The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 856: The Response of Material Consciousness

In the midst of nothingness, a pair of golden eyes slowly opened.

What kind of eyes are those?

Huge, sacred, terrifying, stalwart...

But all the beautiful and sacred words in the world are a little insufficient when used in these eyes.

He is like the light at the beginning of the world, the only hope for the chaotic world. Once it appeared, everything changed, and the world in front of him began to change.

The world in front of me began to change color, and the eternal chaos world began to evolve.

Heaven and earth repeated, and a radiance penetrated everything, opening up the original appearance of the world.

Then a stalwart, boundless divine appeared in the center of the world, looking down at it, looking at Garfina and the others.

boom! !

Endless light began to scatter.

In the next instant, Garfina and the others turned pale, and they each took a step back.

Just now, their spirits and true spirits were drawn by the Sun King and faced the Sun King's offensive.

The name of the king cannot be called directly, and the source of the gods cannot be directly looked at.

The moment they saw the source of the Sun King, their true spirits were drawn by his breath, and they immediately began to make a judgment.

If the existence of the self is not strong enough, and the power of the true spirit is not perfect and strong, in the chaotic world just now, they will be completely lost, and their bodies will be turned into puppets of the king of the sun, and there will be no surprises.

Fortunately, as wizards from the wizarding world, their true spirit will undoubtedly reached the mark, so they broke free from that chaotic world and returned to reality.

Feeling this, the Sun King was a little surprised.

The essence of the seventh-order existence is the same, but the experience and origin of different worlds, and the powerhouses created in the end are also different.

At least compared to wizards from the wizarding world, the gods born in the world of gods have vast origins and terrifying powers, but they are not as perfect as the will of the true spirit, and they can only be regarded as the seventh order. The ordinary level is far inferior to these wizards in front of him.


The means of the Sun King will be ineffective.

But in this regard, the King of the Sun doesn't care, just walk slowly.

As his body began to move, the world fell silent again.

The whole world began to be turned upside down, the originally prosperous world began to become quiet, everything was static, from dynamic to static.

Even the power of the law that constitutes the foundation of the world began to condense under the shroud of the Sun King's realm at this moment, as if it had lost its original function.

In the whole world, only the figure of the Sun King continued to sound.

dong dong dong.....

A burst of crisp footsteps continued to sound, which was very crisp at first, but became more and more terrifying as the Sun King took a step forward.

In the end, every step the Sun King took, it was as if a big world was shaking, making a shocking sound of the world, covering everything.

boom! !

A loud noise came from here.

Looking at the figure of the King of the Sun walking slowly in front of him, Garfina looked at each other, and then shot at the same time.

From the beginning to the present, they have been in a situation of passive beating.

The initiative of the battle is always controlled by the king of the sun in front of him.

As ancient wizards who have survived from ancient times to today, they know that this situation is very dangerous.

If they continue like this, let alone taking down the king of the sun in front of them, I am afraid it will be difficult to even retreat.

So at this moment, looking at the king of the sun ahead, they did not hesitate to shoot directly.

A terrifying force exploded.

The shocking force began to vibrate in this place.

With the collision of several terrifying powers of authority, the whole world began to change.

The entire material world is beginning to tremble. At this moment, in the entire world of gods, countless sacred beings can't help but raise their heads and look in the direction of the capital of the sun.

"That's the direction of the Sun King, who is at war with people..."

"Who is this terrifying power, the King of Death or the King of Earth Demon?"

"There's no such familiar aura, it's not them!"

In every corner of the material world, many gods have come and reincarnated with shocked faces, and all kinds of questions spontaneously arise in my mind at this moment.

They felt the terrifying aura in front of them, and their minds were full of doubts.

A huge era has just begun, and in this day and age, the ancient gods have not yet returned.

In today's material world, there are only two true gods, the God of Death and the King of the Sun.

And the beings in the distance who are fighting against the Sun King are by no means the gods of death.

Not only the breath is wrong, but the quantity is also wrong.

Now that the gods have not fully recovered, where did these existences come from?

Everyone couldn't help but flash this idea in their hearts, and at the moment in front of them, their faces couldn't help but become nervous.

"Could it be..."

Feeling the breath of those unknown existences, a thought instantly rose in their hearts.

At this time, the material world also began to vibrate spontaneously.

As if feeling the breath of unknown existence, the consciousness of the material world began to slowly wake up, and it began to spontaneously lower its power, affecting all directions.

In the distance, in the golden city of the sun, the power of the majestic world poured in, and began to bless one of them.

The power of World Consciousness has officially begun to intervene, to support the Sun King and defeat the invading outsiders.

"Has it started yet?"

In the distance, above the desert, a voice sounded slowly.

A mighty death domain shrouded everything.

In the realm of the gods, the god of death stood quietly in it, looking at the scene emerging in the distant city of the sun, a glimpse of clarity flashed in his eyes.

"I am inspired by my destiny..."

Beside him, Maar's face was solemn, and he said to the god of death: "Those people are definitely not the gods of the material world, but the invaders from other foreign realms."

"At the moment they are shooting against the king of the sun."

She looked at the god of death in front of her, with some advice in her eyes: "Master, are we going to take action?"

"Not yet."

The god of death slowly shook his head, and in his dark eyes, the scene in the distant golden sun city began to slowly emerge.

boom! !

A shocking collision occurred.

The entire vast city of the sun began to vibrate, and a large piece of the god pattern flickered, covering everything in front of him, but it was still unable to resist the terrifying power, and a large number of buildings began to collapse.

In the city of the sun, the sound of devout prayers continued to sound, and the power of the vast faith was transformed into pure divine power, rushing towards nothingness, converging on the existence of a sacred stalwart.

boom! !

Bursts of whispers kept ringing.

In the midst of nothingness, the Sun King struck out with one hand, and the violent power enveloped his eyes in all directions.

A tall and majestic figure instantly retreated, and the terrifying power of the curse was surging all over his body, covering all directions.

That is the King of Silence. At this moment, the armor of the whole body is cracked, and the faint black curse power overflows from it, floating in all directions, and shrouded in the front of the King of the Sun.

Afterwards, bursts of golden sun fire began to burn, and the violent power enveloped the place, directly turning the power of the curse that was constantly floating into fuel, making the sun fire more vigorously.

Looking at this scene, Garfina's faces turned ashen.

"The consciousness of the material world has begun to recover, and his power is continuously increasing."

The Fairy Lord's face was dignified, feeling the change in the power of the Sun King, and couldn't help but say so.

The fight against the Sun King was one-sided from the start.

Not counting the distant Adil, they now have a full six seventh-order ranks.

Six seventh-order existences join forces to deal with a sun king who has not yet recovered to the peak. Logically speaking, it will not be a big problem.

But the end result was the opposite.

From the beginning to the present, they have been led by the king of the sun. From the beginning to the present, not to mention the heavy damage to the king of the sun as expected, they have not even done any kind of injury to him.

On the contrary, although they have an advantage in numbers, from the beginning to the present, everyone has been injured.

Garfina and the lord of the goblins were pale, and the lord of the true spirit was severely injured.

One of Chimudan's right arm is gone. Like Mejion, his body has been scorched by the sun's fire, which has damaged part of his origin and cannot be repaired in a short time.

Bloodshot began to appear in one eye of the King of the Earth, and blood had been dripping several times.

As for the King of Silence, although he didn't say a word, it can be seen from the fact that his armor was cracked, and his hands were also not shallow.

And all the way from the beginning to the present, the consciousness of the material world also began to react.

The aura on the King of the Sun in front of him not only did not decay, on the contrary, it began to become stronger.

This fight is getting harder and harder.

"It would be nice if Adil was also there."

Looking at the King of the Sun, whose expression had not changed much from beginning to end, Qimudan sighed slightly as his face paled.

As the Jade Master, Adil's strength is the strongest among them.

If he was here, he alone would be enough to suppress the king of the sun in front of him and prevent them from falling to this point.

But unfortunately, after the riots in the abyss, the original demon Hera Udi recovered.

In order to deal with the demon master, Adil had to stay in the abyss world, and there is still no news.

"I don't know what's going on there."

Looking at the King of the Sun in front of him, he sighed in his heart, and the thought flashed past.

The battle in front of him has now reached a stalemate.

If they continue like this, let alone take down the Sun King in front of them, they will retreat completely, I am afraid there will be some problems.

"At this time, everyone should stop holding hands."

He sighed lightly and said, "What other means of pressing the bottom of the box, take advantage of it now and use it quickly."

"Don't be afraid of the consumption of the source."

He raised his head, and the figure of the Sun King appeared in his sight: "As long as we win this battle, this world can be plundered by us."


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