The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 841 The Structure of the World of Gods

"Cheat.... cheat..."

Looking at the silhouettes that appeared under the gate of the golden world in the distance, the three Earth Demon Kings were speechless at this moment.

They looked at the densely packed heads in the distance, and felt the terrifying aura of those beings. At this moment, the whole body was shaking.

In the past, when they received the order of the Earth Demon King to start building the World Gate, they thought that this world would be strong.

But even though they thought that the world was strong, they never thought that it would be so strong.

The occurrence of this scene in front of them has exceeded the limit of their imagination.

Just the ones that appear in front of you are at least dozens of kings, and there are more than 100,000 great demons.

This level of power almost makes people feel terrified.

And inside the huge golden gate of the world, there are a steady stream of figures appearing, constantly entering the abyss world through the gate of the world.

This scene is simply horrible to an unimaginable level.

The entire wizarding world gathered together, and the power that erupted was extremely terrifying.

This kind of power is far beyond the imagination of several Earth Demon Kings.

It made them freeze for a while.

They are still like this, not to mention the demons facing Adil and others in front of them.

"'s not..."

Looking at the lineup that appeared in front of them, several demon lords hidden in the demon army froze, and at this moment they couldn't believe their eyes.

I thought it was a big meal, but it turned out to be a vicious tiger.

The existence that was supposed to be the hunter became the prey instead, and the result of this transformation was somewhat unacceptable.

"and many more!"

Hiding in the dark, the three demon kings suddenly realized something.

"The law of the gate of the world's transmission seems to be that the stronger the transmission, the faster..."

Their bodies froze in place. At this time, looking at the figures of Adier in the distance, this thought suddenly flashed in their hearts: "Then the seven existences that appeared before..."

Only then did they realize something.

Then, without any hesitation, they looked at each other directly, then their bodies disappeared and left the place directly.


Under the door of the golden world, he seemed to feel something, and Meijian snorted softly: "It's quite fast."

"Are you going to chase?"

Standing beside Adil, the goblin master had a smile on his face: "Three sixth-order people, they should be regarded as high-level figures in this world."

"Capturing them and stripping them of their memories may yield a lot of information."

"no need."

Adil shook his head: "Those three Tier 6s are the subordinates of my partner."

"Now is not the time to turn his face, grabbing his subordinates will cause some unnecessary trouble."

"It's a pity for you."

Garfina shook her head, feeling a little pity.

"However, there are a few here."

She raised her head and looked at the demon army in front of her, a suffocating smile appeared on her beautiful face.

A faint light flickered in place.

With the vibration of the surrounding space, the surrounding area is directly affected.

The demon lords who were hiding in the demon army froze. At this moment, their bodies were directly imprisoned by an inexplicable force, and they were taken out from the demon army alone.

Under the power of the seventh-order wizard, these fifth-order demon lords had no resistance at all, and were directly caught by Garfina and others.

"Let me come."

Chimudan took a step forward with a smile on his face: "I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. I don't know if my previous skills have declined."

He stepped lightly, came to the front of the demon lords, and then pointed lightly.

Silent changes are taking place.

With Chimudan's light finger, a kind of power began to spread over these demon lords.

Then the scene after scene began to be backtracked continuously.

From the initial birth as a devil's egg, to the fight when he was a little devil, and then to the experience after that, at this moment, such scenes emerged, just like this in front of several people.

And in this retrospective, Qimudan also understood most of the situation in this world.

"A world that expands by devouring other worlds and life..."

Qimudan nodded, and seemed quite interested in the unique mechanism of the abyss: "It's called the abyss, but it's quite appropriate."

"This world has a different path than ours."

Garfina pondered for a moment, and then said: "It is not like the wizarding world, which condenses all the powers into a complete world, but divides its own power and evolves many worlds within the world. "

"What this world takes is to simulate the sea of ​​​​world, and the road of its own achievements is infinite."

"Very unique."

The Goblin Lord also nodded: "Although this mechanism is not as good as the wizarding world, it can condense all power in one place, but it can achieve different goals as comprehensively as possible by nurturing different worlds and planes. "

"The material world and the abyss world, these two worlds are obviously like this."

"As the core world, the material world is the warm bed nurtured by the gods, providing the world with top-level power."

"As a chaotic side, the abyss world has endured all the sins and chaos of the world on the one hand, and the huge demons that exist in it can provide a lot of cannon fodder for attacking other worlds in the future, and provide the world with mid-range combat power."

"The two worlds work together to form a complete cycle."

"It's a good idea."

Meijian sneered: "It's a pity that we ran into it before it developed."

"According to the memories of these demons, the material world suffered an accident hundreds of thousands of years ago, causing all the gods to fall, and now there are only three true gods who have returned."

"And the abyss world also had an accident. Thousands of years ago, an old demon king was born, forcibly tore the abyss world in half, causing the power of the world to split."

"It's really cheap for us."


A smile appeared on Chimudan's face: "Isn't that just right?"

"When the enemy is at its weakest, it is our best chance."

"Let's start with this world."

Adil's face was calm, standing under the gate of the golden world, looking up into the distance: "Cut apart this world called abyss, plunder the source of it, and turn it into further resources for us."


The Eye of the Earth looked into the distance, and a huge one-eyed flickered with a faint golden brilliance.

Then, they started shooting.

With a flash of emerald light, the demon army in front of him disappeared directly and became a piece of dust.

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