The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 323: Health cattle

The moment Ryan stepped out of the house, a cool breeze mixed with earthy breath came over.

It might be because it rained last night, and the ground was very humid and muddy.

He looked around and said with emotion: "The changes are really big."

After the Albert family was named the earl family three years ago, it may be due to his outstanding contribution and his acceptance of two million victims from the Yatus Empire. Under the intervention of the church, they Albert The family got a fief with an area of ​​170,000 square kilometers.

The area of ​​the fief is very large, definitely the largest of all earls.

However, these fiefs are wastelands. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to prosper without tens of hundreds of years of development.

The reason...

First, the fiefs are all inaccessible wastelands. These wastelands are generally entrenched with many powerful monsters, including high-level monsters, many top-level monsters, and even legendary monsters if you are unlucky.

The average newly promoted earl family can have one or two paladins in charge. Where can the strength to clear the beasts that get in the way?

This has no effect on Ryan at all.

With his strength, hegemony-level Warcraft cannot be produced, and there is no Warcraft to be his opponent.

And he is also proficient in magic crystal witchcraft, can easily summon dozens of legendary Eudemons to help fight.

It can be said that it is necessary to have the strength to be efficient and efficient. In just three years, even the intermediate-level Warcraft could not be seen within the range of the Albert family's fief.

Second, even if you have enough power to clear the monsters, you will need people to reclaim the wasteland, right?

Where does the village come from if there is not enough population? Where's the town? Even if a lot of farmland has been reclaimed with the mighty power of a first-class wizard, and the canal has been dug to build a reservoir, what is the point of no one to plant the field?

For wasteland like these that still need to be reclaimed, no one wants to come except for the victims who have nowhere to go.

Under normal circumstances, the population can only be slowly developed while reclaiming wasteland. After hundreds of thousands of people in a hundred years, large-scale construction of territories can begin.

Then Ryan directly brought in two million people!

Just skipped the stage of population reproduction!

Because of the Albert family’s backing to the church, the Albert family’s potions were sold to various places in the Six Kingdoms—the name of the land protected by the Great Enchantment of Light due to the demise of the Yatus Empire From the land of the seven countries to the land of the six countries.

The Albert family earned a lot of money by selling potions.

And because Ryan made chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the annual harvest of the same land area doubled several times.

With the territory, the population, the money, and the food, when should we not develop the fief at this time?

Ever since, Ryan became a designer, designing roads, canals, towns, and improving construction tools and transportation tools. The entire Albert Territory developed at a jaw-dropping speed.

Of course, no matter how fast it is, it can't be done in just three years.

For example, the "Lane City" that started construction with the original Albert Castle as the center and named after Ryan is still laying foundations.

Now, at a glance, on this construction site, a construction worker brandished a shovel, shouted folk songs, and sweated to contribute to the construction of the "Lane City".

"Although I drew the drawings and improved many tools, it is not so easy to build a super large city that can accommodate a million long-term residents from scratch."

"How can it take ten to twenty years to complete it?"

"After the completion of'Lane City', the construction of cities and towns in other places will also have to be on the agenda. We can't make a big Albert Territory. There is only'Lane City' as a city?"

"There are too many things that need to be done to build the collar, and it takes too much time."

"Even if I exist, with such good conditions, it won't be possible for a hundred years."

Among them, it is too difficult to build a territory from scratch, but it is more because Ryan’s requirements are too high. According to his standards, when Albert’s territory is built, this land will definitely change. It is the most prosperous and prosperous place in the entire Six Nations.

Ryan glanced around and sighed, then walked towards the Animal Husbandry Research Institute in the distance with his suitcase.

As he walked along, people on the side stopped their work to greet him.

Many people who were far away knelt down directly facing him and kept bowing to him, and even some people who were closer to him hurriedly distanced themselves from him, and then knelt down to worship him.

The reason for this is because he hadn't allowed them to bow down before three times before and five orders.

So they could only go far and bow down in a place that they thought Ryan could not see. In fact, all of this was clearly known by Ryan's extraordinary perception.

Looking at all the workers and peasants who are obviously very tired but also very happy, and watching the carefree little children running around laughing and laughing...

"In my opinion, this extremely harsh environment may be called paradise for them, right?"

Here, although it is not possible to eat meat all at once, and the soft and sweet white bread cannot be the main food, it is not a problem to eat all-you-can-eat brown bread every day and eat meat once a week.

Here, although you can't have the same professional teachers as those noble children, you can learn all kinds of etiquette and swordsmanship, but it is okay to learn literacy, recognize and write some basic common characters, and memorize the formulas of the nine-nine multiplication method.

Here, although you can't dance in a gorgeous long skirt in a brightly lit ballroom, you can't sit in the dome opera house to watch a musical, but a variety of performances are held regularly every week, with sketches, stories, and singing and dancing.

In addition, you can see a doctor if you are sick, and you can buy various medicines at a low price...

For many people at the bottom, they are not afraid of fatigue, and they are not lacking in hard work.

But what happens when you are tired?

What happens after hard work?

Every day I leave early and return late every day, I don’t have a day to stop interest. When I calculate at the end of the year, the money I grow for the grain sold is not enough to pay taxes, and I either sell my children or flee.

At least in the Albert family, you can clearly feel that life is getting better day by day, as long as you work hard, you will gain.

Although the working hours are not shorter than before, most people are happy.

Many people feel that Ryan, who gave them this kind of life, is a messenger from heaven and a saint of the church.

Ryan has explicitly banned this many times, but unfortunately it has little effect. Now he just opened one eye and closed another.

"Da da da……"

He came to the Animal Husbandry Research Institute with the box in his hand.

The dean of the Institute of Animal Husbandry is his student Black, who is mainly used to research and improve chickens, ducks, pigs, dogs, cows... and other livestock.

However, every year a large sum of money is invested and many livestock are consumed, but nothing is gained.

After all, the improvement of livestock, even if Black had the talent for guarding against beasts, would not be able to do it in a short while.

Ryan, who knows that relying on Black and not knowing the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can be effective, and in his spare time, he will help to research some things in this area. The reason why he is here now is to conduct a certain cattle improvement experiment.

When he walked into the Institute of Animal Husbandry, many people, including his student Black, had been standing there waiting for a long time.

His gaze swept across the faces of those people one by one, and every face was so familiar.

Among them, his father Count Tabor is also here.

Since becoming an earl, his father, earl Tabor, has directly acted as the treasurer of his hand, leaving everything to him and Aina to deal with.

Among them is the factor that his father doesn't love power, but the bigger reason is because Count Tabor's strength does not allow it.

To be a baron, his father is definitely one of the best.

When a viscount, he did quite well and couldn't fault him.


And it is not an ordinary earl, but an earl who is rapidly developing his territory and power at an unimaginable speed?

Count Tabor, who has self-knowledge, retired obediently behind the scenes, and left everything to his son Ryan, and his daughter Aina, who was once not seen by him but is now the heir of the family, the family's heir. All matters are handled by these two people.

As for him?

Nothing to practice swordsmanship, to accompany the granddaughter, watering all kinds of flowers and grass, living a very leisurely and very happy life.

Being able to reach the realm of a high-level knight and gaining a fief to become an earl, his long-cherished wish in this life has long been fulfilled. Even if he passes away immediately now, he will be able to smile at Jiuquan. What is there to regret?

After Ryan nodded to his father, Count Tabor, his eyes fell on the other person.

That was a beautiful woman with long white slightly curly hair, a gorgeous face and a dignified manner-Priest Wiener!

Ever since the collapse of the Great Barrier of the Yatus Empire, Priest Wiener has lived in Albert's territory, in the name of taking care of the victims and recuperating the wounded, in fact, he is here to provide for the elderly.

After experiencing so many things, Priest Wiener felt tired physically and mentally. She was tired of the constant fighting and watched the life of comrades-in-arms leaving her.

She left the front line, she wanted to find a place to spend the rest of her life peacefully.

With repeated invitations from Ryan, she was stationed as the person in charge of the church in the Albert Territory.

And the serious injury that took ten years to heal on her body was also healed a long time ago under the active treatment of Ryan, the grand master pharmacist.

Ryan looked at the priest Wiener and smiled: "I didn't expect you to come too?"

Priest Wiener replied: "I heard that you want to improve farming cattle. This is a major issue for farmers in the whole world. How can I not come and take a look?"

Cattle, which can be farmed, carted, and eaten, is definitely the most important partner of farmers.

If the improvement of farming cattle is really successful, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it will affect farmers all over the world.

Although Priest Wiener retreated from the front line, it did not mean that she had given up the idea of ​​benefiting all mankind in her heart. She was just working hard in another way.

How could she not come on such a major event as improving farming cattle?


Priest Wiener cast his eyes on the twenty farm cattle in front of him, and wondered: "These farm cattle are just ordinary farm cattle breeds, right?"

Ryan was not the first to do the improvement of farming cattle to benefit the farmers and the people, nor was it the last to do it.

In various places in the Six Nations, different countries and different people have been researching and cultivating better cattle.

But the research direction of those people is not from the blood line.

For example, domesticating a bull-shaped beast?

For example, crossbreeding ordinary cattle with bull-shaped beasts?

The reason why he has not been successful is that he has encountered two difficult problems that cannot be overcome, domestication and appetite.

The character of Warcraft is generally irritable and aggressive. It is tame in the hands of an animal trainer like a newly weaned puppy, but not everyone has the skills of an animal trainer, especially those farmers who use cattle. NS.

The most difficult point is appetite.

Even if cultivating cattle with gentle personality and blood of Warcraft, it is meaningless if the appetite is too large for the farmers to support.

So many great predecessors have failed, can Ryan succeed?

Priest Wiener had seen too many miracles from Ryan, and she thought it might be possible for Ryan, so she looked forward to it when she heard the news and rushed over to the center.

When she arrived here, she was dumbfounded when she saw that Ryan's experiment object was actually twenty ordinary farming cattle.

She was very puzzled, "How can ordinary cattle be improved if they are improved? Or do you plan to inject them directly with the blood of Warcraft?"

Ryan shook his head to deny Wiener Priest’s conjecture, and then asked: "Have you heard of a healthy cow?"

Priest Wiener was even more puzzled, "Healthy cows? What is that?"

Ryan came to the side of a farm cow, gently stroked the body of the farm cow, and said in a deep voice, "Even weak humans without blood vessels can become a knight by practicing swordsmanship and breathing techniques. Thousands of kilograms of power..."

"So, can other animals?"

"For example, these farm cows in front of you, can they practice breathing? Can they practice health preservation? They are naturally stronger than humans, and they will definitely become stronger after cultivation, right?"

Everyone present was dumbfounded for Ryan's statement.

His father, Earl Tabor, was the first to stand up and retort: ​​"Whether it is knight swordsmanship, knight breathing, or knight regimen, it essentially stimulates the acupuncture points in the human body to achieve the effect of exercise..."

As he said, he pointed to the farm cow in front of him, "How can a cow that doesn't even have acupuncture points practice cultivation?"

Ryan asked back: "Father, are you sure that the cow does not have acupuncture points?"

"Uh..." This question made Count Tabor stunned for a moment.

Immediately he said, "Even if it has acupuncture points, what about it? Does it know how to practice? The knight training method has been perfected step by step by countless knights for thousands of years. Even so, everyone who can become a junior knight is also Unparalleled genius, these farming cattle? Can one million farming cattle breed what you call a healthy cow?"

All living things have acupuncture points, which can be strengthened by stimulating acupuncture points. The breathing method is not exclusive to human beings.

The reason why other animals do not have a practice method similar to breathing method is mainly because of insufficient IQ.

The reason why other people didn't think of a similar method to Ryan was that one of the reasons was that their brains were not big enough. The second reason was that they didn't even understand the usefulness of every acupuncture point in human beings. They asked them to study animals?

But Ryan is different. With the assistance of the artificial intelligence wizard Phoenix, he has thoroughly studied the bodies of these cattle, and he knows exactly what effect each acupuncture point has.

And the reason why he chose the most common quality of farming cattle for research is to make this technology popular.

Facing the doubtful people, Ryan said: "I have researched the health regimen exclusively for farm cattle. We can help farm cattle to practice through acupuncture and medicine. It only takes about six months to get a health regimen. The farming cattle of the introduction of the law are the health cattle in my mouth..."

"Compared with ordinary farming cattle, the digestive capacity of healthy cattle can be greatly improved, and the use of energy is more reasonable. That is to say, they eat less and do more work than before."

"Although because of the health regimen, the enhancement of physique is not obvious, and the strength, speed and defense have not changed much compared with the previous ones, but the endurance and resilience are extremely enhanced. It is not easy to get sick and can do double the previous live……"

"Also, the taste of healthy cows is unmatched by ordinary cows."

Ryan explained the benefits of keeping cattle one by one to everyone present, and everyone was dumbfounded.

After he finished speaking, he asked, "Do you have any questions?"

His student Blake asked with gleaming eyes: "Since the cattle breeding method that has just started up has improved the cattle so much, what about the small success of the method? How about the great success? Or consummation?"

"This question is very good." Ryan explained: "The reason why I chose the health regimen instead of the breathing method, which is more obvious for physical enhancement, is because the regimen is easy to learn and difficult to master. I only find the right method and are willing to spend. In a little time, getting started is extremely easy, but it is extremely difficult to get one step closer..."

"Farming cattle are only farming cattle after all. Their wisdom is too far behind that of human beings. If they want to cultivate the health regimen to small or large, the resources and time required are dozens of times that of humans, which is not cost-effective... "

"As for my current method, it only requires a veterinarian who can perform acupuncture and the preparation of herbal medicines for half a year of supplementary training, and you can get a cow that is better than ordinary cattle in all aspects."

"As for the cost of cultivating a healthy cow..."

Ryan sighed softly, "I still need a little bit, but it's only an experimental stage. Many technologies are not yet mature. I believe that after various optimizations, the price of a healthy cow can be reduced to less than five gold coins."

Then, he opened the suitcase he had brought, which contained a few books, some medicines and stone needles for acupuncture.

He handed the book to Black and said, "I will give you an explanation and demonstration this time, and you will be responsible for the next experiment. Isn't it okay?"

After thinking about it, Blake still didn't have the courage to nod directly, "Can I really?"

Ryan patted his shoulder and smiled: "The preparation of the pharmacy can be handed over to the pharmacy factory. Acupuncture is also very simple. As a senior animal master and a top veterinarian, I believe you will be able to get started soon. "

Encouraged by Ryan, Black finally nodded hard, "...well."

Then, Ryan gave medicine to the twenty farm cows present to perform acupuncture and assisted the farm cattle to practice health maintenance, while explaining to Black ~ ~ five hours later.

Ryan patted Blake on the shoulder and said, "Then the task of raising healthy cattle is left to you. If you have any questions, you can directly contact me. I will come to check every time. I hope you don't let me down."

After handing over the task of keeping the cow to Blake, when Ryan was about to go to work on other things, Priest Wiener suddenly walked over to him and whispered in his ear: "Telena has something to look for you."

This sentence caused Ryan's body to shake suddenly.

With the solemn expression and tone of Priest Wiener when he said these words, we can know that Terena definitely has something to talk about with him. What kind of business can they talk about?

Over the years, whether it is Wiener Priest or Terena, even though he has repeatedly hinted, he has never mentioned a real witch to him, but he knows that the church has been cultivating real witches in secret, how could the church let him be. What about the good seedlings?

After three years of "investigation" on him, is the church finally going to make a move?

Ryan walked quickly towards the place where Terena was with excitement.

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