The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 784 Birth of the Slaughtering God

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Time passed slowly, in front of my eyes, I don't know how long time passed.

With the passage of time, many things are being changed in this world.

Silently, a change began quietly and silently, and at this moment, it gradually affected the Quartet.

In the material world, with the continuous passing of time, a kind of change is constantly taking place.

In a deep and peaceful realm world full of killing power.

A little bit of blood was constantly sputtering out of it, and at this moment, there were blood-colored brilliance that was constantly spreading, gradually covering the entire area, turning this area into a bloody color.

Among them, there are corpses quietly displayed one by one. The aura on each corpse is extremely terrifying. Even the weakest figure has an aura that is at least equivalent to a peak legend, and its strength has reached A terrifying level.

If a legend at the peak level is exposed to the outside world enough to scare the world and make countless people feel in awe, even the Church of the Gods will be in awe of this, and dare not offend easily, but respect it. Do not dare to have the slightest slack and rudeness.

But in this place, such legendary peak powerhouses are everywhere. At this moment, one by one fell to the ground, the temperature on the corpse gradually faded, and it gradually became cold, not much different from the corpse of a mortal.

Even, there are powerhouses far more powerful than the legendary peaks sleeping quietly in this place. At this moment, they have fallen into eternal sleep. Although there is still some temperature on the corpse, the source of it has long since disappeared and was swallowed up by an inexplicable existence.

The power of slaughter boils in this place, and several slaughter gods gradually collide and merge in this place. At first glance, it feels like the past is boundless, turning this area into a slaughtering field.

In front of him, under the influence of the killing power, this field is constantly expanding. At this moment, it is not like a simple field, but more like a huge and boundless world.

It's just that compared to the normal world, this world is completely supported by the power of the realm, which is filled with the power of killing, and there is no complete world rule power like other worlds.

And at this moment, in the center of this domain world, a figure stands alone, roaring in the sky at this moment.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A voice swirled in it, like the roar of the gods and demons echoing in it constantly, alarming the Quartet.

The terrifying power like gods and demons has been hovering in this domain world for a long time, and it can't be subsided at all.

In the center of this world, on top of the corpses, Duolong stood quietly. At this moment, his white priestly robes were dyed blood red, and there was a bloody aura lingering on it. At a glance, it looked extremely bloody and extremely cruel.

He stood on top of a sea of ​​corpses, laughing wildly in it. At this moment, the power of his body was roaring. At this moment, with the emergence of figures around him, the breath of his body was rapidly rising, reaching a limit.

The bloody domain shrouded the whole world. At this moment, the huge power was completely displayed, almost boundless. At first glance, it seemed like being in an abyss, extremely bloody, extremely cruel, with the most deadly murderous intention. popped up in this place.

boom! !

A soft sound came from his body. At this moment, accompanied by the continuous influx of surrounding forces, the aura on his body was constantly changing, and soon it was further transformed from the original peak of mythology, reaching an unpredictable field.

The divinity of the Slaughter God revolved in his body, and with the fall of all the Slaughter Children, the Slaughter Godheads in all the Slaughter Children were all gathered on the body of the central Duolong.

Drops of golden blood of slaughter gather,

At this moment in Doron's body, an unpredictable change is taking place.

After the huge blood of slaughter gathered, the mortal essence in his body was rapidly transforming. At this moment, it quickly changed from the original mortal fetus, and gradually began to transform towards the realm of gods.

In other words, at this moment, he has reached the stage of transcendence, about to transcend the boundaries of mortals and turn his body into a demigod.

In a way, this is an extremely incredible thing.

If a mortal wants to transform, jump up from the essence of a mortal, break the ultimate limit, and turn his body into the body of a demigod, this is an extremely difficult thing in itself.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to do this, you must ignite everything in yourself, ignite the divine fire that claims to be able to burn everything, and calcine your own source through the divine fire, and then it is possible to finally do it.

But at this moment, Duolong obviously did not ignite his own divine fire, but under the influence of the golden divine blood, he was also constantly changing, and his own life level was constantly changing, gradually becoming a demigod. body.

Being able to do this was not caused by his own power, but because the essence of the God of Slaughter was affecting him.

As the blood of the gods separated from the body of the god of slaughter, the blood of slaughter is naturally above the demigods, and has the transcendent essence of gods.

Inheriting the blood of slaughter, the son of slaughter also carries some of the characteristics of the gods, but because the characteristics are very small, there is no way to transform their own essence together and climb to a higher level.

But at this moment, when the other children of slaughter fell one by one, the blood of slaughter that had been scattered was re-gathered and gathered on one person. The essence of the huge god immediately began to have an impact. Long's body began to transform, from the original mortal body to the body of the gods.

If it weren't for the fact that what he inherited at this moment was only the essence of the God of Slaughter, and part of the blood of Slaughter, then just at this moment, he could immediately transform into the body of a god, which is enough to match the seventh-order god on the flesh. contend.

Of course, in a way, this is not a good thing.

The existence of living beings is formed by the fusion of body and spirit, and the connection between the two is extremely close and can be called inseparable.

If either party is too strong, it will lead to an imbalance in this connection, which will have various unpredictable effects.

Although Duolong's body at the moment is strong, his own soul obviously has not kept up with it. The body is far stronger than the soul.

What would be the impact of such a result?

The most direct impact is that the influence of the flesh will intensify, and the various instincts originating from the flesh will more easily affect the will of man, which will lead to more obedience to the behavior of the flesh and do all kinds of things that one does not want to do.

To make an easy-to-understand analogy, for example, smoking, drinking, and taking drugs.

When people themselves do these things, don't they know that these things are not good for them, but are very disadvantageous?

But under the influence of their own flesh and blood will, many people will also die, and will not stop because this kind of thing will hurt themselves.

In a way, this is an example of the will of the body overriding the will of the soul.

The same is true for Doron at this moment.

Affected by the blood of slaughter, the body gradually turned into the body of a demigod, but it is clear that Doron himself has not really entered the realm of demigods, and his own soul has not been calcined by the fire of God, and it is still the same as before. degree.

The body is striding forward, but the soul is still at the same level as before. The match between the will of the body and the will of the soul begins to be inconsistent, and the influence of the will of the body will gradually overwhelm one's own reason, resulting in various unpredictable effects.

However, it is clear that Duolong did not feel anything about this unknown evil at the moment. Instead, he enjoyed this feeling very much. At this moment, he was standing among the corpses of the Son of Slaughter, standing among them, opening his eyes. Arms, with some satisfaction on his face, as if hugging something.

"This power... this feeling..."

He opened his arms. At this moment, he seemed to embrace the whole world. His handsome face was full of intoxication. At this moment, he seemed to feel an extreme sense of pleasure.

Around him, along with the unification of the blood of slaughter, the power of slaughter is constantly oscillating in it. At this moment, the constant turmoil around him makes the world in front of him start to tremble, as if echoing the slaughter of God Son. finally born.


In the corner of the world, a few wills began to open their eyes, looking at Duolong in front of him at this moment, at this moment there was joy and relief in his voice: "After countless years of slaughter, God of Slaughter is finally born. …”

"I can feel the power in his body. It definitely reaches the level of a demigod. With the means left by my lord, I can definitely defeat that blasphemer!"

"Get out now!"

"At this moment, the Blasphemer hasn't been promoted for many years. Taking advantage of the present, immediately use the strongest means to solve it!"

"Otherwise, in a few more years, if he has some preparations, it will be very difficult to do anything to him!"

"it is good!"

One after another's will is constantly revolving in this place, and at this moment it seems that what kind of decision has been made together.

As they made a decision together, a silent breath was transmitted in this place, and gradually spread to Duolong in front of him, which he felt instantly.

Immediately, Duolong opened his eyes. At this moment, the action of laughing in a low voice stopped, and he calmed down and looked into the distance.

He looked at the direction of the distant Adair Empire, and at this moment, bursts of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the breath all over his body was roaring, making it even more terrifying.

"The blood of the last killing..."

He said in a low voice, muttered to himself there, and finally jumped, the whole person disappeared directly in place, and rushed towards the distance.

In an instant, his figure disappeared on the spot, and finally appeared directly in the distance, rushing directly towards the direction of the Adil Empire.

In an instant, a terrifying force rushed out of this domain world, and the majestic killing force appeared on the material world along with Duolong's figure, and began to roar in it, causing most of the material world to start shaking. stand up.

At this moment, I don't know how many people opened their eyes, and following their instinct, they looked in the direction where Dolong was.

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