Under the ancient jade tree, listening to what the mother of jade said, Adil couldn't help but move in his heart and began to connect the information.

According to what the Emerald Mother in front of her said, all the world seas were originally transformed from the original ancient trees.

If this is the case, then it makes sense that Adil's traversal ability can travel through the infinite sea since childhood.

If the traversal ability on Adil really originated from the original tree of the world, then it is quite normal to be able to travel freely in the sea of ​​​​boundary.

After all, to a certain extent, all realms are actually one, and they all originate from the original existence.

As for the transmigration ability on Adil, if its essence is the same, then it seems to be very normal to be able to travel freely in the sea of ​​​​boundary.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn't help but have a kind of enlightenment in his heart, and figured it all out.

It just made him still puzzled, where did the time-travel ability on him come from?

Before coming to this world, Adil was completely an ordinary person, and there was nothing special about him.

In his first life, he was only a mortal, with neither extraordinary power nor supernatural powers.

The transmigration ability was awakened after his death.

At this point, Adil couldn't help frowning, feeling a bit of doubt.

However, even with doubts in his heart, there is one thing that is very clear in front of him.

With the improvement of his strength, all the doubts at the moment will be solved one day.

When Adiel becomes a Xeon one day, and even ascends to the level that masters everything, all doubts will naturally be solved.

In this regard, Adil believes that this day will not be too far away.

As soon as he thought of this, he stood on the spot, and Adier slowly turned around and looked into the distance.

The emerald world is still the same as before, calm and peaceful, filled with strong emerald power, which is gradually permeating at this moment.

As Adil turned around, an inexplicable change began to take place in the jade world at this moment.

The power of jadeite keeps falling down, coming down, and blessing the mother of jadeite in front of her.

The source power that belongs to the jade world is constantly falling. At this moment, under the will of Adil, it all pours into the mother of jade in front of her, and the power on her body begins to become stronger.

Under the nourishment of this strong source, the aura of the Emerald Mother began to slowly change, and quickly began to climb up from the original seven levels.

The power of the Emerald Mother was originally the eighth rank, and even among the eighth rank, it was extremely not weak.

But now, with her fall, her former strength cannot be recovered so quickly.

Therefore, after being reborn from the ancient jade tree and reborn into the world, the strength of the mother of jade at this moment is only worthy of the seventh-order level, which is far from the peak level of the past.

But at this moment, with the influx of the source power of the jade world, the power of the mother of jade is growing rapidly.

The majestic power began to grow rapidly, and a faint emerald light flickered, rippling at this moment.

In front of Adil, the Emerald Mother was enveloped in a huge aura. At this moment, an aura emerged from the whole body, and it was revealed at this moment.

The vast power is emerging, and the entire emerald world is shaking slightly.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the power of the source accumulated in the entire emerald world has emerged together. The power of the source is terrifying. If it is placed in the wizarding world, if it is seen by Garfina and others, it will definitely be shocked. He was stunned, feeling a burst of envy and hatred.

And in fact it is.

Such a huge source of power, if used in other places, can definitely revive the sacred day of the digital fall, and even return to its peak.

It can be said that the power of the source in front of you, placed on other holy bodies, is already an unimaginable number.

At this moment, such a terrifying and majestic source of power poured down together,

Blessing on the Emerald Mother, the aura on the Emerald Mother began to slowly change.

A change occurred slowly and silently.

The faint emerald light is showing, rippling at this moment.

In front of her eyes, the power of the Emerald Mother was surging, and the breath became even deeper. The aura that belonged to the master of the Jade World was clearly visible.

On his body, an emerald imprint slowly appeared, resonating with a certain existence in front of him.

The emerald imprint on Adil's body is also displayed, and it manifests before his forehead at this moment.

If you look closely, you can find that in front of Adil's forehead, the emerald mark is very unique, and its appearance is almost exactly the same as the mark on the mother of jade.

"This is......"

Looking at the imprint that appeared in front of Adier's forehead, the Emerald Mother was stunned for a while, and then she couldn't help but smile: "Is the imprint I gave you back then, is it still there now?"

When Adier was still weak, in order to suppress the curse of natural disasters in his body, the Emerald Mother shared her own source power and sent it to Adier, turning it into an emerald mark.

It's just that now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the original mark should have disappeared at this moment.

Unexpectedly, it still exists.

This is because Adil grows too fast.

At the beginning, the Emerald Mother gave the Emerald Mark so that Adil could have the means to temporarily suppress the natural disaster mark, so as to shelter him for a period of time from the power of the natural disaster.

But later, Adil's growth rate was too fast, and finally, before the power contained in the emerald imprint was exhausted, he solved the curse of natural disasters in his body by himself.

This emerald imprint has naturally remained, and has never been passively used.

"Your mark and strength, I will give you back."

Looking at the Emerald Mother, Adil's face was calm and he waved his hand gently.

Above his body, a thin source of power came out, gushing out directly from his body, towards the Emerald Mother.

The emerald light flickered faintly, and with the return of the mark on Adil, the aura on the Emerald Mother began to change.

The entire emerald world has begun to change, and it is slowly shaking at this moment, slowly blessing on the body of the Emerald Mother.

In silence, the authority of the jade world began to shift, and a considerable part of it began to move towards the mother of jade.

"Why bother?"

Feeling this, the Emerald Mother sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

Adil just shook his head.

"I'm not used to owing people things."

Standing still, looking at the Emerald Mother, he said softly, "As of now, what I owe you has been paid."

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