The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 123: Outpost and Celia

There are more and more alien creatures coming to the mainland from the broken crystal wall. The Nordic patrols constantly encounter all kinds of strange alien creatures going south. After several encounters, both sides have their own Damaged, the Nords established a strong camp to resist the alien creatures that were about to go south.

   And these alien creatures are also actively building bridgeheads in this world. Except for the sporadic dispatch of investigative teams, there is no meaning of the army going south. For a while, the two sides turned into a strange state of calm. However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this kind of calm is just that both sides are not ready to attack. Once the preparations are completed, it will be an extremely tragic war. After all, this is related to the survival of the race.

   This war is not the same as the war of the Nords to unite the continent. After all, the Nords have a human appearance, and they are the aboriginals of the mainland. Coupled with the Nords’ belief in the religion of life that all beings are equal, and the implementation of relatively enlightened policies, this makes the Nords suffer at the bottom. The resistance is relatively small. And the same human appearance can also shorten the distance between each other to a certain extent.

And this time the invasion of this world is completely another species. When the corpses of those strange alien creatures with fangs, fangs, fangs and sharp teeth were taken back by the patrol, the entire rear was exploded. Coupled with the fact that the cult of Life God will continue to vilify the opponent into the minions of evil gods, many people who were originally skeptical have turned to completely support the resolute resistance policy. The people at the bottom also donated money and materials to support the frontline war. After all, winning or losing in the front-line battle is related to their wealth and life, so they couldn't help but work hard.

   For a time, the barriers between the various races on the road have been eliminated a lot, and many contradictions have been temporarily shelved, and everyone is ready to deal with the invading alien creatures.

In fact, this situation is easy to understand. After all, the fight between humans and humanoids is ultimately just a change of leader. How should everyone live or how to live, basic safety and life are still guaranteed . Suddenly breaking into a group of alien creatures is terrible. Who knows if these creatures will use humans as fertilizer after they become the master? Even if it is instinctive, everyone will choose to fight.

   Kenan is quite satisfied with the emergence of this kind of unity on the mainland. His goal is as long as there is no trouble in the war. When there is peace, there will be time to slowly transition.

   The situation at the rear is much better, but the situation at the front is not optimistic. Although the main military forces of both sides are stationed in place to accumulate strength. But alien creatures don't seem to have a clear leader, just a looser alliance. Many creatures left the camp and headed south.

   These creatures are mostly a group of species. After leaving the camp, they bypassed the Nordic camp and headed south.

  In order to deal with these drifting alien creatures and prevent them from attacking his rear base, Kenan had to organize a large number of mobile troops to patrol and build outposts on the main traffic arteries to prevent invasion. Kenan has arranged beacon towers and communication slabs at each post to facilitate the police.

   This communication slate is also a witchcraft product made by Kenan. It is an improved product based on the secret mark. Although the communication distance is limited, it is sufficient for the moment. The reason why the beacon tower is arranged after the communication slab is equipped is mainly because the other party has the means to block the spread of witchcraft energy. In order to prevent the communication slab from failing, Kenan added a layer of primitive means as a precaution.

   After all, no one knows what strange abilities these alien creatures have. Maybe there is a creature that will make you suffer a big loss in a place you can't think of. What if you don't make complete preparations.

   Sailia is the commander of Shiratori Mountain No. 27 post. He has a small group of Nord soldiers and two professionals.

   Sailia was originally the only daughter of a small businessman, and her family was still rich, so she was also rich in clothes and food. But the happy days didn't take long. In the year Celia was sixteen years old, the nobleman whom his father was affiliated with fell from power. After arriving at the backer, the Celia's family was spotted by the hostile noble forces from the front backer.

  Her father was charged casually and sentenced to hang. The family's property was also confiscated, and Celia escaped because of her beautiful appearance and was not directly sentenced to death. Instead, she was sent to the aristocratic mansion.

   During the two years in the aristocratic mansion, Celia was tormented and wanted to die several times. However, the hatred of the ruined family made Celia persevere. Always looking for opportunities for revenge.

   In order to get revenge, Celia endured humiliation while seeking revenge. However, this nobleman has a very good security awareness. Even when he went to bed, he followed a few and Celia could hardly touch any metal weapons. Therefore, Celia has not found a chance for revenge.

   In addition to dealing with the nobles, the thing that Celia does most every day is to pray. Celia swears that if someone can avenge her, she is willing to pay all the price. Unfortunately, there has been no response. While Celia was frustrated and ready to die, the Nordic army captured the city, and Celia was released as a prisoner imprisoned by the nobles. In order to gain the support of civilians, the Nords publicly tried a group of nobles who usually committed more evil, and the noble who had oppressed Saylia for two years was also listed.

   After the nobleman was sentenced to fire, Saylia threw the first torch on the pyre that burned the nobleman as a victim. Seeing the noble screaming in the flames, Celia's heart was filled with inexplicable emotions, both the joy of revenge, the sentimentality of his family, and the confusion about the future.

   After taking revenge, Saylia lost the spiritual pillar of her life, and for the first time had a confused emotion about the future. Perhaps it was the arrangement of fate. Just as Celia was lost, the Nords began to preach the doctrine of the religion of life in the city. And Celia is like a man falling into the water, grabbing this straw, and constantly filling the void in his heart with the doctrine of the **** of life. Ease your sadness.

   Due to hard work and devotion to the doctrine, Saylia was sent to the temple of prayer to receive the blessing of the gods. And because of Celia's pious beliefs, he was given twelve witchcraft by the rune slab, and became the person who obtained the most magical magic among the non-Nords. Because of Celia's outstanding performance, Celia was exceptionally selected as a Templar. Then received short-term combat training. After the training, Seliya was assigned to post No. 27 to start his military career.

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