechless: "At this level, it's no wonder that those wizard families look down on knights, I am afraid that after reaching the third-class apprenticeship, even if the apprentice itself has not received any training, its physical strength It will not be inferior to the Great Knight."

"With this level of physical fitness, coupled with the powerful power of spells, as long as you don't encounter a peak knight like me, you can already run rampant among the knights."

Sitting on the bed, Adil stretched out his hand.

As the spirit moved, in the body, a little mana that had just condensed was used, seduced the surrounding energy particles, and slowly gathered in the hand, emitting a light green brilliance.

"Second-class apprentice... finally reached."

Looking at the scene in front of him and feeling the power completely different from the knight system, Adil couldn't help sighing.

Among the three stages before the official sorcerer. First-class apprentices are only mentally stronger than ordinary people, and at the same time, their physical fitness will gradually increase under the exercise of meditation. Compared with ordinary people, at most, they learn faster and their physical fitness is stronger.

Only after reaching the second-class apprenticeship can one truly possess some of the power of a wizard. Not only can they draw energy particles in the world, but they can also learn some basic spells based on this.

At this stage, the wizard apprentice is truly powerful, not only has a strong physical fitness, but also has magic as a means, and the combat power is far stronger than ordinary knights.

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