The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 107: Coincidentally

   From early morning until evening, the kingdom's crusade coalition forces and the Harizi garrison killed a dark place. Near the city walls were piles of fallen dead bodies and broken weapons. The blood stains left dark brown marks on the walls.

   As the siege party, the kingdom crusade against coalition forces lost nearly 10,000 people, of which 2,000 were elite guards of the king.

   As the defensive side, the Harritz defender was also uncomfortable, with more than 2,000 deaths and more than 600 serious injuries, and the loss was not small.

  Although General Sharu was unwilling to do so, looking at the exhausted figure of his army, he could only choose to retreat. Continue to attack will only increase casualties.

   Seeing a group of allied soldiers turned and returned to the camp, Earl Kilian also breathed a sigh of relief. Today's battle finally persisted. Although he was almost rushed to the wall by the opponent, he was always defended.

After    ordered the soldiers to take turns to rest and clean the battlefield, Earl Killian led his soldiers back to his residence.

   At night, the earl’s mansion is brightly lit. In the meeting room, Earl Kilian and many nobles in Harritz discussed the defense plan for tomorrow.

   "Lord Earl, our soldiers have suffered heavy casualties today. If this continues, I am afraid that our soldiers will be completely damaged in a few days."

   "Yes, Lord Earl, I have to think of something as soon as possible."

   "I don't think it is necessary. Although our casualties are not small, the kingdom's coalition forces are more casualties. As long as we behave a little tougher, those nobles will retreat if they can't stand the loss."

   "It sounds good. If the other party does not retreat, I would say that it is better to ask a few wizards in Quiet Woodland to take action. As long as the other party is willing to take action, it will not be easy to destroy the kingdom's coalition forces."

   "You don't have to dream anymore. The lord of Tranquil Woodland has long stated that he will not directly participate in the battle on the front line. Lord Earl has asked for it several times, but it is useless. Let's think of another way."

  Earl Kilian was also very troubled by the quarrel of the nobles below. After all, he didn't have any good solutions. After all, he belonged to the border land, close to the desert, and the biggest battle was the suppression of bandits. There is really no experience in a fierce war like this, so I have to look at the shadow dancer who sits under him the most, oh, now he can be called Viscount Natasha.

   "Viscount Natasha, do you have any good ideas?"

Looking at the look of Earl Kilian’s expectation, Natasha thought for a while, “Although the opponent has more troops than us, but the opponent is coming from a long distance, it must be sleepy and tired. And the opponent’s high-level combat power may not be as strong as ours. Everyone knows. Professionals themselves are very rare, and the kingdom's crusade may not bring many high-level professionals. Moreover, the coalition forces besieged the city, which undoubtedly reduces the density of opposing professionals. On the other hand, everyone's strength has been improved after the adults' rewards. Quite a few, in terms of high-level combat power, there is not much difference between us. As long as we can unexpectedly assassinate the leader of the coalition army, the enemy will have no leader at that time, and then we will have a chance to take advantage of it."

   Count Killian nodded after listening, and turned to the nobleman below, "Then what else do you have?"

   Many nobles are silent, they can think of countless ways to ask them to eat, drink and have fun. But when it comes to war, there is no good way. Besides, when the war has progressed to this level, it has reached the point where the fishes die and the nets are broken. There was no room for maneuver anymore, and many nobles did not care about retaining their strength. They organized the professionals supported by their families and those who were planted with witchcraft models to prepare to attack the coalition camp in the middle of the night.

   At the same time, there were endless quarrels in the coalition camp. Numerous nobles have been responsible for the other side's lack of effort, accusing the other side of indiscriminately commanding the friendly army, and the entire camp is as noisy as a bazaar.

   General Sharu listened for a while, and slapped the table in front of him with an angry palm.

"Don't quarrel. Everyone is like a caregiving peasant woman, where there is a bit of aristocratic demeanor. If your ancestors knew your performance would be ashamed of having descendants like you. Now is not the time to blame each other. Our main problem now is to figure out how to conquer the city of Harrez. If a hundred thousand army cannot conquer Harrez, which is guarded by 10,000 people, the entire kingdom will become the laughing stock of the entire continent. You will also be nailed to history. On the pillar of shame. Now whoever has a solution, speak, or shut your mouth."

   Perhaps it was taken from the power of General Sharu. For a time, many nobles fell silent, and the entire tent was silent.

After a long time, the Duke of Zion stood up and said, "General Sharu, after a day of fighting, I think everyone has discovered that the rebels have been prepared for this rebellion. The equipment to defend the city is also very well prepared. Sufficient. If there is a strong attack, the casualties will be not small. I think everyone will lose more or less after a day of fighting, and everyone does not want to lose precious troops in this desolate small place. I have a way to quickly break through the city. , Is to rely on some of your help, but I don’t know if you are willing to give up."

   "My lord, please tell me, as long as it is reasonable, we will definitely cooperate."

   "Yes, Lord Duke, as long as the plan is reasonable, we will never be stingy."

General Sharu also interjected, "Master Duke, you can tell me if you have any plans. Since there is a way to break the city as soon as possible, you can say it. As long as it is within your ability, I think everyone will contribute to the kingdom. of."

   The Duke of Zion smiled After observing today, I found that the resistance of the rebels was so tenacious because the rebel generals commanded them properly. If we can infiltrate the city of Harrez and kill the opponent's general, then the rebels will have no leader, and we will be able to break Harritz just around the corner. It’s just that this plan requires all of you present to mobilize the professionals in your hands to form an assassination team. I just don't know if you adults are willing to accept it. "

   The words of the Duke of Zion made all the nobles feel distressed. After all, the scarcity of professionals is obvious to all. The professionals in the hands of a nobleman are not hired at a high cost, but are their own personal guards. Now let them pull out their professionals to perform such a dangerous task. No one is willing to do it. In case of injury or death, who should cry.

General Sharu knew what calculations these nobles were making at a glance, "Well, I will personally lead this operation. You will send out all the professionals in your hands. As long as you participate in this mission, the kingdom will give out an extra copy. Rewards, the kingdom will reissue the pension for those who are injured or die, so you can rest assured, right?"

   The great nobles below heard that General Sharu said that he knew that the general was cruel, and if he refused to find a reason, he might be convicted by General Sharu. In desperation, I had to agree.

   General Sharu smiled satisfied when he saw that the nobles below acquiesced in this plan.

   Among these people, the pressure on him is the greatest. If the rebels had not been suppressed, these nobles would have lost some strength at most, and they could return to their fiefs by slapping their buttocks. And he is likely to be executed by the king. I can only fight for my own wealth and life.

   "Since everyone has no objections, please go back and make arrangements. We will leave at one o'clock this morning."

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