The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 836 Chaos and Opportunity

"What are you thinking about?"

A voice came from behind the god of death.

Marr was wearing a black robe, covering her plump body. With a smile on her face, she walked behind the God of Death and looked at him there: "Suddenly walked out of the realm of the gods and came here, what's the matter? ?"

"If you stay in one place for a long time, you always have to come out and have a look."

The God of Death turned around silently, looked at Marr in front of him, and said calmly.

In his eyes, the Marr in front of him didn't seem to have changed much.

Her appearance is the same as in the past, it seems a little ugly, but her figure is very plump, but she is hidden under that black robe and is not known to everyone.

Her smile is still the same, no matter in the past or now, there is a kind of reassuring power.

The only thing that has changed is that the power of destiny in her body has become terrifying and majestic again.

In the long years, the god of death did not do nothing.

In the thousands of years, he has also done a lot of things.

As early as when Adil ascended to the altar, he used his own strength to help Mar find several other callers of the god of destiny.

When the goddess of fate left the world of gods, she once divided her power and authority into several parts, exiled them in the whole world of gods, and let fate decide their whereabouts.

These scattered powers finally fall on different people, and they create the callers of the goddess of destiny one by one.

Marr is one of them.

The callers of the goddess of destiny are different, but without exception, in order to enhance their own strength, they will choose to follow a certain child of destiny, and feel the ups and downs of destiny through the experience of the child of destiny, so as to enhance their own strength.

In this regard, Marr already has the upper hand.

The Destiny Child she chose was none other than Adil who turned into Yasuo back then.

After Yasuo stepped into the realm of gods and became the god of death, he used the divine power of his own god of death to search the entire world of gods and found out the other callers of the god of destiny.

This also declared Marr's final victory.

In the face of the God of Death, who was already a god, the Destiny Child chosen by the callers did not have the slightest resistance at all, and was directly suppressed by the God of Death, declaring their final result.

Marr also won the battle for the Goddess of Fate and became the only successor of the Goddess of Fate.

Now, after digesting most of the divine power of the Goddess of Fate, Marr has now entered the demigod realm, and is only one step away from the ultimate god realm.

Moreover, with the power of destiny, once she ascends to the altar, she will have a powerful power, and when it comes to her true potential, it is no less than the death mastered by the god of death, and the light mastered by the king of the sun.

However, even though she has come to this point, she is still the same as in the past, just following the God of Death without any change.

The same goes for the others.

For thousands of years, after the God of Death really reached the top, the few people who originally followed the God of Death had a huge change at this moment.

For such a long time, with the help of the God of Death, the strength of Blood Moon and Angola has also improved.

The power of the blood moon has been further restored. With the support of the god of death, he has regained his former authority at this moment, and his strength has reached the level of a demigod.

She was originally the turning body of the god of the blood moon. To a certain extent, it is not an exaggeration to call her the body of the descendant of the gods. It is only because of the lack of power accumulated in the past that her state is not good. Not even the most basic sanity.

But after the god of death reached the top and became a god, with the help of the god of death, the power of the blood moon is also recovering rapidly. It is only logical to restore the strength of the demigod now.

The same is true for Angola.

Angola, as one of the descendants of the King of the Night's Watch,

It already possesses part of the divine power of the King of the Night's Watch, and is naturally the successor of the power of the King of the Night's Watch.

After winning over the high priest of the king of the night watchman, with the help of the high priest, Angola defeated the descending bodies of the other kings of the night watchman and swallowed the godhead power in the other candidates. At this moment, the same He ignited the divine fire and turned into a real demigod.

As for the original King of the Night's Watch, he was defeated by the God of Death himself, and fell directly when he tried to occupy Angola's body, without even the last trace left.

In this way, among the former followers of the God of Death, there are a full three, and now they have become demigods.

If you count Kate, who is the reincarnation of the god of darkness, then there are four demigods on the side of the god of death.

Moreover, these four demigods are extraordinary, either the reincarnation of the former gods, or the power heirs of the former gods.

Everyone has the qualifications to truly aspire to the realm of the gods, and the bright future is infinite.

Even, if it wasn't for the God of Death who specifically instructed him to suppress his own power, at this moment some of them could step onto the throne and enter the realm of the gods.

At least, that's what Kate does.

As a disciple of the god of death, Kate had accumulated enough power long ago to re-enter the realm of the gods.

However, out of some considerations, and in order not to attract the attention of others, the God of Death deliberately suppressed his power and kept him silent.

But despite this, Kate has now reached the limit of a demigod. As long as she is willing, she can be promoted to the realm of gods at any time and become a real god.

Such a strong and powerful strength can be said to be invincible in today's material world. Even the Sun King, a former supreme god, is not easy to deal with them.

God of death, why is it shaken?

Looking at the god of death in front of him, this thought flashed in Marr's mind.

Standing there quietly, he looked at the God of Death in front of him.

As in the past, the God of Death still maintains the appearance of a young man, wearing a white robe, his appearance is extremely handsome, and his whole body is filled with a kind of calm, as if nothing can shake it, calm. And deep.

He stood there calmly, looking at the distant scenery, his line of sight seemed to penetrate the layers of isolation, and he saw many things.

"This day will change soon..."

The God of Death raised his head, looked into the distance, and said calmly.

"The sky is going to change?"

Hearing this, Marr's heart moved, and he also raised his head and looked at the sky.

In her line of sight, one after another purple thread of destiny began to spread, rushing directly from all directions, intertwined in the air.

The dense thread of destiny is constantly intertwined and swam, and finally weaving into a constantly changing web of destiny, which emerges from that place, covering everyone in this world.

However, in this web of destiny that covers everyone, Marr did not see much change.

There are indeed many changes in the fate of the future. Many gods will fall, and many gods will rise again and reappear on the altar.

But these don't have much to do with them, and they don't have much impact on them.

It can cause a change that can affect them enough, this possibility, Marr has not seen yet.

"You can't see."

Seeming to understand Marr's doubts, the God of Death shook his head: "With your current strength, it is not enough to see that huge change..."

The power of destiny is vast.

It is very difficult to master the power of destiny.

Marr's power is indeed very powerful now. After inheriting the legacy of the goddess of fate, with the strength of a demigod, even the gods above, the fate of the gods cannot escape her peeping.

But the changes that will happen next are not in the present material world, nor in a mere world of gods.

The next change involves the two huge worlds of wizards and gods, and many other worlds will join them.

When it comes to this more terrifying size, even if the God of Destiny is alive, I am afraid that there is no way to fully see it, let alone the current Maar.

"This change did not take place within the world, but came from outside the world."

Standing in place, the God of Death shook his head, and finally said: "Get ready."

"The most terrifying turmoil in history may be coming soon."

As he said that, calm voices sounded around him.

Just listening to him, Mal's heart couldn't help but move.

"The strongest unrest in history..."

She moved in her heart, and at this time, she couldn't help but become dignified.

Having followed the God of Death for many years, Mal understands that, with the character of the God of Death, he would not joke about this kind of thing.

Since the god of death said so at this moment, most of them already knew some news and understood everything.

If it is a normal person, when hearing this news, I am afraid that there will be fear in the heart, and even subconsciously want to prevent all this from happening.

But not Mal.

Not only did he not feel the slightest nervousness and fear, but his heart started to get excited.

Among the most terrifying crises lie the best opportunities.

As a candidate for the goddess of fate, Marr is deeply aware of this.

As long as it is handled properly, even a terrifying crisis can be avoided and turned into its own opportunity.

As a walker of the way of destiny, Maar has the confidence to do this.

This may also be the reason why the God of Death specially explained.

In front of him, the God of Death looked calm and silently looked to the side.

In an instant, his sight seemed to pass through the layers of isolation, and he looked at a world that was equally huge and boundless, vast and terrifying.

Earth Demon World!

On the edge of the abyss world, scenes of unique scenes are taking place.

On the edge of Earth Demon World and Abyss World, huge demons are fighting in it.

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