The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 145: Probe

After listening to Wizard Sinclair’s recount, Kenan probably understands the matter. To put it bluntly, an organization that is not under the jurisdiction of the Academy appeared in the area ruled by the Clover Wizard Academy, and this organization also touched the Academy’s cake. But this organization is powerful, and Wizard Sinclair himself is a little worried, so he is ready to take him to check it out, and if the opponent is not strong enough, he will directly destroy the opponent. e Xiao ┡ said ww ┡ w1xiaoshuo, after all, there is no room for two tigers, the cake is so big, since someone dares to reach out, you must be prepared to be chopped off.

Kenan is not opposed to this kind of part-time thugs. With Kenan’s current strength, he can still run as long as he is not directly confronted with the legendary powerhouse and can’t beat himself confidently, and it depends on the current rupture of the World Crystal Wall. , It seems that it is still not enough for the legendary strong to pass, after all, many laws are not universal, and if you enter rashly, you may risk falling. Since there is not much risk, there are still benefits to be gained, so why not be a thug. It's just that the price needs to be negotiated.

After a decision is made, it is time to discuss the price, "Four materials, I account for 70% of the loot."

"The two pieces of information, the trophies are equally divided." The sky was overwhelmingly demanding to pay back the money, and the Sinclair Wizard would naturally not let Kenan slaughter him in the face of the transaction.

"The three pieces of information, the trophies are equally divided, otherwise no discussion." Kenan said calmly.

Wizard Sinclair looked at Kenan's firm eyes and said helplessly, "Deal."

"When will you leave?" Now that an agreement has been reached, Kenan will naturally perform his duties.

"Of course the sooner the better." Wizard Sinclair was also anxious.

"Give me the information, we can go now."

"Well, yes." Wizard Sinclair took out a few materials that Kenan needed from the library and gave them to Kenan, and then flew with Kenan on an airship towards the resident of the Holy Eye Church.

The airship chosen by the Sinclair wizard is different from the airship Kenan had taken before. This airship is very small, only more than five meters long, and can only seat six ordinary people. The defense is relatively weak, and there are no shipborne weapons. The only advantage is that the airship is relatively fast, which is the highest of all airships. The existence of fast is more than three times faster than the average airship.

Kenan didn't care much about what kind of airship he would take. Anyway, he was not a greedy person, as long as there was a place for him to read quietly.

The speed of the airship was very fast, and it only took more than a day to arrive at the resident of the Church of the Holy Eye, a small coral island. Wizard Sinclair pointed to a huge manor in the middle of the island and said, "According to the information we have, that manor is the residence of the Church of the Holy Eye. I don't know what's going on inside. Our informants are all outside. Existence, there is no way to detect the existence inside."

Kenan looked at this silent manor shrouded in the moonlight and sneered. "A church doesn't even have a decent mission hall. I don’t know how they developed it. If there is no deceptive brainwashing method to attract Believers, then don’t even believe in ghosts. However, an evil **** who uses the manor as a missionary is not a very powerful existence, but it can save us a lot of trouble, so let’s go and take a look first."

The Wizard Sinclair had this intention, so the two pushed open the airship's hatch, and then took advantage of the night to perform flying skills and gently landed on the beach of the island.

Kenan used detection witchcraft before landing, and now the entire island has not deployed too many detection witchcraft except near the manor. Compared with this, it is related to the existence of many ordinary people on the island. Deploying detection witchcraft would not be annoying to these civilians every day.

Seeing that there was no detective witchcraft, Kenan propped up the fog of trickery and enveloped the Sinclair wizard. Together, the two moved towards the large manor in the middle of the island.

After arriving near the manor, Kenan also started various detection witchcraft checks, and then proficiently began to dismantle various witchcraft traps and defensive runes. Although these witchcraft traps and defensive runes are somewhat different from the mainstream design methods on Witcher University 6, one trick can be used for everything. Although the design ideas are different, after all, they have not deviated from the rune concept that Kenan is familiar with. In addition, Kenan is very knowledgeable, so it is not too difficult to crack.

Seeing Kenan proficiently cracking all kinds of defensive witchcraft, the wizard Sinclair had a cold sweat on his head. He really couldn't imagine what Kenan had done before to practice defensive witchcraft like this. ability. Wizard Sinclair decided to check the college library and database when he went back.

With Kenan opening the way in front, the two quickly entered the interior of the manor. It may be because of strong self-confidence, or it may be for other In addition to the large number of defensive witchcraft and guard witchcraft on the periphery of the manor, the Church of the Divine Eye also has it inside the manor. There are no other defensive facilities, not even detection witchcraft, and it does not look like a big 6 wizard at all.

Kenan and the Sinclair wizard glanced at each other, and both of them revealed the same message. There was definitely a problem with this church.

Just as the two were about to continue to explore the manor, a cold energy wave suddenly spread from the ground of the manor. All the vegetation that was swept by the energy wave seemed to have lost its vitality, and gradually withered, and there were even many trees. As if it had become a dry tree for thousands of years, it fell to the ground and turned into pieces of wood on the ground.

Kenan picked up a piece of broken wood and felt it carefully, "Strong negative energy fluctuations, containing the characteristics of cold and death, initially judged to be a star level."

Wizard Sinclair also picked up a piece of his own and checked it to confirm what Kenan said, and then he said to Kenan, "Let's go to the place where the energy explodes. It is better than a slow search."

Kenan thought for a while, "Anyway, I want to meet the host here. It's better to just go and check it out. If the other party is not prepared, just kill it."

So the two sneaked into the basement of the manor along the remnants of energy fluctuations. The entire manor has been hollowed out, and a huge space of hundreds of square meters has been excavated by everyone. Numerous butter torches illuminated the entire hall. Hundreds of people in black robes knelt down in the hall. Among them, praying loudly toward the altar in the center of the hall, dozens of shriveled corpses were thrown aside, red blood was smeared on the altar, and above the altar was a huge eyeball and full-bodied Orb-fitted monster with teeth and big mouth.

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