Sitting quietly on the head of the bed, Adil silently counted his things.

Regarding the two choices given by Mentor Edith, Adiel made a decision without hesitating for long.

Although the secret realms left by the ancient wizards are good, they are not as important as their own lives.

From the description of Edith's mentor, Adil has foreseen the coming bloody storm in this area.

For wizards, the attraction of the ancient secret realm is extremely strong. It is foreseeable that in the future, various wizard families and wandering apprentices will be attracted by this secret realm, plus the apprentices of several wizard organizations, competition and The danger is too great.

Although there are a lot of precious resources and knowledge in the secret realm, it is not important to Adil.

His current strength is only second-class, and because he has mastered the refining of pharmaceuticals, he is not short of magic stones for the time being, so there is no need to risk his life to enter the secret realm.

"And, when it comes to resources, how can a mere secret realm be compared to a whole new world?"

Turning to look out the window, Adil thought calmly in his heart.

Adil himself has the talent to travel around the world. As long as he waits for the accumulation of energy to be completed, he can go to other worlds and obtain knowledge of resources directly from other worlds when the time is up.

With such a prospect, he is naturally unwilling to risk his life for the resources in a mere secret realm.

"Nearly a hundred healing potions, more than two hundred magic stones, and some other odds and ends..."

Sitting on the head of the bed, Adil quietly counted the things he had accumulated over time.

On the bed, there was a pile of scattered things at this time. But the most important of them were the nearly 100 healing potions and the more than 200 magic stones he had saved during this period.

With the help of chips, Adier's success rate in refining pharmaceuticals is far beyond what others imagine. Now, because of the gradual and pure reason, the success rate in refining healing potions has increased to nearly one-third.

The medicines in front of him were saved by him during this period of time. Because he wanted to conceal his refining power, he did not choose to sell them before, but slowly saved them.

"The recruitment is about to start. Although the academy has not issued an official notice yet, the atmosphere in the academy is already a bit wrong.

The prices of various potions and enchanted items are skyrocketing. "

Sitting on the bed, Adil thought quietly: "If I sell these potions now, I can definitely sell a large amount of magic stones, and under the current circumstances, even if it attracts the attention of some people, There is absolutely no time to investigate.”

"In addition, the batch of materials given by Grace has only been used up halfway up to now, and there are still many left in the laboratory that cannot be taken away."

"These materials can't be wasted. According to what Teacher Edith said, there is still one month before the mandatory recruitment of the academy, which is just a spare time to refine some medicinal supplements."

Thinking about the next trip, Adil got up, picked up some things on the bed, and walked directly into the distance.

Walking out of the dormitory building, he deliberately stopped and chatted with some apprentices who were acquainted with each other for a while.

After a little probing, Adil found a pattern.

Those apprentices who have mentors seem to have been notified by their respective mentors. As for those who have no mentors and no background, they are still being concealed. Although I can feel that the atmosphere of the academy is a bit wrong, I don't know. the origin of the situation.

"Sure enough, differential treatment is everywhere."

Standing on the spot and looking at the apprentices in the distance, Adil sighed a little.

After a while, he came to the familiar underground market.

Compared with before, there are significantly more apprentices here, and each apprentice hurriedly walks here, constantly shuttling.

Walking here, Adil looked around casually.

Compared with the past period, the price of some materials has dropped significantly, but not many apprentices are willing to buy. In contrast, the prices of things like potions and magical items are skyrocketing, and they are often bought as soon as they appear.

Standing on the spot, after thinking for a while, Adil walked to a corner.

There, he saw Ella, who was wearing a gray robe, who was the one who sold the equipment for refining medicines to Adil.

"Adil, why are you here?"

In the corner, looking at Adil who came suddenly, Ella was a little surprised: "Did you also choose to stay?"

"Sure enough, you also received the news."

Looking at the old man in front of him, Adil's face was calm and he looked at each other quietly.

"Haha." Ella raised her right hand and pointed to herself: "Although I'm almost a waste, but after so many years in the academy, I have always known some people."

"It's you, since you have become a pharmacist, why do you want to go in with us and take risks."

With a self-deprecating expression on his face, he looked at Adil and wondered.

In this regard, Adil shook his head without explaining, but asked directly: "What about you? Why do you still go in knowing that this time is very risky."

"I'm not like you."

Speaking of this, Ella's face showed a bitter expression: "Official wizard, I have attacked twice, and my spiritual power is about to dissipate. It is difficult to even construct a spell template, let alone be promoted to a formal wizard."

"This time, the academy gave a lot of rewards. If I can find some resources from it, maybe I can get a bottle of active potion and try again."

Listening to his words, standing in place, Adil shook his head secretly.

"I still have some healing potions in my hand, I hope you can help me deal with them."

He looked at each other, didn't say much, but went straight to the subject.

"Healing Potion?"

Ella was taken aback for a moment: "This thing is very easy to sell now, how many do you have?"

"Almost a hundred copies." Adiel said calmly.

"cough cough..."

Opposite Adil, listening to Adil's words, Ella looked at Adil in disbelief: "How much did you say?"

"Okay... This number is indeed a bit large, but in the current environment, it's perfectly fine to deal with it."

After confirming with Adil again and again, Ella's face reluctantly returned to calm, looked at Adil and said: "Also, because of the increase in the price of the medicine, even if a large number of shots are taken, the price of each can rise to eight magic stones. about."

Listening to the price, Adil nodded calmly: "If possible, I hope you can help me find some potion formulas, ancient potions or incomplete formulas are fine."

"As a price, when the formula is traded in, the price of each potion can be reduced to six magic stones."

Hearing this, Ella's eyes lit up immediately: "If this is the case, I can help you."

"It only takes three days to have results."

"Then let's make an appointment to meet in three days." Listening to the other party's words, Adil also nodded and agreed with the other party's proposal.

After agreeing on the time and place of the transaction, Adil turned around and walked to other places.

The first place to go is the mission hall.

Walking into it, there are some apprentices walking around, but there are not many people.

After arriving here, Adil did not hesitate, and looked directly at the tasks that had a long enough time limit and were far away from the academy.

"Patrol the southern mountains, the mission is for two years."

"Suppressing the sea clan in the Leondo sea area, the task period is three years."

Glancing at each task, Adil couldn't help frowning: "I'm too careless, there are only limited tasks in the academy to stay away from this area for a long time, and most of those tasks that meet the requirements have already been accepted by those who are about to leave the academy."

"Fortunately, the tutors of the distance college should have just notified their apprentices. Many people are still considering it, so they have not finished all those tasks."

"But looking at the situation, if I come back a day or two later, maybe I will face the dilemma of being unable to leave."

Uraldo Academy is a wizard organization after all. The Academy itself is located in a dangerous area, and there are only a few safe roads to pass through.

If there is no reasonable name, the guardian of the gate of the academy will not let the apprentice pass through, and can only be locked in the academy in vain.

"With the buffer of this period of time, when the ordinary apprentices without backgrounds react, suitable tasks have already been taken over, and they can only stay in the academy and wait for recruitment."

Thinking of this, Adil couldn't help shaking his head, and then continued to look at the slate in front of him.

"Investigate the mutant bloodthirsty orcs that appeared near the ancient Modo Palace for two years..."

After a while, he looked up at a task displayed on the slate in the distance, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"Gumodo Kingdom, this area is far away, and the time given for the task is also very long, which can fully meet my requirements."

"And that area is different from the place where the academy is located. Although it is said that there are some scattered wizards, most of them are small genre wizards, and there is no powerful wizarding organization stationed there. With my strength, I only need to be careful of some possible three When you wait for an apprentice, there won't be much danger."

Standing on the spot, looking at the task in front of him, Adil quietly calculated: "Also, although it is remote and backward, since there are wizard activities, there should still be some basic resources and casting materials, not for some Worry about basic materials."

The study of wizards requires a lot of resources to assist, not only various potions, but also materials required for various experiments, including spell casting materials, are indispensable.

In the academy, Adil can not worry about these, but if he goes to other areas, he must worry about these resources.

For example, on the Balu Archipelago where Adil used to be, the traces of wizards have almost disappeared. In addition to other auxiliary reasons, the environment is harsh, and the disappearance of various wizard resources is definitely the biggest reason.

A decision was made in his heart, standing in place, Adil calmed down and walked to a corner.

"What mission do you want to take?"

There was a voice coming from the front and asked Adil.

After Adil confirmed the mission and registered some information on the paper, the gray-robed apprentice who was in charge of the task distribution glanced at Adil, and then handed a jet-black ring to Adil.

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