The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 885 Evolution of both sides

Standing on the high platform, several powerful wizards were quietly deducing.

Adil's previous statement opened up a new way of thinking for them.

Following this line of thought, they began to silently deduce what might happen next.

Not long after, Garfina nodded: "It is indeed feasible."

"Once the world of gods and the world of natural disasters begin to contact, there will be no problems in the wizarding world for at least hundreds of thousands of years."

"Even, as a third party outside the war, we may have more opportunities, not necessarily."

"But there are problems."

McKaydo frowned and said another possibility: "The power of the world of gods is too powerful, even the world of natural disasters is far less powerful."

"If they really defeated the world of natural disasters and occupied the entire world of natural disasters, what would happen?"

He raised the possibility.

This is indeed an extremely dangerous possibility.

No matter how much you calculate, the gap in strength is there, almost irreparable.

The strength of the world of gods is stronger than that of the wizarding world, and it is also stronger than the world of natural disasters.

A full forty or fifty holy people shot together, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

The strength of the world of natural disasters and the world of wizards was originally inferior to that of the world of gods.

Not to mention that in ancient times, the two worlds were at war, and each other's sanctity had fallen a lot. At this moment, the strength was no longer at its peak.

This is the case in the wizarding world, and the same is true in the world of natural disasters.

With the powerful strength of the world of gods, if the natural disaster is really wiped out, what should we do?

Many wizards present did not think that after the natural disaster was eliminated, they would let the wizarding world go.

For their group of saints, if they can want all of them, they won't make a choice.

The world of gods has the power to swallow everything, and will never let go of the wizarding world.

If the situation really evolves to this point, then their behavior today is equivalent to finding a more terrifying opponent for the wizarding world than the world of natural disasters.

At this point, several wizards present could not help frowning.

Adil smiled: "If this is the case, don't let the world of natural disasters be destroyed by them."

"If the wizarding world and the world of natural disasters join forces, even if the power of the world of gods still has an advantage, it is impossible to destroy us."

The wizarding world joins forces with the world of natural disasters?

Can you do this?

Several wizards present did not turn around for a while.

Since ancient times, the world of natural disasters and the world of wizards have always been enemies, and the two sides almost fought their brains out, no matter which side lost a lot of sacredness.

The ancestor of Adil, the former master of the jade world, the mother of jade is still suppressed in the world of natural disasters at this moment.

Since the defeat in the war that year, the preparations of the wizarding world for countless years have been prepared to resist the world of natural disasters.

Now it is said that the world of natural disasters and the world of wizards will join forces.

Even Mackay, the former guardian of the world, never recovered for a while.

But soon, they reacted, and after thinking for a while,

Can't help nodding: "Yes."

There are no eternal enemies or eternal friends in this world, there are only interests.

In the past, there were only the wizarding world and the world of natural disasters, and the two sides were naturally dead to each other, and they were the kind that came out of their brains.

But when the third party in the world of the gods appears, this may not be the case.

After the emergence of the world of gods, if the world of natural disasters cannot support it and is trapped under pressure, it will inevitably choose to join forces with the world of wizards to fight against the world of gods together.

The power of the world of gods is indeed very strong, but if you face the two great worlds of natural disasters and wizards at the same time, you may not be able to get it right.

The situation was suddenly turned upside down.

Standing quietly in the same place, looking at the sudden realization on the faces of Garfina and the others, Adil stood there and couldn't help but smile.

He turned around and looked at the sky on the horizon. His sight seemed to pass through the barriers of the world in an instant, and he saw the outline of another world.

Beyond the infinite distance, in the world of gods.

There were bursts of thunder flashing, and after the baptism of the mighty laws, the new gods walked out.

Under the blessing of the material world, all twelve gods were successfully promoted and turned into sacredness.

Among these twelve gods, many have a relationship with the god of death.

Kate is a disciple of the God of Death, and also the former descendant of the Lord of Darkness. She was raised by the God of Death since she was a child, and the relationship between the two parties is equivalent to father and son.

Angola is the heir to the throne of the King of the Night's Watch, and a follower of the God of Death, who has followed the God of Death all these years.

The blood moon is the descendant of the god of the blood moon. When it was awakened by the bloody jazz, it was rescued by the legendary god of death at that time, and then it was nourished all the way.

As for Marr, not to mention, from the beginning, he has been the most loyal follower of the God of Death, and at this moment, he has also inherited the goddess of destiny and has become a new generation of goddess of destiny.

These four are arguably the most loyal followers of the god of death, and their loyalty needs no question.

As for the four other gods, among the other gods, there are not a few who are friendly with the god of death.

Even some gods who didn't communicate before, after the God of Death came forward this time, they were also grateful to him and very supportive.

However, as the gods were promoted, some problems began to emerge gradually.

The promotion of gods requires accumulation of resources. It can be said that the birth of every sacred existence consumes a huge amount of power, reaching a level unimaginable by ordinary people.

The expression in the world of the gods is faith.

In the past, why did the gods argue endlessly and never stop fighting each other?

The conflict between authority and the individual is one reason, but a more fundamental reason is the struggle for faith.

The restoration of the power of the gods requires a huge amount of faith, so the more believers in the gods, the faster the power will be restored, and the faster the improvement will be.

No one wants to fall behind, because falling behind means getting beaten.

Because of this, the gods argue endlessly and drag each other back.

At this moment, in the entire material world, including the God of Death, there are a total of thirteen gods who have been promoted successfully, but there are still dozens of gods who have not been promoted and are still at the demigod level.

Under normal circumstances, a bloody battle is bound to break out.

In order to maintain their own advantages, expand their beliefs, and attack their competitors at the same time, these gods who have been promoted first will inevitably continue to attack the beliefs of other gods, making them unable to recover safely. kill.

But now, it can't be.

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