The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 867 Promotion to Tier 8 4

The turmoil in the abyss world has finally passed.

In the vast sea of ​​the abyss, the endless soul fragments slowly dissipated, gradually dissipating in the endless brilliance.

With the continuous surging of the power of the abyss world, all the souls accumulated in the abyss world over the past countless years have disappeared, and new vitality has bloomed in this revolution.

After the transformation of the sea of ​​the abyss and the power of the Earth Demon King, they completely lost their original bodies.

Countless creatures appeared in the abyss world, bringing new vitality to the abyss world.

At this moment, standing on the spot, the original demon Hera Udi's face moved slightly, and he sighed a little.

What he dreamed of and worked hard to achieve countless years ago has finally been accomplished today.

Witnessing all this, his mood gradually calmed down, and there was no longer the slightest ripple.

On the other side, the Old Demon King's face was a little pale, and he was standing in the distance, with a look of exhaustion on his handsome and bewitching face.

In one breath, all the souls accumulated in the entire abyss for countless years are transformed. The power consumed is extremely terrifying, reaching an astonishing level.

If it weren't for the support of the entire abyss world, even a real eighth-order would not be able to withstand such consumption.

Even with the support of the abyss world, this consumption has consumed most of the power of the entire abyss world, and there is not much power left at this moment.

The power accumulated in the entire abyss world for countless years has been swept away.

But fortunately, it was worth the cost after all.

Along with this transformation, the seeds of life are sown in the abyss world, and will re-sprinkle the entire abyss world.

This is the seed of life. Although it is weak at the moment, as time passes slowly, it will grow vigorously one day and give out new vitality and vitality.

At that time, the entire abyss world will also become another appearance, no longer the deformed appearance like before, but truly transformed into a real world, existing as a perfect world.

But before that, the Earth Demon King still has a long way to go.

Thinking of this,

He turned around silently, looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on a certain figure in the distance.

In the distance, next to the God of Destruction, Adil was dressed in a white robe, with a handsome and calm face. Even in the midst of a sacred existence, his aura was still so unique and outstanding, which made people feel amazed from the bottom of their hearts.

The next moment, with the gaze of the Earth Demon King coming, Adil also turned around, a faint smile appeared on his face.

The two pairs of eyes were instantly intertwined, and their eyes collided with each other.

Faint ripples flickered in the air.

The invisible air machines collided in an instant.

At this moment, a purple mark lights up in the bodies of Adil and the Earth Demon King.

The imprint of the ability began to flicker, and it began to surge at this moment. The power in it slowly bloomed, and it seemed that there was some kind of change in silence.

The King of Earth Demon was originally a clone of Adier differentiated by his supernatural powers. No matter how powerful he was, he was still one with Adil in its essence, and there was a connection between them. .

And at this moment, through this connection, a change begins to take place in the two of them.

A large amount of information began to be exchanged, and each other began to feed back, each moving towards the other.

Afterwards, the auras on both of them began to change, and each obtained some information from the other.

"I see......"

In the heart of the King of Earth Demons, the power of laws about the emerald world emerged in his heart, which contained Adil's understanding of life and higher levels, and the powerful power that was comparable to the eighth level was so undisguised and transmitted directly. into his heart.

Of course, this is Adil's path, which is not applicable to the current King of Earth Demon, but it can also be used as a medium to make it a reference on the road in the future, so as to take the final step more easily.

Therefore, after obtaining these, the aura of the Old Demon King that seemed to be somewhat vain suddenly stabilized, and above the body, the faint light of the mind flickered, and it seemed that it was about to be conceived.

Adil slowly closed his eyes.

In my mind, countless pictures are emerging.

That is everything that has been experienced since the opening of the abyss world, and at this moment, it is transported along with the movements of the King of Earth Demon.

For Adil, this is the most precious thing.

The power of the world, he is not lacking, at least at this stage.

Although the accumulation of the jade world is not the abyss world, it is enough to provide an eighth-order and make it truly promoted.

Therefore, what troubled Adier's promotion was never the power of the world, but the transformation of himself.

Compared with other divine beings, although he came from behind, his accumulation in some aspects is still too shallow.

The years of existence are too short, this is his shortcoming, and it is also an obstacle to his inability to truly advance.

At this moment, along with the actions of the Earth Demon King, countless past experiences in the entire abyss world were recalled one by one in front of his eyes.

This is the past history of the abyss world. For ordinary people, it is monotonous and boring, but it is not lacking in shining points.

In the long years, the changes of the world itself, and the struggles of countless creatures, heroes one after another appeared on the stage, and then ended sadly one by one.

All kinds of things, at this moment, are all emerging in Adier's mind, incomparably clear, as if he had really experienced all this.

With all this happening, the breath on his body began to slowly change.

The faint world brilliance appeared in front of him, the brilliance that belonged to the jade world was flickering, and it appeared on him at this moment.

Under the surprised eyes of countless people around him, Adil slowly raised his head.

On Bai Jie's forehead, a complex emerald imprint was changing, and a faint radiance bloomed, and then enveloped the square.

If you look carefully, you can find that it is a tree-shaped mark. The entire mark itself is emerald-colored, incomparably beautiful and dazzling, with a fatal beauty, which is exciting.

With the appearance of this mark, a faint brilliance flickered, and a familiar atmosphere emerged around.

"This is...."

Along with the changes on Adil's body, two lines of sight fell at the same time, staring at his body at this moment.

Looking at Adil in front of him, the God of Destruction and the original demon were a little surprised. At this moment, they all looked at Adil and watched the changes in him.

As a former peak powerhouse, they are naturally clear about the changes in Adier.

Even, not only very clear, but also personally experienced once.

This is the transformation of the spiritual level, the accumulation of the power of the law and the power of the true spirit to the extreme, and the brilliance of despair that blooms from the cooperation of the self-path, and it is also the ultimate swan song of life.

After reaching this step, life has reached the extreme, and can embark on another path, which is about to break through the limit and continue to climb outward above the seventh order.

In other words, he will be promoted to the eighth rank.

"Is it this time?"

Looking at Adil in front of him, recalling the previous scene where Adil and the King of Earth Demon looked at each other, the God of Destruction was thoughtful.

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