In front of many wizards present, Adil began to assign tasks.

In ancient times, there were as many as ten ancient wizards who fell into the world of natural disasters.

These wizards have been lost for many years. In the past, they were blocked in the world of natural disasters. They have never been supplemented by external forces and can only be constantly consumed.

Among them, like James, the situation is better, at least he can barely maintain his own sanity.

For example, the mother of jade and others, the situation is a bit bad at this moment, and even the most basic consciousness cannot be maintained, and only the last trace has not completely disappeared.

Through this trace, after returning to the wizarding world, they can gain strength from the continuous feedback from the wizarding world, and thus slowly return.

But doing so would be too slow.

I am afraid that when hundreds of thousands of years have passed and the wizarding world decides to participate in the war, the Emerald Mother and others have not fully returned.

Therefore, in order to return these ancient wizards who have long since fallen, and restore their power as quickly as possible, some other means must be used.

In order to do this, the wizards present need to bleed heavily.

"The power of the Emerald Mother's recovery is provided by me."

In front of several wizards present, Adil stretched out his hand and held an emerald mark in his hand.

As the strongest person present, he took the initiative to choose the mark of the Emerald Mother.

First, as a former eighth-order wizard, the Emerald Mother needs the most power to recover, and the general holiness may not be able to afford it at all.

Second, it is the origin of the Emerald Mother and Adil.

Both masters of jadeite, Adil and the mother of jadeite are in the same line, and the two have a connection above the bloodline, and their relationship is beyond doubt.

Whether in terms of relationship or strength, Adil is the best person to help the Emerald Mother recover.

After doing this, Adil turned around and looked in front of him.

Beside him, the others also chose a mark according to their past relationships.

Among them, Mackay, the former guardian of the world, took the initiative to undertake the task of helping another eighth-order wizard to recover.

The rest chose a mark each.

After doing this, after assigning their respective tasks, everyone present nodded, and then the figures disappeared in place, and each went to their own country.

Standing in the same place, Adil's figure gradually dissipated, disappeared from the place, went to an unknown area again, and returned to his own world.

Emerald World.

A huge world is slowly unfolding in front of us, in which, the faint emerald brilliance keeps blooming, and the huge brilliance that belongs to the big world cannot be concealed at all.

And among them, layers of light of the world are shrouded in the surrounding, vast and boundless, almost shrouding the entire world.

This is a harbinger of the prosperity of the world. The power of the world in front of us is extremely huge, reaching a new extreme. Although it is still inferior to the original world such as the wizard world, it is far beyond other worlds.

Even if you look at all the boundary seas, except for those origin worlds that occupy the center of the boundary seas,

I'm afraid there aren't many worlds to compare to.

This is the result of years of development and operation of Adair.

At this moment, after many years of operation of Adair, the entire jade world has become quite prosperous, but all over the world, swathes of intelligent creatures can be seen inhabiting all parts of it, occupying every corner of the world.

If the gods of the world of gods come and see this scene, I am afraid that I must leave a saliva.

The creatures in the world in front of them are extremely prosperous, and they have reached a prosperous level under Adil's deliberate guidance and development.

And the number of living beings is large, and for the gods, it means a huge amount of faith and resources.

Adil returned to the world in front of him.

He walked down silently and gradually came to the center of the world.

And with his return, the whole world was shaking slightly, and the world consciousness exuded a unique sense of intimacy, as if to welcome the arrival of Adil.

Indistinctly, layers of emerald light continued to flicker, and the brilliance that belonged to the world's master was rippling, revealing the majesty of the world's master without a doubt.

Adil returned to the center of the world, where he saw the ancient emerald tree at that moment.

The ancient jade tree, also known as the ancient tree of life, is the source of the jade world, and to some extent represents the authority of the jade world.

In ancient times, the mother of jade was born from the ancient jade tree. She was born with divine power and naturally controlled the authority of the jade world.

And then, on this ancient tree, an entire family of elves was born.

Because of this, the Emerald World is occupied by the elves, and the world consciousness in it naturally tends to the elves.

When I came here, I seemed to feel the arrival of Adil. In front of me, the ancient jade tree gently lowered its branches, and the leaves on it kept dancing gently, as if to express their welcome.

An inexplicable aura is blooming, and it is faint, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Feeling this feeling, Adier smiled lightly, and an aura slowly emerged from his body, echoing the ancient jade tree in front of him.

And behind him, a phantom of a stalwart ancient tree appeared, so splendid and sacred, at a glance, it seemed that the worlds were folded together, making people feel a kind of great sacredness, as if this was the origin of the infinite world. It is the source of all things.

"What does this ancient tree represent?"

Feeling the phantom of the ancient tree emerging behind him, Adier frowned, and the thought couldn't help but arise in his heart.

The phantom of the ancient tree behind him was not condensed by him on purpose, but was naturally born after the evolution of his own origin and after combining with his true spirit.

This thing may originate from the ancient jade tree in front of you, or it may originate from something else.

But in front of him, Adil still hasn't figured out these things.

Just vaguely, he had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

The appearance of this ancient tree phantom may have something to do with the ability on him.

Perhaps, the reason why his supernatural power exists is because of this ancient tree.

Standing on the spot, after thinking this, Adil shook his head, then stretched out his hand.

In his hands, the traces belonging to the Emerald Mother slowly condensed, and finally condensed into a unique emerald imprint, which was then sent by Adil into the ancient jade tree in front of him.

A faint glimmer of light flickered, and a burst of light showed.

In front of him, along with the imprint of the Emerald Mother, he entered the ancient jade tree, and the ancient jade tree showed its brilliance and accepted it.

There is no sense of exclusion at all, instead it is full of a sense of harmony and closeness.

Adil was not surprised by the scene in front of him.

After all, the Emerald Mother used to be the master of the Emerald World, and her power is naturally close to the Emerald World.

What's more, according to ancient legends, the mother of jade was bred from the ancient jade tree in front of her, and if she entered the ancient tree in front of her now, there would be no accident.

Standing quietly in the same place, Adil looked forward, observing the appearance of the ancient tree in front of him.

In front of him, the ancient jade tree stood here, the leaves on his body were slowly waving, and there were various auras emerging from the tall body like a world.

Faintly, the source power of the emerald world is being mobilized, first pouring into the ancient tree in front of him, and then slowly condensing on the mark of the mother of jade through the ancient jade tree to help the mother of jade recover quickly.

Standing in place, Adil could see very clearly.

At the heart of the ancient jade tree in front of him, a new life is being conceived at this moment, with the same blood aura from Adiel's body.

This is the mother of jadeite, which is still being conceived at the moment, and it will take a long time before it can be conceived again.

Judging from the current situation, Adier estimates that it will take at least 100,000 years for the Emerald Mother to conceive.

Undoubtedly, this was an extremely long time, but for a divine being, it was nothing.

It's just that in these 100,000 years, the source power of Jade Time will surely be misappropriated a lot.

However, Adil didn't care about it.

His accumulation has long been enough, and it is not important to him for the power of the source, which is incomparably favored by other holiness.

The so-called blessing of authority and the power of the source is only external power after all.

In this world, if you want to go all the way to the top, you have to rely on yourself after all.

After thinking of this, Adil slowly closed his eyes, silently comprehending the surrounding law aura, and began the process of comprehension.

Time passed so slowly.

At least for a long period of time, before the birth of the Emerald Mother, Adil will probably not step out of the emerald world again.

And when Adier was silent in the emerald world, and silently settled in it, in the world of natural disasters, this battle was still going on.

Not long after Adil took action and rescued the Emerald Mother and others, the second battle between the World of Natural Disasters and the World of Gods finally came to a conclusion.

The world of natural disasters was defeated again, and the second layer of the world was occupied by the gods, split from the world of natural disasters and became the land of the gods.

There were no surprises on either side for this result.

The masters of natural disasters have completely withdrawn from the second layer interface, entered the third layer, and began to arrange various means to prepare for the next battle.

And the gods, as the lords of natural disasters expected, stopped their offensive steps and began to arrange on the second floor of the world of natural disasters.

In general, the two sides had a temporary truce, and at the same time began to get busy, preparing for the next war.

And when Adil took the mother of jade back and sent it into the ancient jade tree, he was in the world of natural disasters, and the god of death could not help but turn around and look in the direction of the wizarding world.

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